Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Last night when I was praying, I felt like the Lord spoke a word to my heart. That word was "prepare yourself" The word "prepare" means: To make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion. A runner will prepare himself for the race by getting on the track and running day in a day out- he doesn't wait until he is in the race to start his preparation. Football players prepare themselves for the game months and months in advance. They will work out, meet for practice and watch their diet- they don't wait until the day of the game to get prepared for it. Olympic athletes prepare all their lives for that once every four year event. Many of them start training as children. Soldiers are prepared through training before they are sent to the battlefield. People prepare themselves for job interviews by making sure they are dressed nicely and have their resume intact when they get there. People prepare for their driving test by studying the rules of the road. Actors prepare themselves by memorizing and rehearsing their parts. It is that way with most endeavors in life.

None of the above mentioned would even think about undertaking these endeavors without first preparing themselves- physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Yet, isn't it amazing that when it comes to those things that relate to our spiritual life we won't prepare for them. We tend to neglect that area and then try to prepare for it "on the spot" while we are in the middle of it. It doesn't work that way. We have to be prepared ahead of time when the situation arises.

We face temptations daily, so we have to be prepared ahead of time to be able to resist the temptation. We do that by hiding the word of God in our hearts. We have to be prepared for the spiritual battles that come our way by making sure we are familiar with our armor and know how to use each part ahead of time- no soldier waits until he is on the battlefield to try to figure out what his weapons are and how to use them.

When the opportunity arises to witness to someone, when we are confronted about our faith and belief, when a word is needed at the moment, we need to be prepared to give the right answer. We won't give it if we aren't prepared through knowing the scriptures and prayer.

One day we will all stand before the Lord and give an account of our lives. If you aren't prepared for that day, it will be too late then to get prepared. You have to make preparation for your eternal soul in advance- before you get there in His presence.

Preparation takes work and discipline- you can't be lazy and think you will be prepared when the times comes. You must prepare ahead of time- before the battle rages, before the storm comes, before the enquiries, before the winter sets in, before temptation strikes. "If the opportunity arises and you have to go get ready for it, you will miss the opportunity", Smith Wigglesworth. The point is- you prepare ahead of time and stay prepared.

Have a great day. Prepare yourself ahead of time, don't wait, it will be too late.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

"Pet Sins"

"Pet Sins"

"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us..." Hebrews 12:1

I fell back asleep this morning and when I did, I had a dream. As I sat down to write the devotional the Lord gave me the meaning of the dream and impressed on me to share it with you. I was the character in the dream, but it is a word and warning to us all.

In the dream I had two little bear cubs as pets. They were so cute, so playful, so cuddly, and I loved them. But at the same time in the back of my mind I knew it was not a wise idea to have them- they were wild animals, not pets. I knew that one day their true nature would come out. I had a feeling that one night I would go to sleep and in my sleep they would turn on me, attack me and destroy me. (Perhaps I thought this because on occasion I have watched programs on television about this- people had wild animals for pets and the pets reverted to their nature and killed their owners.)

In the dream I also had three babies. One morning I woke up and two of the baby cribs were empty. The cubs had killed, and I guess eaten, the babies- they were gone. The third baby was in my arms looking for her brother and sister. At that point not only was I having to deal with my own pain and utter disbelief at what had happened, but I was having to tell this sad little baby that they were gone and try to comfort her.

The word/warning to us all is this: you cannot have "pet sins" in your life and not expect them to turn on you one day and destroy you and those you love. They may appear innocent and harmless at the moment, but they will turn on you in a dark hour and destroy everything that is precious to you. They not only will hurt you but they will hurt those around you. For example-- Ma'am, do you think that that affair you are having isn't going to come back to "bite" you one day? Do you think that it is not going to hurt your family? Sir, do you think you can continue to watch pornography and not be affected by it? Don't you know it will destroy your relationship with those that you love? These are just two of the pet sins that people have, there are many more. But each one, if indulged in and not put in their proper place, will leave you hurting and having to "pick up the pieces" from the mess that you allowed to happen. Don't deceive yourself by saying it will never happen or I can handle it. Sin has a nature too, just like those bear cubs, and its nature will come out one day. You will wake up and have to face its destructive power.

If that is you this morning, sin does not belong in your life. The Lord never tells us to nurture sin but to forsake it instead. It doesn't belong in your life. It belongs under the blood of Jesus, or in the sea of His forgetfulness but not in your life- whether hid in secret or out openly. You may think you can handle them and that they are under control at the moment, but don't deceive yourself, it is sin and sin will always have a payday. Fire is fire and if you play with it you will get burned. You can't play with sin and not expect to reap the consequences. They will come and when they do, it not only will hurt you but those around you and it takes no captives but destroys them instead.

Have a great day. Holding on to "pet sins" will eventually lead to destruction, heartache and pain, for you and for those around you.

