Tuesday, October 31, 2023

"It Is War"

"...a time of war..." Ecclesiastes 3:8

I think that many times we forget that we are involved in a "spiritual" war. For many of you that is what is going on in your life at this moment. You have been feeling pressed on every side. Things are not going right. Your mind is constantly bombarded with thoughts it should not be thinking. Your home is in a state of uproar. You're having problems on your job. You are going through difficulties. You are being easily offended. You are depressed, anxious, discouraged even to the point where you feel like "throwing in the towel". There is confusion and distraction. You don't know why this is happening. You can't figure it out or put your finger on the source. Let me put my finger on it-- it is "spiritual warfare".
Life as a Christian is not just a life of blessings. You have a very real enemy who is not happy that you are living for the Lord, and he is out to destroy you. He has schemes, plans, devices and weapons that he uses to wage war against your soul. He has you in his "cross hairs" with one goal in mind-- to kill you. 
When you look at the life of Job, who came after him to attack him? The devil. Job was attacked in his prosperity and material possessions. He was attacked in his health. He was attacked through his emotions, his feelings, in his mind, through his spouse, through his friends and in every way from every side. Job was in spiritual warfare. Don't forget that you are in a battle. Don't lose focus that there is a real enemy out there wanting to destroy you. Don't just think this is a natural occurrence. It is spiritual. 
Stop whining, crying and bemoaning your situation. Stop rolling over and "playing dead". Stop fearing the enemy. Don't just sit back with the attitude "Que Sera Sera (Whatever will be will be)". Fight back. Get up and fight the good fight of faith. Get up and fight the enemy (remember the enemy is NOT flesh and blood). Use the mighty weapons that God has given you- put on the full armor of God. Bring those raging thoughts captive. Pull out the sword of the Spirit (God's word- the scriptures). Pray in the Spirit. Put on the garment of praise and break the enemy's hold on your emotions. We tend to focus on the fact that we are heirs and joint-heirs, accepted in the beloved, blessed of the Lord, blessed with all spiritual blessings, children of God-- we focus on all the "good and pleasant" things. But we forget that we are also mighty warriors dressed for battle. We are soldiers in the Lord's army. We take the Kingdom by force. And as we do, we are more than conquerors. We are victorious. We have power over all the powers of the enemy. We are over-comers. We win! Job was victorious in his spiritual battle. Why? "For I know that my redeemer liveth. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold." (Job 19:25,27) He kept his focus on the Lord. It did get hard, and he did wonder why, and he did suffer, but he trusted God would be with him and see him through to the very end. Know that the Lord is with you in your battle, and He has given you the victory through His Son Jesus. 
Have a great day. Have you forgotten that we are in "spiritual warfare" and much of what is happening to you is an attack of the enemy? Get up and do battle. 
For further reading:
John 10:10
Ephesians 6

Monday, October 30, 2023

"Interpreting God's Plan"

"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me." Genesis 37:9 

The dreams that Joseph had were a vision of God's destiny and plan for his life. The dreams of the wheat, sun and moon bowing down before him represented that he would be in some sort of authority. I wonder if when he had them, he automatically thought-- "in fourteen plus years I am going to be a ruler in Egypt, second in command, next to Pharaoh. I am going to rule the entire nation, and everyone will have to answer for me." I really don't think that was what he thought. He probably did ponder it and try to figure it out-- just like we do when the Lord speaks to us or shows us something about our lives. His "interpretation" of the dreams, I am sure, was definitely not what God's interpretation was. Joseph's interpretation probably centered around his homeland, his father, blessings, etc. Never in his wildest imagination would he ever have thought he would wind up where he did. 
When God reveals something to us, it usually doesn't mean what we think it means. We usually have one interpretation and God has another. What God says He is going to do through our lives doesn't always mean He is going to do it the way we think. And it doesn't always mean what we think it means. Paul knew he was going to stand before kings and preach the gospel, but at first he probably didn't realize it would be in chains. Years ago, the Lord let me know that this ministry would be "world-wide". I thought that meant that He was going to send me physically around the world. Several years later He showed me that it is a "world-wide" ministry through the Coffee Break and Internet. I have been contacted by people from all over the world that receive the devotional. (So daily I get to "preach" to the nations.) 
So, when God gives us a glimpse (like He did Joseph) into His plan for us, we don't need to try to figure out what He means, and how He means it. We don't need to have any preconceived ideas about it. We just need to trust Him and let Him unfold His plan before us and bring to pass what He intends. 
Have a great day. When God shows us something about His plan for our lives, don't try to figure it out, don't have any preconceived ideas about what it means, because usually we are wrong, and it doesn't mean what we think it means. 
For further reading:
Genesis 37:1-10

