Friday, December 29, 2023

"Take Aim"

"And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole." Matthew 9:20,21 

The lady with the issue of blood needed a healing. She pressed through the crowd and touched the "hem" of Jesus' garment. The hem was the tassels that hung on the corners of His garment. They were called "wings". Malachi prophesied that He would rise with healing in His wings. She aimed for those "wings" because she needed a healing. When she touched it, His healing virtue flowed into her body and she was healed.
What do you need today? Then take aim and touch Him. She touched His garment and healing virtue met her need. Do you need strength, perseverance, direction? Take aim for His feet. They will give you virtue to walk throughout this world without getting weary, and you will know how you should walk among a wicked and perverse society. Do you need provision? Aim for His hands. He carries what you need in the palm of His hand and supplies it according to His riches. Do you need wisdom? Take aim for His head. "Let this mind be in you"-- His mind. Do you need compassion, love, kindness, mercy, gentleness? Then take aim for His heart. John leaned upon the chest of Jesus and heard His heartbeat. Lean upon His heart and you will hear it too-- it spells out love with each beat. Do you need spiritual understanding and discernment? Aim for His eyes. They don't see as we see-- man looks upon the outward appearance, God looks at the heart.
Again, what do you need today? Jesus is your answer. Take aim and touch Him in the area that you have a need in. We often say that we shouldn't seek His hand but seek His heart, and that is true, and as we do, all the things that we need will be added to us as we seek Him first. In Him is our whole provision and there are times when we have to seek Him for that particular need and touch Him in that area, like the woman with the issue of blood did, she touched His hem for her healing.
Have a great day. Take aim at Jesus and touch Him in the area of your need. 
For further reading:
Malachi 4:2
John 13:23
Matthew 6:33
1 Samuel 16:7
Philippians 2:5; 4:19

Thursday, December 28, 2023

"Part Of The Eternal Kingdom"

"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." Luke 1:32,33

Kings and kingdoms rise and fall and come and go. One of the most powerful earthly kings Nebuchadnezzar was shown this in the dream of the statue that the rock hit. There is only one Kingdom and One King that shall continue forever-- the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. 
When Jesus came to earth, the people, including His disciples thought He had come to relieve them from Roman oppression and sit up His Kingdom on earth. Well, He did... but not in the same way that they thought. He set it up in those who would crown Him as King and Lord of their lives. "The kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17:21) His kingdom is within the heart of His followers, but one day the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God and then every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord! 
Are you one of His followers? Is His Kingdom within you? Is He the Lord and King of your life? Have you already bowed the knee of your heart to His Lordship? If you haven't done it already willingly here and now, you will do it then, but it will be too late to make Him the King of your life in a personal way. His return is soon. He will establish His Kingdom on earth. The dream that Nebuchadnezzar had is continually being fulfilled with the rise and fall of nations and kingdoms, but one day it will be completed, and Jesus will reign as Lord and King over all the earth. You have the choice now to receive Him as your King or to deny Him-- which will it be?
Have a great day. The Kingdom of God is the only eternal Kingdom, are you a part of it?
For further reading:
Daniel 2
Revelation 11:15
Romans 14:11
Philippians 2:11

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"The Lord Is"

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is"- I began to think about that a little. The Lord is... who? what?
The Lord is my shepherd-- leading and guiding me.
The Lord is the Bread of Life-- He satisfies me so that I hunger no more.
The Lord is Living Waters-- He quenches my thirst.
The Lord is the Light of the World-- I never have to walk in darkness again.
The Lord is my Refuge-- He is the place of safety for me.
The Lord is my Rock-- a solid foundation upon which I can build my life.
The Lord is the Way-- I never have to get lost again.
The Lord is the Truth-- I never have to fall for a lie.
The Lord is Life-- I will never die; through Him I have eternal life.
The "list" of who He is is endless because The Lord is God. He is eternal, there is no beginning nor end in Him. He is God, therefore, He is All Powerful, Almighty, All Knowing, and All Present.
Take some time today to meditate on Who the Lord is. Then think about, not only is He who He is, but He is all that to you personally-- your rock, your shepherd, your refuge, etc.
Have a great day. The Lord is a great, mighty, awesome, personal God. 
For further reading:
Psalm 23