For further reading:
Acts 3:19
1 John 1:9
2 Samuel 11,12

Monday, September 28, 2020

"Not Condemned"

"Not Condemned"

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:1

There are so many Christians who feel guilt and condemnation all the time. It is a feeling that you never seem to be able to get over or away from- even when you feel good, you feel bad. You feel condemned about everything. You feel as if everything that you do is wrong or displeasing to God. You are constantly searching yourself to try to figure out where you have missed the mark, what you have done wrong, or if there is sin hid somewhere in your heart. Even when you can't put your finger on something, you still have that feeling. You are always apologizing to the Lord, even when you haven't done anything to warrant an apology, because of this constant guilt that keeps nagging at you.

If you are living in a life of condemnation and guilt- from either past sins that you did commit or perceived ones- I pray that today will be the day that your life changes. I pray that you will hear and receive the truth today that will make you free. Let me make something perfectly clear-- the condemnation that you are feeling does NOT come from God the Father!!! It is from the enemy of your soul. It is an oppressive spirit that has camped out to torment you- to steal your peace and joy, to kill your witness for Christ and to destroy your relationship with the Father.

Satan is our accuser. He is the one who condemns us. He is the one who tries to convince us that we are guilty when we are not. God does not condemn you. When He sent His Son Jesus into the world, He did not send Him to condemn us, He sent Him to save us because He loved us. When caught in the very act of adultery, Jesus specifically told the women that He did not condemn her and she was to go and sin no more. God does not condone sin, but He does not condemn the sinner-- nor the saved.

If God did not condemn us when we were sinners, why would He condemn us now that we are saved. So don't buy in to the devil's lies. Don't accept his condemnation. Don't listen to his charges and accusations against you. You were once condemned by your sins, but now you are washed and cleansed and forgiven by the Lord. Start walking in that forgiveness. And when that "feeling" comes upon you, put the truth of God's word on it. Believe God- not the devil, not the feelings.

Have a great day. The devil condemns us, man condemns us, our own hearts will even condemn us, but God does not.

For further reading:
1 John 3:20,21
Psalm 37:33
John 8:11; 32
John 3:17
John 10:10

Friday, September 25, 2020

"Safe Place"

"Safe Place"

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

I don't have to tell you that the world is full of chaos- violence, riots, killing, hatred, threats of destruction and death. There are becoming less and less places of safety.  Cities are becoming war zones.  Even our churches and homes are under threats of danger and violence. The fact is that as we see the end of time drawing closer and closer places of safety will continue to disappear.     

My purpose this morning is not to paint a picture of fear, but instead, I want to encourage you that while fearful things are happening, there is a place of peace and safety that still exist.  That place is in the presence of God.  He is a safe place of refuge for His people.  He has a secret place-- under His shadow-- where the enemies can't find us.  In that place we will find peace, strength, hope and help.  While all hell is raging around you, you can have complete and total peace if you are abiding in the presence of the Lord. 

The disciples were in a storm that threatened to destroy them.  They were afraid.  They were in despair.  They felt hopeless.  Jesus was in the same boat, but He was asleep.  Why?  Because Jesus wasn't just "in the boat", He was in the presence of His Father.  He knew His Father was with Him.  He found that secret place.  Therefore, when chaos was beating upon the boat, when hell was raging and trying to destroy Him, He was at peace.  

If you are feeling afraid, anxious and hopeless by what you see happening around you then it is time for you to run and retreat to that secret/hidden place in God.  How?  By simply drawing near to Him.  You do that by prayer, calling upon His Name, and by praise.  As you do, He also draws near to you and will take you into that place called His presence.  There you will find peace, comfort and strength.  As you abide in that place, things can continue to rage around you, but you will have a peace that passes understand and that peace will sustain you and get you through anything else that is happening.

Have a great day.  When chaos is raging around you, there is still a safe place where you can find peace.  It's called the Presence of God. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020



"And he lighted upon a certain place..." Genesis 28:11a

There are "places" that we find ourselves in during our lifetime. When I used the word "places", I wasn't necessarily referring to physical location. There are places we find ourselves in mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Some of those places happen as a natural result of life. Death is a natural fact of life- it is appointed unto man once to die. When death hits close to home, we find ourselves in a "place" of grief and sorrow. Some "places" are by Divine appointment- God places us in locations and situations. Those places may or may not be to our liking. Remember Joseph in the pit and the palace- divinely appointed by God.

There are also places that we find ourselves in by our "own doing"- we got ourselves there. The disciples found themselves in a place of discouragement, hopeless and fear after the crucifixion. Why and how did they get there? Because they did not believe the word that Jesus had spoken to them just days before. Jesus told them that He was going to be delivered up and put to death. He also told them that He would rise again on the third day. Had they remembered that, they would not have been in the place of despair that they were in. Had they remembered His words they would have been looking with expectation to the third day. They would have had joy and rejoicing of heart because they knew that the cross was not the end.

