Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coffee Break - Times Of Trouble

"Times Of Trouble"

"The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble." Psalm 9:9

Did you notice the verse said, "times of trouble", not just "time of trouble"? It's because trouble comes to us many times during our life- it is not just a one time event. Wouldn't that be wonderful if we only experienced trouble once in our lifetime and never faced it again! But that's not the way it is. Trouble can come to us daily, and even many times a day. Trouble often comes unexpectedly, and at times it seems to be waiting for us around ever corner.

Times of trouble come to us all- none are exempt- but when it does, we are not at its mercy. We, who know the Lord as our Savior, know that He is also our refuge in those times when trouble comes. As we have said already, trouble doesn't happen to us just once in our lifetime, therefore, neither does the Lord come to our aid only once. He doesn't tell us to pick which trouble we want His help in because He is only going to help us once. No, He is a refuge to us each and every time we face trouble.

Are you going through one of those times of trouble this morning? There is a place of refuge and help for you. It's the Lord Himself. He will make His presence your place of refuge. Go to Him and find help, safety, comfort, strength, guidance, whatever you need to make it through these times.

I guess I should add this too. Trouble comes many times, and God will be a refuge each time so don't get the "mentality" that you should pick and choose which time to go to God. Some people do that. That won't go to Him in times of "certain" trouble because they think this trouble is too small to bother God about. Or they think that they have gone to Him too many times already for His help. That's wrong thinking! That's just what the enemy wants you to think so that you will not go to your place of refuge and help so that he can destroy you. You can't go to God too much! You can't seek His help too many times! There is no trouble too small or too big for Him! You are not bothering Him when you do! It doesn't matter how many times you go to Him because He wants you to come to Him.

So, again, if today you are in one of those times of trouble. Remember you have a refuge- Jesus!

Have a great day. Trouble comes to us many times... and God is our refuge each time.

For further reading:
Psalm 27:5
Psalm 37:39
Psalm 46:1
Psalm 57:1
Proverbs 14:26
Isaiah 33:2

Monday, March 30, 2020

Coffee Break - New Day

"New Day"

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that God has been in the "day making business" for a long, long time? He has made every one of them since the first day-- And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." (Genesis 1:3,5) Each day, day in and day out, for thousands and thousands of years, God has caused each brand new day everyday.

What does that tell you about the Lord? It tells me that He is faithful. Each new day speaks of His faithfulness. There has never been a time in history when He skipped making a day. He doesn't quit and He doesn't give up. He continues to provide us with a new day every day.

It also tells me of His great power. God has the ability to continually produce the resources that are needed to make a day. He is not limited to supply what is needed. His power is so great that the sun obeys His word and rises in the morning at the appointed time. He is so powerful that all of creation stands fast by His word.

Lastly, it tells me that He is a wonderful provider. If God is able to make a day, He is certainly able to supply everything that we need each day. As a matter of fact, it was in the six days of creation that we first see what a wonderful provider He is. When did He create man? On the sixth, last, day of creation. Why didn't He create us on the first? Or on the second, third, fourth or fifth? If He had, where would we have lived? We would have been floating around in space. Or what would we have eaten? How would we have seen without light? He created us on the last day after He had created everything for us that we would need. When He created us, everything was already here waiting for us- the provision was already made.

I have to wonder if the dawning of each new day isn't also a sign from the Lord to us on a more personal level. A sign, or perhaps a reminder of the faithfulness of God, of His mighty power and of His wonderful provisions.

Have a great day. With each new day, let it encourage you personally that God is your faithful, all-powerful, provider.

For further reading:
Genesis 1
Psalm 33:9
Psalm 19:1,2
Lamentations 3:23
Psalm 97:6

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coffee Break - Behind The Door

Coffee Break 
"Behind The Door"
"And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.  And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it." - Exodus 12:7,8
The night that the death angel passed through Egypt the Israelites were in their homes safe behind closed doors.  They were safe because the Lord had given them instruction concerning what they must do to keep death from touching their firstborn.  So, what were they doing while locked in their houses?  
1)  They were preparing the lamb for cooking.
2)  They were baking unleavened bread.
3)  They were preparing to leave the land. 
4)  They were eating the lamb.
In a nutshell, they were eating the lamb and getting prepared to step into the promise of God (to dwell in the land He had given them through Abraham).
Some of us have been closed up in our homes during this virus.  I wonder, as Christians, are we doing the same thing during this time as the Israelites did that night?  Are we "eating" the Lamb?  Jesus is the Lamb of God.  Are we partaking/eating of His presence, His goodness, His grace, His mercy and His loving kindness?  Are we "tasting and seeing" that He is good? (Psalm 34:8)  
Are we learning about His promises by spending time in His word-- studying it and growing in grace and knowledge?   Are we getting acquainted with His precious promises?  Do we know what they are?  Are we preparing so that we will be ready to step into His promises when it is time to come out from behind the doors?
What are you doing behind the "doors"?  Are you trying to find things to do to occupy your time with?  Are you binge-watching your favorite television program?  Are you playing computer games all day, surfing the web or hanging out on Facebook, etc.?  I know we are creatures who are geared to entertainment and recreation, and I understand that we have to have some leisure time in life-- the Lord understands that too.  But does your leisure time outweigh your time of getting into His presence and allowing Him to prepare you to step into His plan for your life?  
The Israelites weren't idling wasting time behind those doors.  They were obeying the word of the Lord, they were eating the lamb and they were preparing for their journey.  Are we doing the same?
Have a great day.  What are you doing behind closed doors? 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coffee Break - Misplaced Value

