Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Remember Not To Be Troubled"

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me."  John 14:1
It seems like more times than not when I am seeking the Lord about what to say in the devotional, I hear the words to the scripture above.  I believe the Lord is wanting to remind us again to not let our hearts be troubled.  Sometimes that is hard to do, especially when we live in troubling times.  There is so much in life that will cause us to be troubled, anxious, worried and distressed.  Such things as family problems, an unstable job situation, lack of finances or declining health.  Then there are the things that are happening around us-- a failing economy, violence in our neighborhoods, school shootings, the mocking of Christians and Christian values, unjust laws, evil men rising up, false teachers in the church, and so on.  
When you look at what is going on in the world and age in which we live, it is often hard to not let it affect you.  While we don't deny things are bad in the world, and we don't want to stick our heads in the sand and ignore them or act like they don't exist, perhaps the reason they are so disturbing and alarming and causing our hearts to be troubled is because we are looking at them more than we are looking at our Savior.  Perhaps we are looking at people instead of looking at our Lord and His promises.  Or it could be that we have forgotten just Whose we are, and Who He is?  
If you are a born-again believer, you are a child of God.  That makes you a child of the Creator of the universe-- the One who spoke into nothing and created everything.  It makes The Lord God your Father-- the One who loves you unconditionally with an everlasting love, the One who cares about you, the One who sees your need before you have a need and provides for it.  He is the One who calls the stars by name, who feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies.  He is the One who parts seas, quenches fires, destroys giants, pulls down walls, shuts the mouths' of lions, delivers from the pit and makes a way where there seems to be none.  This is the One whose hands you have placed your heart and life into.  He is the God of the impossible.  Don't forget Who He Is.  Remember, He is so much more than you can imagine and is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all you can ask or think.  Therefore, you have no reason to have a troubled heart.
Have a great day.  When you remember you belong to the Lord, there is no reason for you to ever have a troubled heart.    

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