We, like them, find ourselves in places that we got ourselves into, and the primary reason is because we either forgot what the Lord had spoken to us or we didn't believe what He said. If you are in a place of discouragement, bewilderment, fear or confusion wondering what is happening and why, think back, has the Lord already spoken to you about that situation. Has He given you a promise either spoken to your heart or through His written word? If so, then that is the place you need to be instead-- in the place of standing in faith, peace and assurance that what He has said He will do, He will do.

Have a great day. Don't put yourself in a place because you aren't believing what the Lord has said. Instead put yourself in a place of faith.

For further reading:
John 20:19; 2:19
Hebrews 9:27
Matthew 12:40
Luke 9:44
Matthew 26

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

"Be Still In Battle"

"Be Still In Battle"

"Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10a

The Christian life is one of doing. It is full of commands and responsibilities. Those commands are stated through such action verbs as go, study, work, etc. Among our commands to "action" is another one that we don't usually associate with action-- "be still".

There come times when we are to refrain from "doing" and be still and see what the Lord will do. There are times when He will tell us to be still and wait. David was told to wait before he went into battle until he heard the rustling sound in the mulberry trees. Sometimes we want to jump into the battle but instead we need to wait and be still until we have sought the Lord and heard His instructions. This was what got Israel in trouble at Ai. They did not consult the Lord. They hastily went on their own. Had they been still and sought Him first they would have had a different outcome. Esther waited to face the battle against Haman for three days until everything was in place to confront him.

On the flip side, there are times concerning the battles that we face that instead of wanting to run to them and get it dealt with, we want to run from them.
It's in those times when the temptation hits you to run, that you have to "be still". None of us like battles, but they come. They are a way of life-- especially the Christian life. But when they come, be still- resist the urge to run. Don't do anything- don't turn back. Bring your flesh under subjection. Cast down the fear and intimidation. Remember that you are already victorious through Christ- more than a conqueror. Remind yourself that the greater One is in you. Seek the Lord for strength and wisdom.

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies." (Psalm 23:5) This verse speaks of being still and not running. Who can sit still and take their leisure to eat a meal when the enemy is before them? Certainly you would rather run than sit still. But it speaks of peace even in the face of battle. The desire to run shows lack of peace and confidence in God. Consider the Israelite army when they faced Goliath- no peace, no faith in God to fight for them-- they wanted to run, and they did by hiding. David on the other hand didn't run from the giant. He had peace because he had confidence in his God.

You may be facing a battle this morning and the urge to run from it is almost overwhelming. If that is you-- don't run, just "be still". Stand still, don't retreat. "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore." (Ephesians 6:13,14) In other words-- be still!

Have a great day. There is a time to be still when you are tempted to run TO the battle, and a time to be still when you are tempted to run FROM the battle.

For further reading:
2 Samuel 5:23-25
Joshua 7
Esther 5:1,2
1 John 4:4
Romans 8:37

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Heed The Warning

"Heed The Warning"

"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37-39

I have been hearing these scriptures in my spirit for several weeks.  It also has been coming up a lot lately in things that I have read and heard.  Jesus told us that there would be signs that we should look for that would reveal His coming.  The verses above are among those signs.  "But as the days of Noah were".  

What was it like in the days of Noah?  

1)  "The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. The wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5,11)

2)  The people were living life as usual.  They were going about their daily affairs-- eating, drinking and marrying.  They were doing so along side the threat of impending judgment.    

3)  The people were refusing to give heed the warnings and turn in repentance.  Perhaps they didn't believe it would really happen.  Perhaps they had heard it for so long that they got weary of hearing it.  Perhaps they thought there was still plenty of time left.  

"As the days of Noah were".  Whether you believe it or not, we are living in this "sign" (among others) that Jesus told us about.  There is so much corruption (on every level-- politics, government, news media, the church, etc.).  There is so much violence around us-- and world wide.  Practically every imagination of the heart is evil and being perpetrated. (Pedophilia is evil.  Abortion is evil.  Murder, rape, killing is all evil.)  

And the greatest sign from the days of Noah that is happening today is that of people ignoring and refusing to hear, or heed, the warning that judgment is coming.  People are going on with life as usual while judgment is knocking on the door.  They act like the Lord isn't ever going to return.  They act like they have years to get ready.  They act like there won't be a judgment upon the nation/nations.  They act like there won't be a time when they stand before the Lord and give an account of their lives.  Think again!  

The people in Noah's day did not pay attention to the signs.  As a result they perished.  God in His gracious goodness is sending us signs to warn us of what is coming.  Are we paying attention or are we ignoring them?  Perhaps the better question would be-- are YOU paying attention or are YOU ignoring them?  The people in Noah's day would have been saved had they heeded the warning.  The same salvation is possible for you, but only if you don't ignore it.  The Lord wanted to save more than just Noah and his family.  He didn't want all those people to perish.  He doesn't want anyone to perish now, this is why He is sending warning signs.  Please, please don't ignore them.  Turn to the Lord in repentance.  Surrender your life to Him.  Receive His forgiveness and mercy which came through His Son Jesus Christ.  Put your faith and life in His hands.  Don't be like the people of Noah's day who didn't believe but went on with life ignoring their salvation.  Be like Noah and believe the Lord and be saved.  