Friday, October 27, 2023

"Preaching Jesus"

"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." 2 Corinthians 4:5 

The majority of the book of Acts is about Paul the Apostle's journeys preaching the gospel. As you look at the life and ministry of Paul you see he had one message--- Jesus. Yes, he taught the believers how they should live but his main theme was always Jesus.
What is the church preaching today? Are we preaching Jesus? For the most part-- especially in the church in America-- we are preaching a lot of other things. We preach about our plans, our programs, our churches, our visions, ourselves, money and politics. But where is the preaching about Jesus? 
Jesus is the central theme of the whole Bible. God Himself preached the first message about Jesus in the very beginning in Genesis. "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis 3:15) From Genesis to Revelations Jesus is there. All the prophets preached through prophecy Jesus. The early church, the apostles, the disciples, they all preached Jesus.
What are you preaching? Pastors, teachers and ministers, what are you preaching from the pulpit? Don't think the rest of us are exempt from that question. You may not be called to preach the gospel through an office (Ephesians 4:11-12) in the body of Christ, but you are called to "preach the gospel" (share the good news) where you are. So what are you preaching in your conversations? What are you preaching to the strangers on the street? Is Jesus what you talk about? Or do you talk about everything else but Him? Are you lifting up Jesus to others? That is the preaching of the gospel--- Jesus.
Have a great day. If we aren't preaching Jesus, then we don't have a message. 
For further reading:
1 Corinthians 1:18,23

Thursday, October 26, 2023

"Great Praise"

"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness." Psalm 48:1

God is great, so our praise to Him should be in proportion to His greatness. God is great; therefore, He deserves great honor; He deserves great praise; He deserves great worship. We worship Him in proportion to who He is--- great! So, God is worthy of not just praise, but great praise. He is worthy of our praise in every way, with all we have and on every level. 
There are seven Hebrew words for praise:
1) Shabach: to shout, to address in a loud tone.
2) Towdah: an extension of the hand in adoration.
3) Yadah: to worship with extended hand.
4) Halal: to boast, show, to rave, celebrate, to be clamorously foolish.
5) Barak: to kneel down, to bless God as an act of adoration.
6) Zamar: praise with musical instruments.
7) Tehillah: to sing in adoration.
Great praise, to this Great God, shouts to Him with the voice of triumph and is not afraid to let His greatness be known. Great praise lifts up its hands in surrender and adoration. Great praise does not mind getting "beside" itself and dancing before the Lord like David did. Great praise celebrates God's greatness. Great praise kneels and bows down humbling itself before the Lord acknowledging how great He is. Great praise praises Him with musical instruments and singing. 
Great praise, to this God Who is great, involves our whole being and not withholding anything from Him-- shouting with our voice, kneeling with our knees, lifting up our hands, dancing around on our legs, using our fingers to play instruments, and using our breath to sing unto Him. What kind of praise are you giving to this great God?
Have a great day. Our praise to God should be in proportion to who He is-- great!
For further reading:
Psalm 95:6; 21:13; 22:3; 47:1; 63:1; 149:3

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

"Don't Spend It All"

"Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment." Proverbs 13:23 

I recently went to the market to purchase a bag of peanuts. I wanted to get the jumbo size but was told that they would no longer be getting that size because the farmers are not selling them any more this year. They are putting them back for seed for next year. This is a wise move on the farmer's part. Although they could sell those peanuts now and get the extra money for them, they made the choice to save them.
The Proverbs addressed this very thing in the verse above. Sometimes we complain about not having enough but the truth is it is not because the Lord hasn't blessed us, most the time it is because of what we do with it. Often, we use poor management with what we get--- we want to spend it all now with no foresight. Those peanut farmers had the foresight to know that if they were still here next year, they would need seed to plant another crop, so they saved them in order to get more later instead of a little now. We don't use good judgment at times-- we want to spend it on needless things that have no value. 
Let me give you an example of this. Many years ago, my husband worked offshore. I will never forget this one guy he worked with and his wife. As soon as they got his paycheck they would go to town and spend every bit of it on needless things. (They would spend it all and have nothing to show for it.) The next day they would be crying and worrying about how they were going to pay their rent, car note, utility bills and buy groceries. The man made a good amount of money, but one day after he was paid it was all gone and nothing important was paid. 
What are you doing with the material things that God has blessed you with? Are you being a good steward with it? Are you making wise choices? Are you managing it well? Are you using good judgment? Are you thinking ahead? Or does it (like my mama used to say) "burn a hole in your pocket"? I know that often what we do have may not be much, but if we will use good judgment and take care of it properly, we will have more than we realize.
Have a great day. Don't spend all you have without any thought to tomorrow.
For further reading:
Proverbs 6:6-8

