Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Talking About Him"

"Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works."  Psalm 119:27

What do you talk about?  What do most of your conversations consist of?  Do you spend them talking about self?  About the weather?  Politics?  Your job, family, some hobby that interest you?  There is nothing wrong with talking about these, but is that all you talk about? 

Do you talk about the "wondrous works of the Lord"?  When was the last time He was the subject of your conversation?  When was the last time you testified of what He has done in your life?  When was the last time you talked of His praises?  When was the last time you told someone else about Him? 

Why is it as Christians that we are at no loss for words when it comes to certain subjects, but when it comes to the Grand Subject of our lives-- Jesus-- we can't find anything to say or we "clam up"?  If we don't tell others about Him and His goodness, His saving grace, His salvation, His wondrous works, who will or how will they know?

Have you been quiet about your faith in Jesus?  Have you been quiet too long?  The gospel of Jesus is Good News.  Don't keep the good news from them any longer.  If we don't tell, they won't hear.  We need to open our mouths and speak up more than we do and tell of His wondrous works.  They talk about anything and everything.  Can't we talk about the One who is glorious and worthy to be talked about?  Or are we ashamed to say anything?  Let's pray not.

Have a great day.  When was the last time your conversation was about the Lord and what He has done in your life?

For further reading:
Psalm 89:1; 109:30
1 Corinthians 1:21
Revelation 12:11
Mark 8:38

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