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"It Came To Pass"

"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." Luke 2:15

"And it came to pass". I thought it was interesting that this phrase is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. It speaks of something that is proceeded by something else-- an event proceeded by another, a revelation of something previously hid beforehand but now revealed, an understanding of something that may not have been clear before, or a promise that was given and is now coming to pass.
In the verse above, "and it came to pass", the promise that the Lord made at the fall to send one who would bruise the head of the serpent had come to pass. His arrival in the earth had finally come after all the thousands of years of waiting. 
We have all experienced the "it came to pass" times. Times when we have heard a word from the Lord but then had to wait. Times when He has given a promise, and we haven't seen it come to pass. There is a timing to when "it came to pass". "Though the vision tarry wait for it". But when it does come it usually comes like it did for the shepherds-- suddenly and at an unexpected time. They were keeping watch over their flocks by night, as they had done every night, and without prior notice or warning the angel of the Lord came to them, and then suddenly the angels were there praising God for this wonderful thing that had "came to pass".
As I said earlier, we have all experienced these times when "it came to pass", and we will again. So don't get discouraged while waiting for "it to come to pass". God has a timing, God has a plan, God is orchestrating and putting all things in place. Though it tarries it will come and it will come at the appointed time for it "to come to pass".
Have a great day. "It will come to pass" in God's appointed time--suddenly and unexpected. 
For further reading:
Luke 2:8-16
Genesis 3:15
Habakkuk 2:3

Friday, December 22, 2023

"Live It Out"

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

I think there is a misconception of Christianity among many believers. That misconception is the idea that Christianity is lived out at church-- in other words, Christianity is lived out when you are in church services only. Christian living is much more than a church gathering or service.
When Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, the words "go ye" translates "as you are going". So, as you are going about the task of life, preach the gospel. Your Christianity is to be lived out everywhere you are-- at home, on your job, at school, in the marketplace, when gathered with friends, at church.... anywhere life takes you. 
We also have had the misconception that this command to preach the gospel means we have to stand in a pulpit or on some platform in front of a group of people. To preach as you are going means just telling others about what the Lord has done in your life be it at the kitchen sink with a friend, or sitting in the doctor's office with someone you are having a conversation with. Preach it by telling others that Jesus loves them. Preach it by taking advantage of opportunities to encourage others in the Lord. Preach it through your lifestyle.
So, as you are going through life, live out who you are where you are.
Have a great day. Christianity is not lived out only in church, it is lived out wherever you are.
For further reading:
Mark 16:15-20

Thursday, December 21, 2023

"Hard Words"

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matthew 16:24 

We are always wanting someone to give us "a word". But we don't want just "a word from the Lord", we want one that is pleasant, easy, will tickle our ears, tell us good things and only what we want to hear. Well, it just isn't always like that. Even Jesus spoke hard words to His disciples while on earth. "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." (John 6:53) That word was a "hard" word and offended many of His disciples to the point where some of them turned back and stop walking with Him at all. (v.60,61,66) 
We want the blessings, the benefits, the good things, and the promises but His Words are not always easy, for example, His word, "Follow Me". When we accept that invitation and then find ourselves in some "unpleasant" places why do we get offended by it? Didn't we know that to follow Him means that we will go where He goes/went. Following Him will take us into the wilderness to be tested. It will take us on a path of rejection. It will take us into the storm. It will take us to the place of self-denial. Following Him will take us to the cross-- the place where our flesh (will) dies and conforms to His will. 
Jesus did not walk an easy path, neither will His disciples. He faced hardships, we will too. The servant is not greater than his lord. Don't think that it is strange when you are following Jesus' words and hardship comes into your life. You are following down the same path He has traveled.
Lest what I am saying offends you and causes you to want to turn back, let me say this... as you follow Jesus and the path doesn't look easy, remember that He is walking it with you. He is not leaving you alone. Just as the Father was with Jesus on His journey, so is Jesus and the Holy Spirit with you as you follow Him. Remember this also, Jesus has already walked down these paths... He is well acquainted with them. He knows how to "get through them" because He went through them and overcame them in victory. Because He overcame so can we-- we not only follow Him down paths of hardship, but also paths of victory. 
So be encouraged. While Jesus' words are not always pleasant like we would like for them to be, even the hard words are full of blessings. Just because we can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there. There is eternal life hidden in them... and that is the greatest blessing of all.
Have a great day. Jesus' words are not always easy or what we want to hear, but the hard words are the ones filled with the greatest blessings.
For further reading:
John 6

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

"Is It Good Or Not?"