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

"Consider The Source"

"For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust." Psalm 103:14

My husband's grandmother had a word of advice that she would always give in dealing with difficult, obnoxious, gossiping, disagreeable and rude people. It was,"Consider the source". In other words, she was saying-- you know how that person is, don't let it bother you. 
During those times when we fail and fall, I tend to believe that the Lord does that very thing--- "considers the source". He knows who we are--- people made from dust. He knows we are weak, frail, make mistakes, mess up, helpless on our own and have problems doing what is right because of what we are made of. Because He remembers our frame-- our makeup, our source-- He shows us love, pity, mercy, grace, compassion and kindness. He understands who we are better than we understand ourselves. He doesn't get mad at us, write us off, cast us aside, scold us or throw His hands up and give up on us. 
When a baby is learning to walk, they fall a lot. We don't scold them, spank them or get mad at them for falling, they're a baby and are learning how to walk and do something they have never done before. It is the same way when potty-training them. We are patient and understanding with them. They will mess up many times before they actually learn how to go to the potty. Why are we patient with them; why are we understanding; why do we not give up on them? Because we know their "frame" (we consider the source-- they are little children).
When the Lord looks at us with all our faults and mistakes, He remembers who we are and His love for us compels Him to be patient, longsuffering, forbearing and gracious to us. He knows who we are so He doesn't get mad at us when we mess up. He is not mad at you when you mess up, but He understands and doesn't give up on you.
Have a great day. The Lord remembers that we are made from dust; so He doesn't give up on us when we make mistakes.
For further reading:
Exodus 34:6
Numbers 14:18
2 Peter 3:9

Monday, October 23, 2023

"The Lord Is My Source"

"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Hebrews 13:6 

If you don't know that The Lord is your Helper during these trying and uncertain times you will not be able to stand or endure them. You have to know-- not think so, not hope so-- that HE IS YOUR helper. This is a personal assurance. You have to know that He is your helper on a personal, individual level. Just because He may be your parent's helper, your spouse's helper or your friend's helper won't "help" you through hard times. You have to know Him for yourself personally and that He is YOUR helper.
You also have to know that The Lord-- not your boss, not the government, not your savings account, not your welfare check, not your spouse, not some other person-- is your helper. He alone is your SOURCE. He may use different avenues, different means and other people, but they are not your source-- HE is your source. Who sent the Israelites food for forty years in the wilderness? The corner grocery didn't; some leader of another country didn't ship it in; Moses didn't. God rained it down on them from heaven. Who fed Elijah at the brook during a drought? God did. He used a raven, then He used a widow, but God was His source of provision. Who caused Isaac to prosper even in a time of famine? God did. 
If you aren't settled in your heart that God alone is your helper then you will not be able to boldly say, "The Lord is my helper". Your faith will be weak because faith is grounded in truth. If you think that something other than God is your helper, then you are trusting in a lie. Your faith is based on something that is false, therefore, it will not stand the times of testing. It has to be rooted and grounded in truth. Jesus is the Way, TRUTH and Life. It has to be rooted in the Lord and the truth of His word. When it is, you will have boldness to stand during those times. This word boldness means: to be courageous, confident. When trying times come, if you are settled and established in the truth that God alone is your help, your source and your provider, and not something else, then you will have the courage to stand in adversity because your confidence is rooted in God who cannot lie, who cannot fail, who will not leave you nor forsake you, and who can make a way even where there seems to be none.
Have a great day. The only way to stand during trying times is by being confident that the Lord alone is your source of provision. 

For further reading:
Genesis 26:1,12
John 14:6
1 Kings 17:1-9
Exodus 16:4,15

Thursday, October 19, 2023

"God Is The Shield - part 3"