"Misplaced Value"

"Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich." Proverbs 28:6

The scripture is making a comparison here- not between the rich and poor, but between the one who does good and the one who does evil. Unlike us, the Lord puts more value on what a person is on the inside rather than what he has in possessions. What we have is temporary, what we are is eternal. Riches and material possessions only last for a short time, you can't take them with you when you depart this earth and you have no guarantee that you will keep them while you are here.

Jesus told the story of two men- one was a rich man and the other was a poor man, a beggar named Lazarus. By our estimation the rich man was the one who was prosperous and well off, and Lazarus was the one who was poor. God's estimation was different. God considered Lazarus the richer of the two. How do we know? The story goes on to tell us that Lazarus went to heaven when he died and the rich man went to hell. Lazarus may not have had material riches while he was here, but he had eternal ones when he died- therefore, he was the richer one.

True wealth is not measured by the size of your bank account, the size of your house, what vehicle you drive, your annual income. True wealth is measured by Jesus Himself. If Jesus isn't in your life, then you are poor, even though you may have millions in the bank. Many people have misplaced value- they value the things of this world instead of putting value on the things that are eternal. When the scripture asks,"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26), it is really pointing us in the direction of what we should value more highly-- our eternal soul and making sure that we have eternal life when we leave this world. That's the real riches. Any one who wants to have true riches can have them, they come by putting your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and then following Him as your Lord.

Have a great day. You may have lots of possessions but that doesn't mean that you are rich- having eternal life is what makes you truly rich.

For further reading:
Luke 16:20-26
Matthew 6:21
Proverbs 8:18
Proverbs 11:4
Proverbs 13:7
Proverbs 23:5

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coffee Break - It's Changing

"It's Changing"

"For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Malachi 3:6

Who would have ever dreamed a few months ago that we as a nation, and the whole world, would be facing the things we are facing today.   Because of this virus we are facing health issues, economic troubles, isolation from our families, friends and churches.  Sports events, entertainment events, as well as schools have been canceled.  Businesses and travel to other nations have been shut down.  Food and other necessities have become in short supply.  But that isn't the bottom-line.  Everything at this point in our nation is subject to change.  You don't know what new development you may wake up to in the morning.  "The times they are a changing".

There is an endless list of things that have changed that I haven't even already named.  But amidst all the change and all the uncertainty about tomorrow and the future, there is one thing we can rest assured of-- The Lord does not change.  He is the same today as He was yesterday.  He will be the same tomorrow as He was today.  

So, when we say the Lord hasn't changed, what do we mean?  He hasn't changed in power.  He is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think.  His power does not diminish with time.  He hasn't changed in His love.  He loved us while we were  sinners, and He loves us still today.  He hasn't changed in His faithfulness.  He is faithful to a thousand generations.  He hasn't changed in His ability to work all things together for good.  He hasn't changed in the fact that He still judges sin and at the same time is still more willing to show mercy.  He hasn't changed in His promise to never leave you nor forsake you.  He hasn't changed in His ability to answer prayer.  There is so much more about Him that hasn't changed-- too much to write.  But the one thing that we can count on for sure is-- He is still your answer.  He has always been the answer to all of life's problems and He still is today-- that will NEVER change.

Have a great day.  Things are changing daily-- all except the Lord God. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coffee Break - It Is Two

"It is Two"

"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."  Matthew 9:38

Last week I did a live video on Facebook.  I stated that I believe what we are seeing with this virus is part of judgement on the nation.  Our nation has sinned against God through abortion, same sex marriage and greed for money.  We have also made idols out of sports and entertainment.  We have taken prayer out of schools and allowed our children to be taught non-Biblical world views.  If you have noticed, these have all been shut down until further notice.  But churches have also been shut down, so what does that mean.  If the shutting down of these world venues is a judgment, then the church shutting down must be a judgment too.  (The Bible does say that judgment begins first at the house of God.-1 Peter 4:17)  This is what I want to talk about this morning.  