Monday, September 21, 2020

"Early Seeker"

"Early Seeker"

"O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is." Psalm 63:1

"O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee." As I read this verse I wondered how true it is in the lives of most believers, or if it is true at all.

There seems to be very little seeking of God, unless we are in trouble and need an answer to a problem. Even then we don't actually seek Him. If the answer doesn't come instantly we get up and go about our way trying to find a solution. Let me ask you a question-- When was the last time you actually sought the Lord in prayer- either for an answer or just to experience His presence in a deeper, more glorious way? When was the last time you sought Him early? Have you set your clock an hour earlier than usual so that you would not be rushed in your prayer time? We get up early to go to work. We get up early to drive to some sort of activity we are interested in. I remember as a child when we would go on vacation, we would get up a long time before daylight and start our journey.

There is something about seeking the Lord early. First thing in the morning. While the rest of the world is still asleep. Before the busyness sets in. The great men of God in our history did it and we are still reading the testimonies of how they "turned their world upside right" for Jesus. Jesus Himself would get up early and seek the Father concerning His will and direction for the day.

Some would protest that you can pray anytime and to say one must pray early in the morning is religious bondage and legalism, and not liberty and grace. No it isn't, we can pray anytime. We are admonished in the scriptures to pray without ceasing. But there is something about getting up while there are no interruptions and distractions of the day. There is something about making the sacrifice to deny yourself that extra sleep. There is something about getting out of your "comfort zone"- that nice, soft bed- and seeking the Lord. There is something about doing it then instead of "tagging" your prayer time with Him on after everything else. That "something" is a greater empowerment to live for Him, to work for Him, to serve Him and others and to see His presence manifested in your life in a greater way.  Jesus rose up early and sought the Lord, leaving us an example to follow. 

Have a great day. "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee".

For further reading:
Luke 21:38
Mark 1:35
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Friday, September 18, 2020

"Messy House- Part 2"

"Messy House- Part 2"

"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

Yesterday we talked about having a "messy house"- translated, a "messy life". We need to guard against getting too busy with the cares of this life that it causes us to neglect our spiritual well being. If we neglect it, it can become cluttered by selfish desires and the works and fruit of the flesh.

This morning I want to talk about another way that causes us to have a "messy" life besides the cares and distractions of this life. That way is laziness. Sometimes my house gets messy because I have just been too lazy to clean it up. (Confession is good for the soul.) There are times when I know I need to wash the dishes or vacuum the floor or do some other task, but I just don't "feel" like doing it. I want to sit down and relax. Or I want to sit back and be entertained. I just simply don't want to do it although I know I should.

We get like that with our spiritual lives as well sometimes-- lazy! We know that we should do those things that tend to godliness and cause us to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord, but we just don't "feel" like doing them. We don't feel like reading our Bibles or praying (unless we are driven to our knees by a problem). We don't want to have to get out of our comfort zone. We don't want to make the effort to discipline ourselves to do what it takes to keep our lives clean and de-cluttered.

Is that where you are this morning? Do you have a case of the "I don't want to"? Do you want to surrender to comfort instead of making the effort to go the next step in making sure your life is not "messy" spiritually? The difference between having a messy house and a messy spiritual life because of laziness is this- I can always hire someone to come and clean my house if I get that lazy, but I can't hire someone to come and take care of my "spiritual house" for me. I am, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the only one who can do that. It is up to me and no one else. If I don't get up off of my "lazy do nothing" then it won't get done. It will only get worse. And worse is something that I can't afford, not if I am going to enjoy an abundant, victorious life and a close intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father that Jesus paid the price through His death to give me- and neither will you. (I sure am glad He wasn't lazy, and got out of His comfort zone and went to the cross!)

Have a great day. A lazy life makes for a messy house- spiritually as well as physically.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

"Messy House"

"Messy House"

"...Set thine house in order..." Isaiah 38:1

When I know that someone is coming to see me, I try to make sure that my house is "in order". I make sure that the furniture isn't dusty and the floors are clean. I won't have clothes all over the couch, dishes piled up in the sink and clutter lying around. Sometimes when I have been busy and on the go, I let things get a little messy around the house. If it is like that when unexpected company drops in, it is a little embarrassing.

We have another "house"- it's our lives. One day, perhaps soon, we will have a "visit" from someone very special- the Lord. When He returns, how will He find our lives? Will they be in order? Will we be giving Him the place in them that He rightfully deserves? Will He find our lives filled with "flesh"- living according to the dictates of our own selfish desires and lusts? Will He find gossip, backbiting, unforgiveness, anger, adultery, fornication, lies, hate and so on? Will they be cluttered by the cares of this life? Will He find faith or fear, doubt or trust, unbelief or assurance? Will he find obedience to His word or rebellion? Will He find His word having free course in it or will other things occupy it? Will He find it "swept and cleaned"?