"I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee." Job 42:5 

This morning I want to talk a little more about something we said yesterday. We said that when God allows satan to touch our lives, there are three things we need to remember: 1) God is still in control; 2) God loves us and only has good thoughts toward us; 3) God will cause what is happening to work together for our good. This third thing is the one I want to talk about.
Although what happened to Job was not good, God worked it out for good. What was the good? When you ask people this question, their answer is-- he got back more in the end than he had in the beginning. He received more sheep, camels, oxen and donkeys. He also received money and gold. He had more children. His daughters were the fairest in all the land. 
The material blessings and wealth that Job received at the end sounds good. But that was nothing compared to what the real riches were that he received. There are blessings that are more valuable than silver or gold. There is an immeasurable wealth that is not material in substance. Sadly, that is what we focus on though-- the material blessings of money, gold, silver, and things. These were not the "real" treasures that Job received. These are all temporary. He was rich one day and a pauper the next-- he lost them all once, it could happen to him again. Riches take wings and fly. Gold can become devalued. This is why the Bible cautions us to not lay up treasures on earth that moth and rust corrupt and thieves break in and steal.
So what was the real "good" that came out of Job's trial? "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee." It was a revelation of God that he did not have before. Job was a perfect and upright man, who feared God, served Him, hated and shunned evil, and was a worshipper. God Himself gave this testimony about Job. But before his trial everything Job did, his service to God, his worship, and his faith was based on "hear-say". "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear". But afterwards it was based on a personal encounter with God-- " mine eye seeth thee". He discovered in a personal way that God could do anything. He went from religious service and hear-say to an intimate relationship based on personal experience. 
Job's trial brought him into a personal, intimate encounter with God that forever changed his life. It changed his view of God; it changed his service for God; it changed his worship to God; and it changed his relationship with God. He received eternal riches, and they far outweigh material riches. That is how "all things work together for the good". They bring us into a personal revelation of God that causes us to know Him in a deeper, more intimate way and it increases our faith in Him. 
We need to change our focus and the way we think about what is truly valuable. Too often we want to embrace and settle for temporary riches-- money, houses, lands, cars, gold, etc.-- and forget about the eternal riches-- like a revelation of God that brings us into a deeper personal relationship with Him.
Have a great day. Are the temporary material blessings like silver and gold more valuable to you than the eternal blessings of a greater personal knowledge of God?
For further reading:
Job 1, 42
Matthew 6:19

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

"God Is The Shield - Part 2"

"Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land." Job 1:10

Yesterday we talked about God Himself being the shield of protection around us. In the story of Job we discovered that the "hedge" that was around Job was God his shield. In the Book of Job we see satan testing and tempting Job. How could this happen if God was Job's shield? Because there was an opening in the hedge. How did it get there? It was there because God removed a small part of Himself which provided an opening to let satan get to Job. That is what we mean when we say, "God allowed it". 
When God removes a small part of Himself from around you, thus allowing satan to "touch" you-- (satan can't touch you other wise because he is not strong enough or smart enough to get through God)-- there are three things you need to remember while going through this time.
1) God is still, and always will be, in control. He is watching over the situation and will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able to bear. He will not allow satan to destroy you. "And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life." (Job 1:12a; 2:6)
2) God is not mad at you. He is not against you. He does not hate you. He is not punishing you. He only has good thoughts that He thinks about you and not evil thoughts when He allows satan to come against you. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11)
3) God causes all things to work together for your good. He will bring something good to you out of it. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) There was nothing "good" about what Job suffered but God brought "good" out of it. In Job's case the "good" that came out of it was not that Job received back more than he had lost, but that he got a revelation of God that he had never had before. "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee." (Job 42:5) Before his trial, although he was a worshipper, he only knew God through what he had heard about Him. At the end of the trial, he saw God for himself and now knew Him personally. 
We are not exempt from trials. There will be times when God allows the enemy to test us. But if you will remember these three things-- God is in control, He loves you and only has good thoughts about you, and He will work this out for your good-- you will make it through it and be victorious like Job. "So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning." (Job 42:12a)
Have a great day. When God allows the enemy to test you, He is still in control, He loves you and He will bring good on your behalf out of it.
For further reading:
Job 42
1 Corinthians 10:13 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

"God Is The Shield"

"But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head." Psalm 3:3 

The Bible tells us that the Lord gives us spiritual weapons among which is the shield of faith. But in this verse, it tells us that the Lord Himself is a shield to us. He wraps Himself around us and hides us so that the enemy cannot touch us. He did this for the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt. He was that cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night that "shielded" them from the army of Pharaoh.
The devil could not touch Job because there was a hedge around him. The hedge acted as a shield to keep the enemy from touching Job. Then when the hedge was removed, he could only proceed so far in his attack against him. What was that hedge? The word hedge here means "to hedge up; fence about". The literal meaning is- "you fence around him; you guard him". The hedge was God. God was Job's shield hedging/guarding/surrounding him as protection from the enemy. 
Today the Lord is still our shield. He doesn't just provide a shield of protection for us-- He is that shield of protection. There have been so many times in all our lives when destruction came and should have taken us out but we are still here. That wreck you were in should have killed you, but you are still here. That storm that blew away your home should have destroyed you, that sickness should have overcome you, but they didn't. It is because the Lord was a shield around you. So, thank Him for not only providing a shield for you in your battles against the enemy, but thank Him for being your shield.
Have a great day.  The Lord God Himself is your shield.
For further reading:
Ephesians 6:16
Job 1:10-12
Exodus 13:21,22