I believe what is going on where the church is concerned is two-fold: 

1)  God is judging us for not making a stand against the shedding of innocent lives; for not standing for marriage according to God's design- but instead we have embraced it in the church and pulpits.  Also we have allowed sports and entertainment to stop us from going to God's house when there is a conflict of schedule.  We have also replaced the anointing of Holy Spirit with programs, talent, education and gimmicks.  We have lost our first love. For the most part it is hard to tell the church from the world... as a whole.
Because God loves to show mercy more than He loves judgment, He is giving us the opportunity to repent and get things right.  It is the mercy of God to judge us.  How many of you, if you saw your child doing something wrong and in the end it would ultimately bring them harm, wouldn't you correct them.  God loves us enough to correct/judge us.  

2)  We all believe that there will be a great end-time revival before the return of Christ.  His return is soon.  Actually, there is an end-time harvest of sons and daughters being brought into the Kingdom before the return of Christ.  In order for the harvest to happen, it is the church that needs to be revived.  The prefix "re" means to do again.  Revive means to come back alive again.  The world is dead in trespasses and sins.  They don't need reviving-- the church does.  
During this time while we are shut-in, away from the distractions, away from those idols, it is the perfect opportunity to get back to our first love, get revived, get renewed, refreshed, realigned, restructured, the fire of the Spirit rekindled in our lives, regenerated, etc. 

Every time the Lord is ready to do something powerful in the earth, or an individual life, He separates people in a solitary/confined place.  Mary was separated and shut away from the people in the inn and gave birth to the Messiah.  The Israelites were separated from the Egyptians the night of the tenth plague and when they came out, they came out delivered  from bondage.  Jesus was separated in the wilderness and came out preaching and manifesting the Kingdom of heaven.  Jesus was separated for three days in the tomb and came out carrying the keys of eternal life and reconciliation to God!   

This is a time, during this separation, for the church to get on our faces and repent, and realign ourselves with God's commission to win the lost, and get back near to Him in absolute surrender.  It is time for the end-time harvest of sons and daughters.  Jesus said that the harvest was ripe--- pray for laborers.  God's judgment is wrapped in mercy.  If you will surrender and not rebel and use this time to get back close to and dependent on Him, He will use you to have a part in this great harvest.  (James 5:7) 

Have a great day.  Repent and separate yourself to the Lord. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coffee Break - Weak Knees

"Weak Knees"

"My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness." Psalm 109:24

The Psalmist said that his knees were weak because of his fasting (abstaining from food). I want to talk about another fasting that brings weakness, not to our bodies, but to our spirits.

The Bible calls its words bread, milk and honey. When we aren't reading it, studying it and meditating upon it, we are doing what I call "spiritual fasting". God's word feeds us spiritually. When we neglect it and go without it, we aren't "eating". The result? "Weak knees".

What does that mean? People who have weak knees have a hard time moving around. People who have weak knees also have a hard time standing. People with weak knees are prone to falls. Likewise, having weak knees, spiritually speaking, makes it hard for us to move around- it makes it hard for us to "walk in the Spirit". It makes it hard for us to "stand" when the enemy comes against us and easy to fall.

"Weak knees" is also an idiom that expresses a strong emotion about something or someone- this emotion is often fear. If you are fasting God's word, you will have "weak knees", which means you will be operating in fear instead of faith, you'll be led by your emotions instead of by the Spirit, you'll be intimidated instead of having boldness, you will always feel defeated because you won't have a "spiritual leg" to stand on because your knees will "buckle" under you, and the result will be a fall.

There is a way to have "strong knees" instead of weak ones so that you can stand, move freely in the spirit, keep from falling and be full of faith. The remedy: EAT! You are going to have to "eat" God's word everyday.

Have a great day. Spiritual fasting causes spiritual weakness.

For further reading:
1 Peter 2:2
John 5:39
Psalm 119:11
John 6:63

Friday, March 20, 2020

Coffee Break - Grace Is Enough

"Grace Is Enough"

"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

For the last couple of days I have had a chorus playing over and over in my thoughts. The words that I keep hearing are- "Your grace is enough; Your grace is enough for me". I am so glad for God's grace; it is enough for whatever we may be going through.

This morning, I don't know what you are facing- tragedy, problems in a relationship, unruly children, a demanding boss, financial stress or any one of a million other situations- but I want to remind you that "God's Grace is Enough"! That means that grace is all you need to make it through. It has been said that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. He brings you through it by His grace. Grace is the vessel that will carry you through the most difficult trial. It will reach into the lowest valley. It will shine as the noonday sun in the darkest area. It will conqueror the strongest adversary. It will bring down the tallest giant. It is a bridge of hope for the hopeless and a shelter in the time of storm. It brings a peace that passes understanding. It gives strength to run through a troop and leap over a wall. It defeats the power and stronghold the enemy thought he had over you. It causes you to rejoice when you see nothing to rejoice about and gives you the ability to give thanks in all things.