When He returns, in what condition will He find your "house" (life)? Will you rejoice with great joy at His arrival or will you be embarrassed to have Him see its condition? As I said earlier, my house will get messy and out of order when I get busy with other tasks and neglect it. Jesus warned us not to become too busy with the "cares of this life". Why? For several reasons, but it is also one of the main reasons why we let our lives get out of order. We are too busy taking care of the things of this life that we don't have, take or make the time to tend to our "houses", and our spiritual well being. When we don't take care of them, that is when they get out order. After all, you can't do both at the same time- one will suffer. Are we allowing the one that is most important to suffer and lack? If so, we need to rearrange some things in our lives and place the importance back on making sure our houses STAY in order because we don't know when the Lord will return and we don't want to be caught with a "messy house".

Have a great day. Is your life in order should the Lord come today?

For further reading:
Luke 12:40-46; 21:34
Matthew 13:22; 25:13

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"I Am"

"I Am"

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14

When God told Moses to go and deliver His people, Moses asked God,"When I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?". (Ex. 3:13) God told him to tell them that His name was "I Am".

Today God wants to remind you that He is still I Am.
I Am the same yesterday, today and forever. I do not change.
I Am your Healer.
I Am your Savior.
I Am your Deliverer.
I Am your Comforter.
I Am your Shield and Defender.
I Am your Hiding Place. 
I Am your strong tower that you can run into for safety.
I Am your strength in weakness, peace in confusion, guide in decisions.
I Am the glory and lifter of your head.
I Am with you always. I won't leave you nor forsake you.
I Am the way, the truth and the life.
I Am your light in darkness.
I Am the one who fights your battles for you.
I Am your guide even unto death.
I Am your righteousness.
I Am your shelter in the time of storm.
I Am the shade upon your right hand. 
I Am able to do exceeding, abundantly above all you can ask or think.
I Am the one who answers your prayers when you ask, seek and knock.
I Am the one who meets and supplies all your needs.
I Am the one who makes a way even when there seems to be none.
I Am all sufficient and more than enough for all you need.
I Am the one who loves you with an everlasting love.
I Am your friend who sticks closer than a brother. 
I Am the one who is able to keep you.
And... I Am still so much more.

Have a great day. God is still "I Am".

For further reading:
Exodus 15:26; 6:2
John 14:6; 8:12
Proverbs 18:10
Ephesians 3:20
Hebrews 13:8 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"Lost Battles"

"Lost Battles"

"Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God." 1 Samuel 17:36

Our scripture this morning is taken from the conversation that David had with King Saul trying to assure him that he was able to go out and fight against the giant Goliath. David told Saul about the times when a lion and a bear had tried to take some of the sheep that he was watching over and how he slew them both.

As I thought about the lion and even the giant that David was facing, a thought came to me that I want to share this morning. A lion roars even before it begins to chase its prey to destroy it. The roar is intimidating and meant to cause fear in the heart of its prey. Often when the prey hears the roar it becomes fearful and easier for the lion to catch and kill because it is paralyzed by the fear.

The giant that David was going up against also "roared" his intimidations- threatening to destroy David and the whole Israelite army. Intimidation is meant to make you afraid. The devil makes threats against us hoping to paralyze us with fear. The thought I want to share with you is this: if you listen to the enemy's intimidation and allow it to strike fear in your heart, then you have already begun to lose the battle even before you fight it.

The Israelite army believed Goliath's intimidating words and drew back in fear. They were already defeated before they even faced the actual battle. David didn't believe the threats; he didn't allow them to put fear in his heart. Therefore, he was able to go to the battle and defeat him.

If the enemy can get you to believe his lies and threats and make you fearful, then he is already defeating you before you even get to the real battle. If you don't make it to the battlefield to defeat him he will continue to attack you and overcome you. This is why even though the battle was set in array between the Israelites and the Philistines, the Israelites weren't making it to the battlefield to fight and win the victory.

If the enemy is coming against you, don't listen to his threats, don't allow them to paralyze you with fear, go on out to the "real" battle and defeat him and get the victory over him that Jesus already won for you.

Have a great day. If you listen to the enemy's words of intimidation and allow them to strike fear in your heart, then you have already begun to lose the battle even before you fight it.

For further reading:
1 Samuel 17
1 Peter 5:8
2 Corinthians 2:14

Monday, September 14, 2020

"Clarity In The Closet"

"Clarity In The Closet"

"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." Matthew 6:6

I am so thankful that the Lord has placed truly wonderful, godly people in my life. And when I talk to them about certain issues and matters they always refer me to the scriptures. God has blessed us by giving us people that will counsel us, encourage us, pray with/for us, admonish us in God's word, teach us, bear our burdens, pastor us, stand with us and mentor us. It is nice to have someone to talk to when you are going through a problem or trial. But, people should never take the place of God.

