Monday, March 9, 2020

Coffee Break - Forest Fire- Part 2

Coffee Break

"Forest Fire - Part 2"

Last week we talked about having the fire of the Holy Spirit burning so intensely in our lives that it would jump across all barriers that are in the hearts of man and reach their lives with the love and light of Jesus.

We compared the fire of the Spirit to that of a raging forest fire.  One of the things I said was that when the fires are so big, the firefighters will come and try to contain it or put it out.  I want to talk about this for a moment. 

When we are allowing the Lord to make His fire bigger in us and it starts touching lives for His glory, just like those firefighters who come and try to extinguish the fire, the enemy will come and try to extinguish it in us.  Our enemy, the devil, comes to steal, kill and destroy.  He is a "firefighter"! (He fights against the fire of God.)  He is trying to put out our fire and stop it from spreading. 

Firefighters have a strategy to try to extinguish fires. One thing they do is pour water on it.  Another thing they do is clear a large path in a big circle around the fire so the blaze is contained in a ring of dirt.  They also use a tool called a Pulaski-- it's a combination of an ax and hoe used to dig a fire line.

The devil has a strategy as well.  He will try pouring water on your fire.  He will stir up people who will discourage or criticize you.  He will try through persecution.  He also has tools that he uses to dig up your past to keep you from going forward.  He will dig at you with accusations, with threats, with guilt from past sins and condemnation. Another one of his devices is to try to contain the fire by drawing a big circle around you.  This is for the purpose of isolating you from other believers.  He will try to isolate you through misunderstandings, offense and jealousy.  

The Bible says we aren't ignorant of satan's devices.  So be aware and on guard, that when the fire of the Spirit starts getting bigger in you, he will come to try to put it out.  Don't let him!

Have a great day.  When the fire of God is burning through you, watch out for the "firefighter".


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