Are you trying to find an answer this morning or a way of escape? Are you trying to find a solution? Are you trying to find a "way out"? Sometimes your answer and what you need is grace. Like the Lord said to Paul, "My grace is sufficient".

Have a great day. His grace is enough-- it's all we need, regardless of the situation.

For further reading:
Zechariah 4:7
John 1:15-17
Romans 3:23,24; 16:24

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coffee Break- Hear The Truth

Coffee Break

"Hear The Truth"

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3,4

What is this "sound doctrine" that he is talking about? It's the "truth". Paul told Timothy that a time would come when people won't want to hear the truth. I think that time has come-- people don't want to hear the truth. They want to hear what they want to hear. People want to be told what they want to hear. They don't want to be told otherwise.

The thing about the "truth" is that it doesn't always tell you "good things",- it doesn't always tell you what you want to hear. Jesus often told people what they didn't want to hear. The rich young ruler didn't want to hear that he had to sell everything and follow Jesus. Peter didn't want to hear that he was speaking under the influence of the devil. The disciples didn't want to hear that they had "no faith". David didn't want to hear God's word through the prophet Nathan that he was the guilty party. The Israelites didn't want to hear that they would be in captivity for seventy years.

When we don't want to hear the truth- especially through God's word- we are choosing to live by lies and deception. We are choosing to live a life "off course". We are choosing darkness instead of light. We are choosing to live in a state of confusion and defeat. We are placing ourselves outside of safe boundaries.

The truth is not always easy to hear, especially when it points out our faults and mistakes, and tells us that we were wrong, and brings correction to us. The truth is often hard to swallow, but so are some medicines. But we "choke" them down because we know that they are good for us and will bring healing to our bodies. Hum... if we are willing to take a pill prescribed by a physician/man in order to get better, why do we have such a hard time wanting to take the "pill" of God's truth that will make us much more than just better?

Have a great day. Hearing the truth may not be pleasant, but it is so good for you.

For further reading:
John 8:32
2 Samuel 12
Matthew 16:23; 19:16-22
Mark 4:40
John 17:17; 12:46-48

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coffee Break - Jesus Departed

Coffee Break 

"Jesus Departed"

"Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee." Matthew 4:12

You might have thought that Jesus would have gone to John's rescue when he was thrown into prison, after all, John was arrested for preaching His gospel. You might have thought that Jesus would have gone to John in the prison, seeing as how they were related. Or perhaps He would have gone to John because John baptized Him so they had spiritual ties. You might have thought that Jesus would have gone to John, if for no other reason, because He was a "preacher". But Jesus didn't go to John, instead He departed into another city.

You know, we often feel like Jesus doesn't care and that He has abandoned us in our time of need. We come up with reason after reason as to why He should come to our rescue but, seemingly, to no avail. Why does He feel further away from us, instead of closer, when we are in trouble? Do you ever feel like that? Do you feel that if He really cared about you He would do something about your situation? Do you feel as though He has abandoned you?

If that's you, take heart this morning, He has not abandoned you, He has not left you, He has not forsaken you, He is well aware of you. Remember when John sent his disciples to Jesus needing a word from Him, Jesus gave them a word to take back to John- He had not left him.

Jesus' departure was part of a bigger plan that God had- even for John. "And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; the people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Mt. 4:13-17) Often what we perceive as God's lack of concern for us, is actually Him working a greater plan out in our lives. The Israelites felt the same way when they stood between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army, but God had not left them, He was "working" on a bigger miracle on their behalf.

So take heart, and remember, there is a bigger picture that God is working on that we don't often see, but we can trust that He has not "departed from us", He has not abandoned us and that He is working "all things" together for our good.

Have a great day. If it seems as though Jesus has departed, He has not--- He is working to bring about a greater plan in your life.

For further reading:
Romans 8:24
Luke 7:18-29

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coffee Break - Who Has Your Ear?

Coffee Break 

"Who Has Your Ear?"

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."  Matthew 11:15

What you hear is important. Faith comes by hearing.  Fear comes by hearing.  Hope comes as a result of what you hear.  Peace comes through hearing.  Depression, hopelessness, anger all come through hearing.  When we hear a good report, it is encouraging and brings joy.  When we hear a bad report, it can make the heart sad.   

What you hear is important.  It is more important than what you see.  Whatever you hear gets into your mind and heart.  You will act more on what you hear than what you see.  How many of us have taken the wrong road because our GPS told us to turn at a certain intersection.  Our ancestors moved out west because they heard there was free land.  The California gold rush came as a result of hear-say.  Even now, someone told us we needed to stock up on items like toilet paper so we bought out the stores.  

What you hear is important.  So, since hearing is so important, even more so than seeing, the question arises-- Who has your ear?  Who are you listening to?  Right now we are being inundated with voices vying for our ears and attention.  The medical profession, the World Health Organization, the government (at every level), social media, the news media, Hollywood actors, well-known personalities, sports figures, teachers, prophets, pastors, family, friends and anyone else we are willing to listen to-- they all want your ear.  