Monday, October 16, 2023

"A Future"

"Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour. There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink." John 4:5,6 

When you look at the story of the woman at the well, you will notice that she went to the well at the sixth hour-- 12:00 noon. There was a reason why she didn't go during the earlier hours which would have been a cooler time during the day. Twelve noon is the hottest time to go and do the task of getting water from a well, or any physical activity. But she did this because she had a "past" and a reputation because of it. She had had five husbands and was then living with a man who was not her husband. Her past kept her from going when it was cooler. It kept her away from others. It caused her to have to wait and arrange her schedule in such a way where she would be alone while drawing water. It kept her tied down in the present. Her past kept her in bondage. And it would have continued to keep her in bondage had she not had an encounter with Jesus on that particular day. After her encounter with Jesus she was no longer bound to her past. We read where she left the well and went to her city, witnessed to the people and brought them to Jesus.
Without an encounter with Jesus our past will not only keep us in bondage in the present but it will keep us from having a future. Is your past keeping you bound? Most of us love the verse, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11- NIV) When we think about this verse, we usually think about the "plans" as being some work God has for us to do-- some ministry, some vocation, some riches that will make us prosperous. But His plans for you also include freedom from the bondage of your past. His plan is that you have a future- a productive one. His plan is not for you to be tied down to past mistakes and failures. 
The life this woman was living was not His plan for her-- going from one relationship to another, having to avoid people, having a bad reputation, stuck in her past. He wanted to give her a hope and a future-- one of freedom, joy, security, peace, productivity. That is the same plan He has for you. His plan is not for you to live your life in the past, or in shame, or in bondage. He wants to set you free like He did her and give you a future.
Have a great day. Jesus wants to deliver us from the past and give us a future. 
For further reading:
John 4 

Friday, October 13, 2023

"Christianity Is Transformation"

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Religion deals with changes on the outside. Religious people clean up their act, turn over a new leaf, start trying to be good and do better. True Christianity involves change from the inside out. The acts, deeds and goodness that we do starts on the inside and works its way out. It is a result of something that has happened on the inside of a person. 
Transformation comes when we are "in Christ". It doesn't come from just knowing "about" Him; or "hearing" about Him; or "believing" He is real. It comes when we are "in" Him and He is "in" us. The word "in" means to be engrafted. When a branch is grafted into a tree, it gets its nutrients and life from the tree. (Cut that branch off and it dies.) Inside the branch is whatever is going into it from the tree. If we are engrafted in Christ we are being transformed because what is in Him is going into us-- love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, etc. This cannot be faked. It can't be copied. It cannot be reproduced outside of being in Christ. 
Are you trying to change your own life by doing "good" things? True change can only come through transformation. Transformation can only come through Christ and only then if you are "in" Him. You may say you are "in" Him. You may say you are a Christian. You may say you are a believer. But if you truly are then your life will be transforming to look more like Him because you are engrafted into Him. (There is no true salvation unless there is transformation.)
Have a great day. Religion starts on the outside. Christianity starts on the inside. Religion knows about Christ. Christianity means being in Christ. Religion cleans up its act. Christianity is transformation.
For further reading:
John 15:1-7
Galatians 5:22,23

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"The Familiar"

When the Lord is trying to do a "new thing" in our lives-- take us to a new place, a new level of glory, a greater level of faith, transition us from one place spiritually (or physically) -- if we aren't careful, we will turn around during the process and try to go back to the "familiar". This is the greatest temptation that we face when transitioning from where we have been to where we are going. 

The Israelites faced this temptation. They were delivered out of Egypt and on their way to the Promised Land. During the transition and journey from captivity to freedom, from living in a foreign land to living in their own land, from serving under Pharaoh to being led by God, they began to be tempted to go back to the familiar-- back to the slavery and bondage of Egypt. Peter did the same thing. After the crucifixion, resurrection, and Jesus' appearance to His disciples we hear the words of Peter-- "I go a fishing". He was tempted to go back to the familiar-- the life of a fisherman. 
When we are in transition, when the Lord is taking us from one place to another (whether physically or spiritually), when we are getting closer to fulfilling His plan for our lives, if we aren't careful, we will be tempted to go back to the familiar. The familiar is that place of old habits, old attitudes, old mindsets, old patterns. It is the temptation to handle situations the way we once did. For example-- if you use to handle a situation by getting angry, when you find yourself in that same situation, or one similar, you will be tempted to handle it in the same old way. If you used to run to a certain habit- whether that habit was going to a drug of choice, having a pity party, running from the conflict, holding a grudge, picking up an offense, etc.- you will find yourself trying to do the same thing now. There will be a temptation to revert back to doing what you used to do and handling it the way you used to handle it-- that is the place of the familiar. 
The familiar place is a comfortable place. It is a place of security. It is a place where we are in "control". That is why this is such a strong temptation and one many give in to. It is also one of the least recognizable temptations-- it is so easy to do it because we are used to doing it-- therefore, it "feels" so right. 
We all are tempted to go back to the familiar. None of us are exempt. Even pastors/ministers are tempted to go back to the familiar. When the Spirit is moving in church trying to take the service in a different direction, pastors/ministers will often quench the Spirit by doing things in the same familiar (ritualistic) manner as they always do. All Christians are tempted to go back to the familiar from time to time. I wonder how many times Joseph longed for the familiarity of home during his transition into God's plan.
Have a great day. When in transition, we must guard against the temptation to return to the familiar.
For further reading:
Exodus 14:1-12
John 21:1-3

