In one of the past devotions we listed from A to Z Who God is. You may do this yourself from time to time as a reminder of His excellent glory. This morning I want to list, not who He is, but from A to Z what He has done for me-- as a testimony and reminder of His excellent goodness to me.
A - He is Always with me.
B - He Bestows upon me every good and perfect gift.
C - He Cares for me.
D - He Delivers me from all my fears.
E - He Encourages me.
F - He Feeds me with my daily bread.
G - He Gives me all things freely.
H - He Handles all my problems for me.
I - He Instructs me in the way I should go.
J - He Just simply is good to me.
K - He Keeps me from falling.
L - He Loves me.
M - He Makes my feet like hind's feet to walk on high places.
N - He Never leaves me nor forsakes me.
O - He Owns it all and shares it with me.
P - He Protects me.
Q - He Quickens me by His Spirit.
R - He Restores me soul.
S - He Saved me.
T - He Talks to me.
U - He Understands me and loves me anyway.
V - He Visits me in my times of need.
W - He Walks with me through the rough places.
X - He X-rays my heart to see if there is any displeasing thing in it.
Y - His Yoke, which is easy and light, He places on me in exchange for my heavy one.
Z - He gives me Zeal to continue to persevere in my walk with Him.
Perhaps you would like to take some time today to remind yourself from A to Z of the good things that He has done and does do for you.
Have a great day. The Lord is everything from A to Z to us.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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