Thursday, January 12, 2017

"Don't Stop Short"

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."  Galatian 6:9

Yesterday we talked about settling-- settling for only some of what the Lord desires for us.  This morning I want to encourage you, basically along the same lines, not to stop short of what the Lord has for you. 

What would have happened if Jacob had stopped short instead of wrestling with the angel until he received the blessing?  What would have happened to blind Bartimaeus had he stopped short of crying out to the Lord because the crowds told him to be quiet?  What would have happened to the woman with the issue of blood had she stopped short because the crowd was just too dense to push through?

Sometimes we are on the verge of our healing, our breakthrough, our deliverance, seeing our need met, etc. but we stop short of receiving it because we get discouraged, we look at the circumstances surrounding us, or we listen to our feelings, emotions or other people and give up and throw in the towel. 

We can't give up if we are too receive.  We have to persevere.  What do you need?  Don't give up.  Don't stop short.  Don't stop short in pressing toward the mark for the prize.  Don't stop short in running the race that is set before you.  Don't stop short in laying aside every weight of sin that would beset you.  Don't stop short of allowing God's love to be shed abroad in your heart.  Don't stop short of entering into your promised land.  Don't stop short of touching His hem.  Don't stop short of being endued with power from on high.  Don't stop short of fulfilling the plan of God for your life. 

Stopping short is the same as quitting and giving up.  The Lord God has not called us to quit!  He has not called us to give up!  What He has done is given us the strength, the grace, the presence of His Holy Spirit, every good and perfect gift, His Word, His faith and His power to keep on going.  There is no reason for us to stop short of His plan for us.

Have a great day.  Don't stop short when it comes to receiving from the Lord. 

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