"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4
I had a pleasant surprise yesterday, and best news I heard all day. A young lady that I have known most of her life came in the shop and before she left she told me, "I got saved for the first time". I was thrilled, to say the least. I have prayed for and witnessed to her so many times. She was sharing with me about her salvation and the joy and peace that she now has and how she is enjoying reading and studying the Bible and being active in church. She also told me that the devil was really going to fight her now. I want to tell you the same thing I told her.
Yes, he will attack because you are no longer his. Your life belongs to Jesus now and the devil hates you because Jesus loves you and you are following Him. But, you do not have to fear him. The Greater One lives inside of you-- Jesus. Jesus defeated the devil at the cross. Jesus took the keys from him. Jesus paraded His victory over the devil before all principalities and powers. Jesus is God, the devil is not. Jesus has all power and authority, the devil does not. Jesus is the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient God, the devil is not. The devil is limited in knowledge, in power, in strength-- he is just limited period!
You do not have to fear the devil. You do not have to fear his attacks. You do not have to fear his retaliations. You do not have to fear his accusations. You do not have to fear his threats. And you do not have to believe his lies. The verse above is not just some easy to memorize verse that sounds good. It is truth. The GREATER ONE is inside you, if you know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
The first part of the verse says, "You are of God, little children, and have overcome." You have already won battles over him. You have already been given victory. You have already defeated him. You have already overcome him. Why? How? Because Jesus did and has, and He is in you!
Have a great day. You don't have to fear the devil's attacks. The Greater One is inside of you and He is greater than the devil and anything he can throw at you.
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