Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Today Not Tomorrow"

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it".  Psalm 118:24

"This is the day".  It doesn't say tomorrow is the day, but it says this is the day that the Lord has made.  Of course we know that everyday is made by the Lord, but this is the day He has made for and given us now.

We talk a lot about not living in the past.  But we also need to talk about not living in the future.  So many people miss what the Lord wants to do for them and in them because they are looking at tomorrow-- the future.  We seem to be more concerned about what is to come than enjoying what is now. 

When we are children we can't wait to grow up.  We can't wait to get our driver's license.  We can't wait to graduate.  We can't wait to get married.  We can't wait to start having a family.  We can't wait to start our career.  We can't wait to retire.  We are always living in the future.  Well, the Bible has as much to say about living in the future as it does about living in the past.  It tells us not to take thought (don't be anxious or troubled) about either.  That doesn't mean that we shouldn't make plans or occupy.  It means that we shouldn't be so preoccupied with it that we miss out on what we have now. 

God has a plan for you today.  He has a purpose for you to fulfill today.  He has a blessing for you today.  He has an assignment for you today.  He has good gifts He wants to bestow on you today.  He has a work for you to accomplish today.  He has a calling for you today.  But you will miss it if you are always looking to tomorrow or some other day far out in the future.  Now is the time.  Be content today and live today to the fullest.  One day our future will become our past-- sooner than we think and when we look back we will see how much we have missed out on by not enjoying each day.

Have a great day.  Don't miss out on enjoying today because you are preoccupied with tomorrow. 

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ffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from

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