There are some things- some answers, clarity, revelation, insight, understanding of the situation- that you aren't going to get any where except in your prayer closet talking to God. This is why a prayer "closet" is so important. We all need that secluded, quiet place to pray. We all need a place where we can "shut the door" to distractions and other things that would try to grab our attention away from seeking God for an answer. We all need a place where we can get alone with God and not be interrupted.

There are so many questions, so many needs, so many answers that we desire and we would gain clarity of many of them if we would get alone with Him in a place of prayer. We can't expect to get all we need "on the go'- praying while in the middle of doing ten other things. We have to learn to separate ourselves and come aside to seek the Lord. Moses would go to his closet- a mountain- and get alone with God and receive God's commandments and instructions. Jesus did this. And it seems to me that if Jesus needed to do it, how much more do we.

We are to pray without ceasing- that means that we should keep a prayer on our hearts, and it means that there will be times that we have to pray on the spot and can't get to the prayer closet. But it doesn't mean we are to neglect prayer in our closets alone with God. I am concerned that the "prayer closet" has become obsolete. I think they are becoming a rarity. Not too many people have one. It is no wonder we stay confused, frustrated, unsure of what we are to do, always seeking out someone to "give us a word" and talk to us for God. God would give it to us if we would spend some time alone with Him in quiet and shut out the rest of the world.

Have a great day. We would have a lot more clarity concerning God's will for our lives in every area if we would spend some time with Him in the prayer closet.

For further reading:
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Mark 1:35
Genesis 32:24-29
Matthew 14:23

Friday, September 11, 2020

"Recorded Tears"

"Recorded Tears"

"Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?" Psalm 56:8

I have read this verse hundreds of times, but somehow I missed the part about God writing about our tears in a book. What a loving God who takes note of every tear we cry, so much so, that He bottles them up and records them. After reading that how can you possibly think that God doesn't care or isn't concerned about you.

The Father's heart is "touched by the feelings of your infirmities". He sees you in times of grief and pain as well as in times of peace and joy. His eyes are always on you. Watching you, as well as watching over you. He knows when you lose even one hair from the top of your head. He knows how many tears it took to "soak" your pillow. He not only sees and knows about your tears and the pain behind them that caused them, but He is with you in those times as well as in the good times. He is with you at all times. He is with you when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He is with you when the night seems to linger on for days. He is with you when darkness hides the sun and you begin to wonder if it will ever shine again. He is with you when the trials are so strong, the pain so deep, the sorrow unbearable, the situation is overwhelming and all hope seems lost.

Regardless of what you may be going through- good times or bad- you have the promise that the Heavenly Father will never leave you nor forsake you in your time of need or distress. You have the promise that He is with you always, watching over you and even keeping a record of your tears. Receive comfort from that. Hold on to His promise and trust His faithful word.

Have a great day. The Lord bottles up your tears and records them.

For further reading:
Hebrews 4:15; 13:5
Psalm 23
Matthew 28:20

Thursday, September 10, 2020

"Every Need"

"Every Need"

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

"My God shall supply all my need." What I need isn't always financial, as some people think when they read this verse. My needs go far deeper than just material things. I not only have physical needs but I have spiritual needs too. I have needs in every area of my life.

I already have a list of things that I need today. This morning I need to hear a word from the Lord to share with you in the devotional. I need wisdom to know how to be a good wife to my husband. I need to know how to be a friend to those the Lord has blessed my life with. I need to know when to speak and when to keep my mouth shut. I need to know how to battle the enemy in prayer for the souls of my loved ones. I need to know how to walk in the Spirit and how to stay attuned to the voice of my Good Shepherd. I need to know how to use the full armor that the Lord has equipped me with in order to stand against the enemy of my soul. I need His help to bear the Fruit of the Spirit. I need to know how to present my body as a living sacrifice, how not to lose my savor, how to keep from hiding my light, how to decrease so that He might increase. I need to know how I can best glorify Him through my life today. I need to know how to walk out the victory over besetting sins that Jesus gave me through His death. I need to know how to treat others the same way I want them to treat me. I need peace of mind. (And this is just the beginning of my list of needs.)

The disciples and others who came to Jesus with a multitude of various needs- some needed healing, some needed forgiveness, some needed deliverance, some needed answers to their questions. Like the disciples who needed Him to teach them to pray. The rich young ruler who needed to know how to have eternal life. Nicodemus came to Him with the need for understanding. There was no lack of needs- spiritual as well as physical. And as we read in the Bible, Jesus met them all. There was not one need of one person that He turned away. He either supplied what was needed, gave them the needed healing or miracle, answered their questions, gave clarity and understanding when asked, or told them what they needed to do.

Whatever you need today, He won't turn you away either. Voice your need to Him. Tell Him what it is. Bring Him into the area of your need. Ask for His help and ask Him to meet it. He desires to meet you at the point of your need- all your need and every need.