The truth is there are only two voices behind every thing we hear.  There is either the voice of the Living God or the voice of the devil.  The devil speaks lies and words of fear, deception and manipulation-- words that will steal, kill and destroy.  And he will use anyone and anything to spread his words.  He used his words to deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden.  He tried to use his words to deceive Jesus in the wilderness.  On the other hand, the words that the Lord speaks bring hope, healing, grace, peace, faith, truth, abundant life and eternal life.   

Which voice you give heed to will gain access into your heart.  From there it will begin to form your belief system, your opinion, your values, your actions, your reactions and compel you to go in that direction.  So, again, who has your ear?  Does the voice of fear and gloom have your ear?  Does the voice of hopelessness and helplessness have your ear?  Does the voice of greed and selfishness have your hear?  Does the voice of complacency and compromise have your ear?  Does the voice of hope and peace, the voice of joy and grace, the voice of compassion or the voice of truth have your ear?  You are going to give your ear to some voice, one way or the other.  Giving it to the Lord God will give you peace.

Have a great day.  Who has your ear?  

Monday, March 16, 2020

Coffee Break - I Look To You

Coffee Break

"I Look To You"

I woke up this morning with a Whitney Houston song playing over and over in my thoughts.  It said, "I look to you.  I look to you.  After all my strength is gone, in you I hear a song.  I look to you."  

Who are you looking to this morning?  Who are you looking to to solve your problems, calm your fears, heal your body, give you peace, give you answers?  Who are you looking to to meet your needs?   Are you looking to the government, to family members, to friends, to the medical profession, to the financial institutions?  Are you looking to your own strength, education and wisdom?  Who are you looking to to save you?  Are you looking to your own righteousness, good deeds, or religious service?  

Don't misunderstand, God in His grace, goodness and mercy has given us some resources to help us in our times of need, but they are not the true source of our help.  All the places that we look to first are not our answer.  They take care of the surface issues.  Our answer, our strength, our help, our deliverance, our salvation, our healing, our provisions... everything that we need... all ultimately come from the Lord. Psalm 121:1,2- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."

Have a great day. Where/Who are you looking to for your answers? 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Coffee Break - Your Journey

Coffee Break

"Your Journey"

Over the past several weeks I have been sharing this spiritual journey that I have been on with you.  I have been very transparent about some attitudes and shortcomings that I have had and allowed to come into my life.  It does us all good to be transparent-- especially with the Heavenly Father.  He knew what was in my heart.  He knew my faults and failures.  He knew what He had planned for my life and what was standing in the way of that coming to pass.  He loved me enough to point it out to me and give me the opportunity to allow Him to change it. 

It's pretty sad when we think we are "all right" when we really aren't.  This is why we need to continually pray that the Lord will "search us and see if there is any wicked way in us".  Like I have said before, "He isn't making us a better us, but a brand new person, and He loves us to much to leave us like He found us."  I am so thankful that this is the case.  I am so thankful He loves me enough to show me the truth about myself and, then as I surrender, put His loving hands on my heart to reform and remold it. 

My journey of transformation isn't close to being over-- it won't be over until this mortality puts on immortality and this corruptible flesh puts on incorruption.  I have not arrived.  I only arrive when I stand in eternity and see Him face to face.  But, what about your journey?  Have you stopped running this race that is set before you?  Are you still allowing Him to mold you and make you into who He wants you to be?  Have you allowed your heart to become cold, hard or callous?  Do you need your fire to be rekindled?  Do you need a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit to blow on you?  Do you need to get refocused and reprioritized?  Are you involved in the works of the Lord, but lacking your relationship with the Lord?  Check your journey and see where you are in the process.

Have a great day.  How is your spiritual journey going?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coffee Break - Surrender Again

Coffee Break

"Surrender Again"

Had I not surrender to the Lord's will concerning surgery that day I was laying on the couch, I would have missed this wonderful, life changing journey I have been on.  The key to God doing anything in our lives comes through surrender.  Surrender to God is the first step, but if you don't make that first step, you will miss out on everything else He has for you. 

I need to also say that it is not a one time event.  I didn't surrender that day and that meant I would never have to surrender ever again to His will.  No, I have to surrender each day afresh and anew.  You do too.  Surrender is part of our daily walk with the Lord.  I have to surrender to His will concerning many things throughout the day.  Some things I surrender to are relativity small things.  Some, like the surgery are larger. But, if you will surrender to the bigger things, when the smaller things come it will be easier. 

If you are having a hard time surrendering to the Lord in any area of life, tell Him.  Admit it to Him (FYI-- He already knows it),but tell Him anyway.  Have a willing heart to surrender/obey and ask Him to help you.  He will.  He will give you the grace and strength to do it.  He did me!