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Hebrews 9:27 

Death is not a subject that we like to talk about. It is one of the most painful experiences that we face. It is a part of life, but it wasn't in the beginning. It was never God's plan for men/women to die. He created us to live forever. Death came as a result of sin-- spiritual death and physical death. 
Death is not finality. We don't cease to exist. We just don't live in this physical realm anymore, but we "live" on. Our spirit and soul do not die and when it leaves the body, it goes to another place. That place would either be heaven or hell. Depending on where it goes depends on what we do with the provision that Jesus made at the cross to take care of the issue of our spiritual death. Jesus died so that we can come from spiritual death unto spiritual life. When we are brought back to life spiritually, then when we die physically, death has no victory over us-- Jesus took care of that as well. He took the sting out of the grave and the victory away from death. At the end of time as we know it, Jesus will return and He will once and for all destroy death in the lake of fire. There will be no more death, just as He had intended originally. 
The fact is that we have an appointment with death. We just don't have the luxury of knowing when that appointment time will be. It comes to young and old alike. But the good news is that we can have the glorious hope that when we leave this life we will be in heaven in the presence of the Lord forever if we place our faith in what Jesus did for us at the cross and then place our lives in His hands to live for and serve Him the rest of our days. Those who don't do this don't have that hope. All they will hear Him say to them is, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire." (Matthew 25:41) Which one of the two are you? What will He say to you on that day? There is no reason for anyone to spend eternity in hell. Jesus provided the way so we could have eternal life. Have you accepted it? Will you accept it?
Have a great day. Death comes to all of us. But death has no victory over those who have placed their lives in His hands. 
For further reading:
1 Corinthians 15:53-55
Revelation 20:14
Romans 6:23
2 Corinthians 5:8

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


"The Lord hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne." Psalm 132:11

Have you ever had anyone tell you something and they swore that they were telling you the truth only to find out that they weren't? They made, or took, an oath that what they were saying was the truth but it was a lie. This happens in our courts of law frequently-- it is called perjury (willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation- swearing).
People may deliberately lie to you. They may even try to get you to believe the lie by enforcing it with an oath-- swearing that it is the truth. Man may lie. He may even swear that the lie is true. But God never lies. He never perjures Himself. He always tells the truth. When He swears, it is always in truth. So we never have to wonder, or worry, whether He is telling us the truth or not.
At the fall, God said He would send a Savior to bruise the head of the serpent-- He did two thousand years later when Jesus came. He promised Abraham that He would make him a great nation-- He is still doing that. He swore to David that He would set up his throne forever-- this will be fulfilled in Jesus when He returns and establishes His Kingdom on earth. Time doesn't affect God's word or His oath. It is eternal. The promises He made in the past are just as trustworthy today as when they were made. God cannot lie.
Time, circumstances, our unbelief, nothing affects the promises of God. God's word is always truth. It is immutable- does not change and is unable to be changed. God is not a man that He should lie. Therefore, we can place our trust and faith in Him and His word, because He is faithful as promised. 
Have a great day. God never lies and He always swears to the truth. 
For further reading:
Isaiah 9:7
Numbers 23:19

Monday, October 9, 2023

"Christ Living In Me"