Have a great day. Our needs come in a wide variety, but He promised to supply them all.

For further reading:
Matthew 6:8-13
Luke 6:19

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"Mind Games"

"Mind Games"

"Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." 2 Corinthians 2:11

When you look up the word devices in the concordance, it means: a mental perception, thought, the mind, an evil purpose. So when I read this verse I see a two-fold meaning. First, I see that it means we are not ignorant of what goes on in satan's thinking/mind- we aren't ignorant concerning his thoughts toward us. His thoughts are to "kill, steal and destroy" us. Secondly, I see it to mean that the devices he uses against us are attacks against our mind. His main weapon is to play "mind games" with us.

It has been said that the mind is the battlefield. It is against our minds where most of the attacks against us take place. Satan comes against us with accusations- "You are no good; you aren't going to make it; God doesn't care about you; who do you think you are?; etc.". He tries to plant seeds of doubt in our mind- "Did God really say that?; what if God doesn't show up on time?; etc". He brings confusion to our minds in order to make us "wishy-washy" (double minded) in our faith. He tries to make you think that your situation is hopeless and impossible, and too big for God.

Satan has his mind set on destroying you and he does that by coming against your mind/thoughts. But the Lord has provided everything we need to be victorious in the battle. We have been given the helmet of salvation to protect our minds. We have been instructed to capture wayward thoughts and cast them down. We have been told by the Lord what we should be thinking on in order to have victory and peace of mind. If we set our mind on the things that God says instead of what satan says then his devices, plans, purposes and thoughts against us won't prevail.

Have a great day. Satan's thoughts and plans are to destroy you, and he carries out his plans by attacking your thoughts.

For further reading:
John 10:10
Ephesians 6:11-8
James 1:8
Revelation 12:10
Philippians 4:8
2 Corinthians 10:4,5

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"The Enemy Of Unbelief"

"The Enemy Of Unbelief"

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:23,24

Belief isn't a hard thing to do, or have, that is if it wasn't for one "little" thing-- unbelief! It would be easy to believe if we weren't hit by unbelief. Unbelief comes to try to steal our faith. It comes to try to keep us from receiving the promises of God. It is an enemy to our faith, therefore, it has to be dealt with as such.

Unbelief can't be ignored. It can't be overlooked. You have to do something about it. The father in the verse above recognized that he had unbelief and he confessed it to Jesus. He didn't try to cover up the fact that it was there. He didn't try to hide it from Jesus. He didn't try to defend the unbelief. He didn't try to pretend that it didn't exist. He didn't let pride get in the way, but readily admitted that it was there.

If there is unbelief in your heart concerning a matter, don't ignore it, don't try to justify it, don't try to act like it doesn't exist- recognize it for what it is, then confess it to the Lord. It is not a "negative confession" to admit it is there- it is the first step to getting rid of it. Once you have confessed it to God, ask Him to "help your unbelief". Then begin to renew your mind and heart with God's word- "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)

Jesus didn't scold the man. He didn't turn His back on him. He heard the cry of an "honest heart" and He met him where he was. Jesus hears the cry of your heart as well when you are feeling weak in your faith. He won't turn away from you. He will help you to overcome the unbelief.

Have a great day. Unbelief is an enemy to our faith, and must be dealt with.

For further reading:
Mark 9:20-27; 11:22-24
Matthew 21:21,22; 14:27-31

Friday, September 4, 2020

"Point Of View"

"Point Of View"

"But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

I woke up again this morning, as I do most mornings, with a song on my heart- this one verse in particular. "Wonderful, merciful Savior. Precious Redeemer and Friend. Who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men. Oh, you, rescue the souls of men."

"Who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men." Jesus was called the "lamb" of God that takes away the sins of the world. He wasn't referred to as some other "majestic" animal that was used in the sacrificial process. He wasn't the "lion" (the king of the jungle), or a great "stallion", or even the big, strong "elephant" when He was placed upon the sacrificial altar- the cross. No, it was just a "lamb"- a small, seemingly insignificant animal who has to be led. This is just further proof that God picks and chooses what, and who, He will use to fulfill His purposes. And often what He chooses is that which is weak and foolish. "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are." (1 Cor. 1:26-28)

Just look throughout the Bible at the things and people that God chose to carry out His plans in the earth. They weren't always the biggest and the best. They weren't always the most educated, the most beautiful, the most talented, the most appealing, the most desirable, the smartest, the most fearless, the most pleasing, on the contrary, they were usually quiet the opposite- at least from the natural appearance.

In appearance Jesus was the "sacrificial lamb", but behind the appearance of the "lamb", the one fulfilling the plan of salvation for all mankind was actually the Son of God. Gideon was a coward in appearance, but behind that appearance was a "mighty man of valor". David appeared to be nothing more than a shepherd boy, but instead he was a "king". God chooses, from our point of view, the things that appear weak and foolish so that no flesh can glory in His presence. But from His point of view He has chosen that which will bring Him most glory.