Have a great day.  Just because you surrendered to God once doesn't mean you don't ever have to again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Coffee Break - Like Him - Part 2

Coffee Break

"Like Him - Part 2"

Yesterday I talked about being transformed into Christ-likeness.  Do we really know what that means?  It means to be like Christ.  But what does that mean?  Are we suppose to look like Him?  Wear our hair like He did?  Or dress like He did?  Speak the same language He spoke?  What are we really saying?  After all, the word Christian means-- Christ-like.  You see, Jesus isn't just our example to follow-- He is the image into which we are being transformed into. 

Most people have a singular view of what it means.  They think it means to do the same religious things Jesus did- go to church and pray.  But it goes deeper than that.  Christ-likeness is not segmented into only certain areas of our lives, but in all areas of our lives. 

If you want to know what it means to be Christ-like, look at how Jesus lived.  He lived in constant communion with the Father.  His prayer time wasn't relegated to times of need only.  He was disciplined-- not living according to the lusts and desires of His flesh.  He was obedient to the Father's will-- laying aside His own will.  He was led by the Spirit-- even into the wilderness.  He had compassion on all people.  He was humble.  He took authority over the devil.  He went about doing good.  He had ears to hear what the Spirit said to Him.  He stayed focused on His whole reason for coming to earth-- to seek and save those who were lost. His words brought life and hope to hurting people.  He was bold and didn't tolerate sin.   He showed mercy and grace.  He forgave even His enemies-- Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.  This is just some of how Jesus lived.  Are you living the same way? 

Have a great day.  Are you being transformed into Christ's image in every area of your life? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coffee Break - Like Him

Coffee Break

"Like Him"

This journey that I have been on has been for the purpose of re-forming a greater Christ-likeness in me.  We were made in God's image at the beginning of creation, but because of sin that image has been marred.  When Jesus died on the cross, He not only died to save us from our sins, but to make us brand new creations.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."  This verse literally means a new spies of being that never existed before.

When you gave your life to Christ and was born-again you become a brand new person.  At that point the Holy Spirit begins to do a work of transformation in you.  He is not making you a better you-- He is making you a brand new you.  He washes our sins away and starts doing a work from the inside out-- starting with our hearts. 

If you have been saved and there is no change in you-- no change of heart, no change of attitude, no change in your desires, you don't have a desire for the things of God, there no desire to be changed and live your life in a way that is pleasing to God-- then you may need to go back to the altar and truly get right with the Lord.  Because anyone who is born-again is different than they were.  You can't receive Jesus as Savior and remain the same.  

Sometimes during our Christian walk, if we aren't careful, we can stop in the process of transformation.  I feel like this is what happened to me.  I didn't realize that I had stopped allowing the Holy Spirit to take me to a deeper spiritual level-- one that looked more Christ-like.

Have you stopped allowing the Holy Spirit to continue the transformation process in you?  Have you become satisfied with where you are spiritually?  Are you letting Him do in your life what He desires to do to make you more like Him?  Surrender, and let Him make you into what He desires you to be.

Have a great day.  Jesus is not making us a better us, He is making us more like Him.  


Monday, March 9, 2020

Coffee Break - Forest Fire- Part 2

Coffee Break

"Forest Fire - Part 2"

Last week we talked about having the fire of the Holy Spirit burning so intensely in our lives that it would jump across all barriers that are in the hearts of man and reach their lives with the love and light of Jesus.

We compared the fire of the Spirit to that of a raging forest fire.  One of the things I said was that when the fires are so big, the firefighters will come and try to contain it or put it out.  I want to talk about this for a moment. 

When we are allowing the Lord to make His fire bigger in us and it starts touching lives for His glory, just like those firefighters who come and try to extinguish the fire, the enemy will come and try to extinguish it in us.  Our enemy, the devil, comes to steal, kill and destroy.  He is a "firefighter"! (He fights against the fire of God.)  He is trying to put out our fire and stop it from spreading. 

Firefighters have a strategy to try to extinguish fires. One thing they do is pour water on it.  Another thing they do is clear a large path in a big circle around the fire so the blaze is contained in a ring of dirt.  They also use a tool called a Pulaski-- it's a combination of an ax and hoe used to dig a fire line.

The devil has a strategy as well.  He will try pouring water on your fire.  He will stir up people who will discourage or criticize you.  He will try through persecution.  He also has tools that he uses to dig up your past to keep you from going forward.  He will dig at you with accusations, with threats, with guilt from past sins and condemnation. Another one of his devices is to try to contain the fire by drawing a big circle around you.  This is for the purpose of isolating you from other believers.  He will try to isolate you through misunderstandings, offense and jealousy.  

The Bible says we aren't ignorant of satan's devices.  So be aware and on guard, that when the fire of the Spirit starts getting bigger in you, he will come to try to put it out.  Don't let him!