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

"Yet not I, but Christ lives in me". In other words, although I am "alive" I should be "dead" and it is no longer me who is living my life, but Christ is living His life through me. When Jesus comes into our lives, we die (to self) and He lives in us. So, then that means that it is Jesus who is living through me. When you see me, then you see Him. Can you imagine the change there would be in our lives and the impact we would have in the world around us if we truly understood those words and took them to heart?
It is not only Christ living in me but living His life through me. This means that my whole attitude would be different-- I would be loving, compassionate, forgiving, turning the other cheek, blessing those who curse me, praying for those who use me, going the second mile, and so on. It means I would not say some of the same things I say-- like foolish joking and cursing. My words would be kind, gracious, uplifting, encouraging, edifying and full of wisdom. It also means my treatment of others would be different, the way I dress who be more modest, my lifestyle would have morals, my motives would be pure, my hand would be extended to others, I wouldn't do some of the things that I do and act the way I act. If Jesus was really living His life through me, which is what true Christianity is about, I wonder what changes it would affect in my life? 
What about you? Are you living a "crucified" life with Christ? Who is being seen in your life-- you or Him? Is He having freedom to do the things He desires to do through you? Is His character being seen through your life? When the disciples asked Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus replied that when you saw Him you saw the Father. It was because He and the Father were one. Jesus was "dead" to His self and will and the Father was "living" through Him-- "I came not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent Me". Can you say the same thing-- "When you have seen me, you have seen Jesus."? More importantly, can others say that about you-- "When I see him/her, I have seen Jesus."? They can and will if we are crucified to self and letting Christ live through us.
Have a great day. If we are crucified with Christ, we are no longer living our lives, but He is living His life through us. Is that evident in your life? 
For further reading:
John 14:9; 6:38; 5:30; 17:22

Friday, October 6, 2023

"Today, Not Tomorrow"

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24 

"This is the day which the Lord hath made". The Lord made this day-- today. So many people are living in "tomorrow". They are looking ahead to tomorrow. They are hoping tomorrow will be better. They are excited about some plan that they have made for tomorrow. They are thinking about an appointment that they have tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with preparing for the future, keeping a check on the calendar, or taking care of an upcoming responsibility, but we can't live in tomorrow and neglect today.
All we have is today. We don't have the promise of tomorrow. The Lord has created "this day", He hasn't created your tomorrow for you yet. He sees your tomorrow. He sees your future. He knows the number of your days. But He has not created tomorrow for you or me yet. But He has created today for us. 
So don't live in the past or in the future--- live in today. Enjoy His plan for you today. Today draw near to the Lord. Today be a light and witness for Him. Today love and serve Him. Today walk in His grace and blessings. Enjoy His peace today and don't be anxious about tomorrow. Make full use of today. Don't miss what He has for you today because you long for or are already thinking about tomorrow. 
Have a great day. Don't miss what the Lord wants to do for you today because you are already living in "tomorrow". Live each day to the fullest. 
For further reading:
Matthew 6:34
James 4:13-15

Thursday, October 5, 2023

"Are You Listening?"

"Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord." Psalm 34:11  

"Hearken unto me"-- or in other words, "listen to me". Listening is something that people don't do much of. Parents try to get their children to listen to what they are saying in order to keep them on the right path. Married couple's biggest complaint is that the other spouse never listens to them. We live in an age where people just don't listen. Oh, they may "hear" words coming out of your mouth, but they aren't listening to what you are saying. Our society thinks they already know it all. They think that there isn't anything you can say that they haven't already heard. They already have their minds made up about something, so it is a waste of their time to have to listen to what you say. They let it "go in one ear and out the other". 
The Psalmist was saying, "Listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord". If a person doesn't listen, he won't learn. There are some things we learn through experience, but there are other things that we learn through listening. Have you ever talked to someone until you were "blue in the face" but it didn't matter what you said, how often you said it or how much emphasis you placed on what you said, they still didn't hear you and did the wrong thing anyway. 
It is one thing to listen, or not listen, to your parents, your spouse, your friend, a counselor, your boss, your child or someone else who is trying to tell you something, but it is another thing not to listen to the Lord. He speaks to us often and in many forms. The most frequent way He speaks to us is through His Word (the Bible). Within its pages are His words that will instruct us, guide us and help us. If we would listen to them, we would prosper and have peace. But people aren't listening-- even to God. They ignore what He says, act like they know more than He does, or excuse themselves by saying it is too difficult to understand. What is so hard to understand about-- "You shall not lie, love your neighbor, forgive those who do wrong against you, be kind, believe in Jesus, etc.? 
Listening is a vital part of life. We have to listen if we are going to learn anything or succeed. Are you a listener? Do you listen to others who are trying to help you? Are you listening to yourself only? Are you listening to God? 
Have a great day.  If you don't listen to what I say, you may miss something important. But if you don't listen to what God says it can carry eternal consequences. His words are a matter of life and death. 
For further reading:
Revelation 3:6
Isaiah 34:1

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

"Hypocritical Worship"