Have a great day. What we see on the outside looks weak and foolish by our standards, but God takes that which appears weak and foolish and uses them for His glory because He doesn't look at the appearance.

For further reading:
1 Corinthians 1:29
Judges 6:11,12

Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Applying The Sermon"

"Applying The Sermon"

"For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass." James 1:23

What do you do when you hear a sermon preached, read a word in a devotional or writing, or hear a teaching? Do you take it and pray about it? Yesterday morning we talked about hiding our lights under the "bushels" of intimidation, fear, rejection, etc. After having read it, did you take it in prayer before God or did you ignore it, forget what you read, think that it applied to someone else instead, or did you let it shine a light into your own heart and bring exposure, truth and repentance.

When we read or hear a word, that should not be the end of it. We should take that word and ask the Lord to show us how it applies to us. We should ask the Lord to forgive us if we have failed in the area that it addressed. We should ask the Lord to help us to do what that word taught.

If you read a message about hiding your light, for example, you should ask God to show you if you are doing that. If He shows you that you are doing it, you should ask Him to show you how you are doing it. Once He shows you, you should repent and ask for forgiveness. From there you should ask for the help and empowerment of Holy Spirit to make a change and stop hiding your light. This goes for every message/teaching you hear or read.

Jesus said that a wise man is one who not only hears, or reads, the word but then applies it-- does something with what He hears. James says that we aren't justified by the word until we do more with it than just hear it-- until we become a doer of it.

The Lord didn't bring that word across our paths just so that we can talk about what a "good sermon" or "message" it was, but so that we can apply it to our lives-- not just its truths, but its convictions as well. We have to let that word bring repentance and transformation in our lives. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

Have a great day. When you hear the word being preached, or read it, what do you do with it?

For further reading:
James 1:22-25
John 8:9
Matthew 7:24
Acts 17:11
Luke 24:32

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

"Is It Hid?"

"Is It Hid?"

"Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." Matthew 5:15

Is your light shining brightly? Or is it being hid under a "bushel"? Are you hiding it under the "bushel" of intimidation, fear of others, or the opinion's of men? Do you let what others think about you cause you to keep quiet when you should speak up? Do you let their opinions cause you to draw back or cow down when you should be bold? Do you let what they say about you stop you from doing the right thing at the right time? Are you hiding it under the "bushel" of rejection? Are you letting your desire to be liked by others cause you to hide your light through compromise? Are you so willing to please someone else- a friend, a family member, a boss, a co-worker, one of your peers- that your light isn't seen at all?

This world is a "dark" place. People are in darkness and don't even realize it- at least not until they see the light, then they recognize the difference. Each time we hide the light of Jesus that is within us, their world gets a little darker. As long as they are in darkness, they will remain that way until someone comes and shines a light on the path out of the darkness.

We are called to be lights in this dark world and shine a light on the path out of darkness and to Jesus, the true Light. But if we hide it under some of the things we have talked about this morning, there won't be a light to shine the way.

Have a great day. If your light is hid today, bring it out from under the "bushel" that it is hid under and let it shine brightly to those around you so that they can find the path that leads out of darkness.

For further reading:
Isaiah 51:12
Matthew 5:14-16
John 1:1-9; 9:5; 12:46
Ephesians 5:8
1 Thessalonians 5:5

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"Being Careless"

"Being Careless"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

Some of the synonyms for the word "careless" are: inattentive, negligent, forgetful. And one of the definitions given for the word is: unconcerned in attitude or action; heedless; indifferent. I bring up this word this morning because I want to talk about treating Jesus "carelessly". There are many ways we can treat Jesus in a "careless" manner, but there is one in particular that I want to discuss because we usually don't associate it with careless treatment of Him.

Did you realize that when you don't read your Bible, when you neglect to read it or study it, when you go for periods of time without even opening it up, you are treating Jesus in a careless manner? We just think that we are neglecting the Bible, but we are actually neglecting Him. How is that? Jesus is "THE WORD". He is the living Word that is brought to life for us through the pages of the written word.

When you are careless about your reading, you are being careless in your treatment of Jesus. You are being inattentive to Him. You are neglecting Him. You show your lack of concern about who He is and what He has to say to you. (You can't read the word of God without it speaking to your heart.) You are being forgetful of the place He should occupy in your life. You are saying that you have no time for Him. You are showing an indifference toward Him. Your action- or lack of it- is revealing your attitude toward Him.

Like I said earlier, we don't usually think that by neglecting our Bible and treating it in a careless manner we are treating Jesus the same way, but we are. Has that been you? Is that you? Are you neglecting Jesus by neglecting His word?

Have a great day. Our careless treatment of the word of God equals careless treatment of Jesus.

For further reading:
John 5:39; 1:1,14
1 John 5:7
Revelations 1:1
Hebrews 2:3