Have a great day.  When the fire of God is burning through you, watch out for the "firefighter".


Friday, March 6, 2020

Coffee Break - Forest Fire

Coffee Break

"Forest Fire"

As I have already told you the Lord is reigniting the fire in me.  Fires come in all sizes.  They can be the size of a birthday candle.  They can be the size of a campfire.  They can also be the size of a forest fire.  I don't know about you, but I want the fire of the Holy Spirit to be the size of a forest fire in my life! 

What is the purpose of fire?  It is for warmth.  It is for light.  This fire of the Holy Spirit that I am talking about that we need burning in us is intended to draw people to the warmth of God's love and grace.  It will also draw them to the light so that they can come out of spiritual darkness. 

When I say that I want the fire the size of a forest fire, it is because the bigger the fire the more people who will warm by it and see light.  I have had a prayer about this fire.  And this is what it is-- I know you are all familiar with forest fires that have become so big that the firefighters are trying to contain them and put them out.  One of the methods they use is a firebreak.  A firebreak is an obstacle that is placed to stop the fire from spreading.  It can be manmade or natural.  Such as a river, green grass plot, or  mounded up dirt.  If the fire is so large, it can jump across these breaks/obstacles and continue to spread on the other side.

This fire of the Holy Spirit is intended to touch peoples' lives.  We need to have the fire of the Spirit burning so intensely in us that it will "jump" across all barriers. That it will jump across the barriers of hurt, shame, guilt, hate, addiction, fear, hard hearts, broken hearts, abused lives, insecurities, anxiety, depression, rejection and all the many other things that are barriers in peoples' lives that keep them away from the Lord.  This should be all of our prayer-- let the fire of Your Holy Spirit be so big in me that it jumps every barrier and touches those lives.

Have a great day.  Has your fire gone out?  If so, ask the Lord to reignite it.  If it hasn't, what size is it in you?  Is it warming others with God's love?  Is it lighting the path for them to come out of darkness? If it is, pray it gets bigger. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Coffee Break - Cleaning It Out

Coffee Break

"Cleaning It Out"

Yesterday I talked about the difference in being patient when you had no other option but to be patient and when you had a choice to do so or not.

Well, the other day I was at home and all day long I had this desire to clean out drawers, closets and cabinets.  It was so overwhelming all day long.  It was like I was being pressured to do it.  (Of course, I am still limited and can't do it-- no lifting, bending or getting down on the floor.)  It was at the point to where it distracted me from doing anything else, and it dominated my thoughts.  I keep trying to resist it.  I would pray and renew my mind but to no avail... it was still there. 

I asked the Lord what was going on because this was like an unnatural obsession.  He spoke to me, so I need to share it with you. What He showed me was-- I wanted to clean out draws, closets and cabinets.  My focus was on cleaning out areas that are hidden from view.  I wasn't compelled to clean out the things you could see, but the things that aren't seen/hidden.  There are those of you who need to do some spiritual cleaning.  You need to let the Lord work on cleaning out areas in your life that are hidden-- matters of the heart.  

What is tucked away in your heart and life from view but you know it isn't pleasing to the Lord?  Do you have anger or bitterness resting in a "drawer" in your heart?  Do you have unconfessed sin that you have neatly tucked away in a "cabinet"?  Do you have "skeletons" of guilt and hatred hanging in your "closet"?  Is there adultery, pornography, alcohol or even drugs that are hidden away in your life?  Are you living a double life-- on the outside you have a good looking front and have others believing you are something that you aren't, but on the inside you are a totally different person?

It is time to open up those hidden places that are not in view and do some cleaning.  Confess those things to God.  Repent of them.  Let Him get rid of them.  And let Him clean them out.  Once you do, just as cleaning out in the natural frees up space, you will free up space in your heart and there will be more room for the things that are truly needed in your life-- peace, joy, love, freedom!

Have a great day.  It is time to clean out your heart's drawers, cabinets and closets!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Coffee Break - Choice Of Patience

Coffee Break

"Choice Of Patience"

A couple of weeks ago I talked about how being flat of your back and unable to do anything for yourself will force you to learn patience.  But now that I am released from my doctor to go back to normal activities is patience going to continue to prevail?  It is one thing to be patient when you know you can't do it (whatever it is) and have no choice but to wait.  And it is another thing when you are able to do it because you can.    

Let me explain and give you an example.  We are planning to do some work to update our kitchen.  One of the things I want to do when we start is get rid of a lot of utensils and other items that I never use.  This work will probably not start for another month, so I don't need to start pulling things out now.  I need to wait a little longer until the remodel actually begins.  If I was still unable to do this, patience would be no problem.  The situation forced me to be patient. But now that I am able to do it, I am having to fight impatience to do this de-cluttering now.  I am so ready to get it done and am more physically able to so I have nothing stopping me. 

