How many times have you heard someone say, "It is too late for me. I am too old."? Perhaps you have said it yourself. We tend to think that when we get older we are too old for the Lord to use us, to fulfill dreams, to be of any service or value.
When we look through the scriptures, we see that the Lord has used many young people to do His work and accomplish His plan. He crowned Josiah to be king over Israel when he was only eight years old. He chose a young virgin to give birth to His Son Jesus. He used a young Timothy to pastor a church. He anointed David to be king of Israel when he was still a young shepherd boy. But God is not a respecter of persons. He looks for willing hearts and yielded vessels regardless of age, gender, education, position, financial status, etc.
God used Moses to lead His people out of Egyptian bondage at the age of eighty until he was one hundred and twenty years old. Caleb fought a battle and took possession of a mountain that was promised to him when he was between eighty and ninety years old. Elizabeth was old and pass the child bearing age when she gave birth to John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ. Sarah gave birth to the son of promise when she was around ninety years of age. These are only a few that the Bible tells us about.
The point this morning is this-- you are never too old for the Lord to use you to accomplish the task that He has called you to. You are never too old to not fulfill His plan for your life. It is never too late. Age doesn't matter to the Lord. He chooses young and old alike. Stop letting the devil convince you that you are too old. Stop letting other people intimidate you and make you think that your best days are past and you are of no use. Stop letting society label you as too old and unable. Don't let the weakness of your own body determine God's plan for you. It is God's calling, it is God's plan, it is God's work, it is God's will and He can call and equip whoever He chooses to do it.
Have a great day. It is not too late. You are not too old to do what God has planned for and designed you to do.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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