I don't care how old you are, how well educated you are or how much you think you know, we all need instructions from time to time. Practically everything we purchase or have to assemble come with instructions. When we try to get information about a service we have, get through to our doctor, check on our banking, we have to follow the instructions given to us by the automated menu. Those instructions are meant to help us.
This world is full of instructions to help us navigate through it. By the same token in order for us to be successful in our spiritual life God has given us instructions as well. If we heed and follow those instructions we will do well. We will be victorious, we will walk in abundant life, we will run the race with the strength and endurance that we need. But on the other hand, if we neglect to heed and follow the Lord's instructions we will struggle, we will fall short, we will not be successful, we will miss out. It won't be God's fault. We can't blame Him. He has given us the instructions that we need to make it through whatever situation we are facing. If we don't follow them it will be our fault when things go poorly.
I know people who try to assemble something without ever reading the instructions-- perhaps you are one of them. When they think they can do it without the instructions, they mess up. They have left over parts. The thing is lopsided. It isn't sturdy. It has to be redone. The same principle applies in dealing with the spiritual life. If you are wondering why things aren't working out. If you are wondering why you aren't victorious. If you are wondering why things are always going wrong and never seems to get any better. Perhaps it is because you are trying to do it without reading the instructions and following what the Creator says to do.
Have a great day. You can't make it through life or have a successful spiritual life without reading, heeding and following the Lord's instructions.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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