When I was in a position where I couldn't do anything, I had no problem waiting/being patient.  Now that I am in a position to where I can do it and have the freedom to do it, I have to make a choice-- to be patient and wait or not.

Some things give us no choice but some things do give us a choice.  My previous situation gave me no choice but to wait.  My situation now gives me the freedom to do what I want to do when I want to do it.  Choosing to de-clutter now, instead of waiting, would clutter the rest of my house and it would be extra work for me.  So, I have to choose-- be patient and wait or impatient and do it.  

If you have no choice but to be patient-- is it really patience?  Or do we learn and grow in patience when we have a choice and have to choose?

Have a great day.  Are you only patient when you have no choice but to be?  Or do you truly posses patience when you have a choice and choose to wait?    

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Coffee Break - The Destination

Coffee Break

"The Destination"

On the subject of spiritual journeys, I can't help but think about my favorite Bible character--Joseph.  When we think about Joseph, we think about all the things he endured.  It is easy for us to see that he was on a journey-- a journey from his father's house to the palace in Egypt.  But we don't realize that he was really on a spiritual journey.  Every spiritual journey is played out through physical journeys. 

What Joseph suffered in the natural was producing something spiritual in him. Being betrayed by his bothers would teach him how to love his enemies, bless them that cursed him, do good to them that hated him, and pray for them which despitefully used and persecuted him.  It taught him how to leave revenge in God's hands.  Being lied on about Potiphar's wife would teach him how to let God fight his battles for him, and that it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.  It taught him how to stand firm when temptations came regardless of the outcome.  When he was sold into slavery, it taught him that God orders his steps and knows how to orchestrate things in order to get him to where he needed to be.  When he was taken from his home into a strange land where he knew no one, he learned how to really trust God because he had no one else.  When he was in the prison, he learned that God can give you favor no matter where you are, and that He never leaves you. When he went to the palace, he learned that all things truly do work together for the good.  Through all that he suffered, he learned to be at peace and rest in God's presence and plan.

All the things that he went through produced something spiritual in him that he needed in order to fulfill God's purpose for his life.  Did he understand it while he was going through it?  Probably not-- we usually don't.  Did he always like where he was at?  most likely not-- I am sure he would have much preferred being with his father and living in comfort and freedom instead of slavery.  Like Joseph, through the things we go through in life, they can produce and change things in our hearts that will glorify God and put us at the destination he has called us to.

Have a great day.  What you are going through may actually be a spiritual journey in disguise.   

Monday, March 2, 2020

Coffee Break - Break Every Chain

Coffee  Break

"Break Every Chain"

Everyday when I wake up, I wake up hearing a song in my mind.  I know the Lord is speaking it me through that song.  Yesterday, the moment my eyes opened a song came to mind.  I haven't listened to this song in a while so I knew it definitely was from the Lord.  What I heard was this-- "Break every chain, break every chain, break every chain."  When one of the ladies that is in my church sings it, she sings it declaring what all needs to be broken.  So, at the end of "break every chain, break every chain, break every chain", I heard these words--break off lethargy, slothfulness, lukewarmness, laziness.

I knew the Lord was saying that He was breaking these particular chains off my life.  He is doing it through this journey that I am on.  But the main reason I shared this is because I felt like the Lord was not only doing this for me, but He wanted you to know that those chains that have had you bound are being broken off of you!  He is breaking the chains that have had you bound. 

You have had some chains wrapped around your mind.  These chains are chains of deception-- they have tried to make you believe something that isn't real. They have tried to make you feel guilty for something that wasn't your fault.  They also try to make you feel like you will never measure up and you will always be in this bondage-- that there is no freedom or peace for you. 

These chains are also chains of regret-- they have tried to make you keep focusing on the past, on things you have done, things you didn't do, or things you should have done.  They try to keep you bound through constantly wishing you had done things differently.  They keep you busy trying to explain and justify your actions to others.  They want to make you think you have to have the approval of those you should have done differently towards. 

They are chains of bitterness-- they have tried to keep you bound by keeping you focused on things that others did to you.  You were lied to, abused, used, manipulated, tossed aside and treated unfairly and with disrespect.  You tried to make things different but to no avail.  So, now bitterness has bound your mind to the point where all you can think about is how wrong you were done.  As a result, bitterness has taken over not only your mind but your whole attitude.  You have lost your compassion.  You have gotten hard hearted and cynical.  You have put up a wall to keep others from getting to close and to keep you from being hurt again.  God is breaking those chains. 

There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain!!  I believe the Lord is speaking specifically to some people about these chains above being broken off their lives, setting them free indeed.  But if you have chains in your life and you can identify them, He wants to break them as well.  Call upon the Lord.  Confess them to Him.  Ask Him to deliver you.  And He will.  He is the Chain Breaker!

Have a great day.  The Lord is breaking every chain that has you bound.