"For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." Titus 1:10,16
In Chapter 1 Paul is exhorting Titus to do the work of teaching and preaching the truth and sound doctrine. In Chapter 2 he tells him who to teach and how to train them to teach others in the Body of Christ. He gives the reason why it is important for Titus to teach the truth of the Word and sound doctrine. The reason is above.
As I read these chapters I couldn't help but think that Paul was talking about today as well as back then. If you look around-- whether in the church or out of the church-- there are many who profess to know God. They will tell you they are a "believer". They will tell you they are a "church goer". They will tell you they are a "member" of a certain church. And they may be, but their works, deeds, conversations and life-style don't back up their profession.
We live in an age where you can believe whatever you want to believe, do whatever you want to do, live however you want to live and still go to heaven. People believe they can have sex outside of marriage, live a homosexual lifestyle, abort babies, lie, cheat and steal and still go to heaven.
It isn't your works that save you. It isn't your works that make you right with God. It isn't your works that keep you right with God. It is a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ, which comes through repentance, that makes you right and gets you to heaven. It is about having a relationship with Him. You may profess to know Him. You may profess to have a relationship with Him. But your works testify against you. Through your works you are denying that you have a relationship with Him. You have heard the expression-- "Actions speak louder than words"? This is true. Your actions, works, attitude and obedience to the Word of God speak for you. If they don't line up with God's Word/standard, then they aren't speaking the same thing you are speaking/professing.
Get in a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins. Turn from your way. Follow Him. And what you say and what you do will both "speak" the same thing.
Have a great day. You may profess to know Him, but your works are professing something different.
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