Friday, March 27, 2020

Coffee Break - Behind The Door

Coffee Break 
"Behind The Door"
"And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.  And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it." - Exodus 12:7,8
The night that the death angel passed through Egypt the Israelites were in their homes safe behind closed doors.  They were safe because the Lord had given them instruction concerning what they must do to keep death from touching their firstborn.  So, what were they doing while locked in their houses?  
1)  They were preparing the lamb for cooking.
2)  They were baking unleavened bread.
3)  They were preparing to leave the land. 
4)  They were eating the lamb.
In a nutshell, they were eating the lamb and getting prepared to step into the promise of God (to dwell in the land He had given them through Abraham).
Some of us have been closed up in our homes during this virus.  I wonder, as Christians, are we doing the same thing during this time as the Israelites did that night?  Are we "eating" the Lamb?  Jesus is the Lamb of God.  Are we partaking/eating of His presence, His goodness, His grace, His mercy and His loving kindness?  Are we "tasting and seeing" that He is good? (Psalm 34:8)  
Are we learning about His promises by spending time in His word-- studying it and growing in grace and knowledge?   Are we getting acquainted with His precious promises?  Do we know what they are?  Are we preparing so that we will be ready to step into His promises when it is time to come out from behind the doors?
What are you doing behind the "doors"?  Are you trying to find things to do to occupy your time with?  Are you binge-watching your favorite television program?  Are you playing computer games all day, surfing the web or hanging out on Facebook, etc.?  I know we are creatures who are geared to entertainment and recreation, and I understand that we have to have some leisure time in life-- the Lord understands that too.  But does your leisure time outweigh your time of getting into His presence and allowing Him to prepare you to step into His plan for your life?  
The Israelites weren't idling wasting time behind those doors.  They were obeying the word of the Lord, they were eating the lamb and they were preparing for their journey.  Are we doing the same?
Have a great day.  What are you doing behind closed doors? 

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