Monday, July 20, 2015


"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1

There are many promises in this chapter of Psalms, but they come to those who are "dwelling" in the secret place of the Most High.  There is a difference in "dwelling" in a place and just "visiting" it.  Many who profess Christianity are only "visiting"-- they don't "dwell".  

To dwell means to sit down, to settle in, to inhabit, to have as one's abode-- it's the place you live.  That is a far cry from what many tend to do where God is concerned.  They rush in and out of His presence-- check in and check out like you do at a hotel.  They go to God when they have a need.  They run to Him when they are in trouble.  They seek Him out when they have a problem.  But that is not necessarily dwelling.

Dwelling means you live your life in Him-- at all times.  It means that He is your life.  It means that you have taken up residency in Him.  He is where you live.  It means you are always aware of His presence.  It means you don't make a move without seeking Him.  It means you have His desire and will in mind-- even above your own.  It means that you can't wait to come into His presence in prayer.  It means you love and apply His word to your life.  It means you enjoy worshipping Him. 

Are you dwelling in the Lord?  Is He where you "live"?  Are you comfortable in Him or feel "at home" in His presence?  Or is He just somewhere you go when you are in need?

Have a great day.  Is the Lord your dwelling place or just the place you visit?
 For further reading:
Acts 17:28

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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