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward." Matthew 6:5 

Last night I was reading a quote by Keith Green and in it he addressed the subject of worship. He wondered if the passion, singing and loud exclamation of praise that he saw displayed from people in church worship was presence in their private life. He wondered if they still have this same intense passionate joy when they were alone and no one was around to watch or hear, but the One that counts.
In our relationship with the Lord are we like the hypocrites? Are we very vocal with our prayers and praise in church where others can see us, but in our private life we hardly give the Lord any praise? When we are alone, are we the same as what others see in public? Hopefully, when we are alone, we are more so! Hopefully, when we are in "secret" and no one else is around by the Lord, our praise and worship is so passionate that He silences all of heaven so He can enjoy what we are offering up to Him.
Our worship and praise are like an aroma in His nostrils. It is either a good aroma or a stench. When we offer up our praise in public only, it is a stench because it is hypocritical. When we do it to be seen of men and get their attention, it is a stench. Our praise is a sweet-smelling aroma and acceptable sacrifice when it is done in private as well as public, and when it is done with the motive to be seen purely by the Lord Himself. So what aroma is your worship sending up? What does God smell when you worship Him?
Have a great day. Is your worship for the Lord only displayed in public for others to see? Or are you just as passionate in your private worship when no one else is around but the One to whom it is directed?
For further reading:
Matthew 6:1-8; 23:1-7

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

"God's Plan"

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8,9 

I woke up this morning with these words repeating over and over again in my mind. "Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan. Oh, the grace that brought it down to man. Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary." The cross was a place of shame, pain and death. But it was also the plan that God devised in order to redeem mankind from sin. This was the plan of God that would settle the sin debt that we owed. The cross, the death of God's Only Begotten Son, this was the only plan that could save people.
We have tried to come up with our own plans. The Pharisee's plan was through the keeping of the Law. The heathen through worshipping idols and giving gifts to them. The rich young ruler's plan was through keeping the Commandments. Saul tried through his education and knowledge. Countless numbers throughout history, including today, have a plan that they believe will save them. Their plan is called-- salvation by works. They think that church membership, water baptism, giving offerings, singing in the choir, serving on some church committee, or going to church once or more a week will save them. 
If salvation through works was a good plan, if it was the best plan then God would have come up with it-- it would have been God's plan and way. That would have been the plan He put into place. But it wasn't. It is a faulty plan. It is a plan based on our own ability. We have no ability to save ourselves. No matter how hard you work at accomplishing your plan of salvation, it won't work. The rich young ruler accomplished it rather well to a point-- he did the works, he kept the commandments-- but he still went away sorrowful not receiving salvation because he fell short in his plan, and then would not surrender to God's plan. The only plan that will work was Jesus dying on the cross. This plan is perfect and without fault. Whose plan are you working on to receive salvation? Are you working on your own plan as to how you are going to be saved? It won't work. 
Have a great day. Our plan for salvation is by doing good works. God's plan for salvation is by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. That is the only plan that will work. 
For further reading:
Titus 3:5
Matthew 19:16-22

Monday, October 2, 2023


"And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod." Exodus 4:2

 How many times have we heard it preached that God will take whatever you have "in your hand" and use it? Have you ever felt, though, that you have "nothing" in your hand? You don't have a rod like Moses. You don't have a sling like David. You don't have a lunch of bread and fish. What do you have? You have nothing. Well, neither did they to begin with. Moses didn't always have the rod. David didn't always have the sling. The little boy didn't always have the lunch. It was given to them or they obtained it at some point. 
"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey." (Matthew 25:14,15) The truth is, we all start out with nothing. You may not feel as though you have anything to give Him- no talent, no ability, no rod, nothing- and that is correct, you have nothing. But He wants our "nothingness". He wants us just as we are. He wants to take what is nothing and make us into something. Without Him we are nothing. Without Him we have nothing to give Him. All we have is ourselves- such as I am. But when we surrender our nothing and give ourselves to Him, He will give us- and make us- something. 
He will make us someone who is an heir and joint-heir to Christ Jesus; who is a co-laborer with Him; accepted in the beloved; the righteousness of Christ; bestowed with gifts; blessed of the Lord; etc. Just ask Gideon. He was a nothing with nothing to give the Lord. He was a coward, from a poor family and the least in the family. When God came to Gideon, he had nothing. God wasn't after what Gideon had, He was after Gideon. He took Gideon, who was nothing, and gave him something and made him into something-- a mighty man of valor, a judge in Israel. 
Stop bemoaning, or using as an excuse, that you have nothing to give the Lord and you have nothing in your hand. None of us have anything. That is why we need Him! We start with nothing and we give that nothing to the Lord-- that is all He is after. And He will take the nothing and replace it with something-- something (someone) that He can use for His glory.
Have a great day. You may think that you have nothing to give to the Lord-- you are right. But that nothing is what He wants. 
For further reading:
Judges 6:11-15
John 15:5
Romans 8:17
2 Corinthians 5:21