Monday, March 12, 2018

"It's Not Impossible"

"Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters." Psalm 114:8
According to the laws of nature and the laws of physics it is impossible to turn a rock into water or flint into water. A rock has a solid form and water is a liquid. A rock is unbending, unyielding, firm, substantial. Water is free flowing, it's shapeless taking on the form of whatever it comes in contact with, very yielding, fluid. They are two completely opposites. It is also impossible for water to "stand up". It doesn't take an educated person to know this- even children know this is impossible. The only way it could ever happen was if the God who can do the impossible steps into the picture. And when He does- nothing becomes impossible.
The Lord wants to encourage you this morning by reminding you that it doesn't matter how impossible the situation you are going through looks, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He turned a rock into water once, He can do it again. He did it in the past to meet the need of His people, He can do it again to meet your need. He can do it--- there is nothing impossible for Him!
Have a great day. He can turn your rock into water.


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