Friday, October 4, 2024

"Through Christ"

" I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  Philippians 4:13

Perhaps you have wondered why you keeping failing and falling in your attempts to accomplish even the smallest of task?  It is because you are trying to do it in your own ability, strength and effort. 

Israel tried to go against Ai in their own strength and wound up fleeing in defeat from the enemy.  Abraham and Sarah tried to produce the promise in their own ability and wound up with Ishmael, which brought conflict into their home.  David tried to handle the lust of his heart by himself when he looked at Bathsheba.  But he not only wound up giving into it, but also started on a path that led from one sin to another.

There is a reason why the verse this morning doesn't read-- "I can do all things (period)" It is because we can't.  We can't do it through our own strength, through education, through our skills, through our talents, etc.  The key is "through Christ".  He is our ability.  It is only through Him that we can do anything.  The outcome in each of the examples that we used this morning would have been a lot different had they done it "through Christ".  The outcome of what we are trying to do will be a lot better, and perfect, if we will do whatever it is we are trying to do through Christ.

Have a great day.  Trying to do anything in our own ability will only cause us to fail.  Success comes "through Christ".

For further reading:
Proverbs 16:25; 3:5,6
Jeremiah 10:23

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