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Isaiah 5:20 

The other night my husband and I watched a couple of episodes of the "Andy Griffith Show". Have you ever heard anyone say, or perhaps you have said it yourself, why don't they make shows like those anymore? Today most shows (even commercials) are full of blasphemy of God and that which is sacred, immorality, violence, and vulgarity. Compared to what is on today, those shows were good... or were they?
I looked at my husband and told him how disappointed I was in what I was seeing. Both episodes centered around lies and deception, and they went to great lengths to perpetrate the deception. Perhaps compared to the other shows that the world is producing it is "good"? But compared to God's Word it is not. Lies, deception, immorality, etc. it is all the same to God. His Word tells us how to judge what is "good and evil".
If we keep watching these things and not heeding what the Word of God says about them, we will find ourselves in a constant state of compromise and wind up as those it talks about in the verse above-- we will call evil good and good evil. It only takes a short period of time for us to begin to condone what is clearly not good for good-- just let something a little worse come along and what once wasn't acceptable suddenly becomes acceptable. You can't compare worldly with worldly. You can't compare flesh with flesh. You have to compare it to the Word of God. You have to judge everything by the Word of God. You don't choose "for" something because it is the "lesser of two evils". Instead, you forsake it and avoid it. If you don't... well, we have already discussed the consequences. (In case you missed it-- you will wind up like those in the verse above.)
How do we keep this from happening? By judging it by the Word of God, then believe what God says about it, and then just simply heed what God says and avoid it. If you don't you will live in a state of compromise, which will cause you to live a less than victorious, abundant life because you will not be walking in the whole truth. And part truth is not truth at all, but a lie. Lies bind you, truth sets you free.
Have a great day. To find out what is good and what is evil, you don't compare it by anything but the Word of God. 
For further reading:
John 8:32; 17:17

Monday, December 18, 2023

"Proud Or Grateful?"

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1:17 

I was reminded this morning of something that happened years ago. I had gone to the doctor's office and when I first walked in the door, I heard a lady humming a Christian song. I sat down beside her, and she started singing one of the old classic hymns. She didn't care that the room was full-- she kept singing about Jesus. I told her I enjoyed it and we got to talking. I asked how long she had been waiting and she proceeded to tell me what an impatient person she was. I answered back with what the scriptures said about impatience and that it was a Fruit of the Spirit. She said, "Really?". She seemed to not know what I was talking about. She told me she has always sung even from a young age. She sang in church often and even now has won some awards for her singing. But throughout the whole time there, she was impatient, complaining, negative and didn't know much of anything about the Bible.
Just because you go to church doesn't mean you are the Church. Just because you hear preaching doesn't mean you are a doer of the Word. Just because you sing about Jesus doesn't mean you know Jesus. Many are like her-- church goers with a talent. They go on Sunday, they may even sing in the choir and hold positions in the church, but there is no evidence of Christ in their lives during the rest of the week. There is an old children's song that says, "If you're saved and you know, then your life will surely show it." She had a beautiful voice, and sang the "right" song, but had no personal evidence to back up what she sang. 
This lady was very proud of the talent that she had, but didn't know the One who gave it to her. Do the things that God has given you-- the blessings, the talents, the abilities, the wealth, etc.-- mean more to you He does? Are you proud of the "gifts" or grateful for them? Every good gift comes to us from God. Having pride doesn't just mean that you take credit for them. People with pride may even recognize that it came from God, but they don't live like it did. Gratitude for the gift is shown by wanting to get to know the One who gave it to you, by desiring to use it for the purpose in which He gave it, and by not using it for your own self but for Him. 
Have a great day. Your life will reflect whether you are grateful for or proud of the gifts and talents God has given you. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

"Grace Bubble"

"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." Isaiah 43:2 

For some reason we Christians have the idea that we will never go through anything. We think that just because we are saved, we will never face "hardships" again. We tend to think that we will live on a "big soft fluffy pink cloud" far above any troubles. Well, we don't live on a cloud, we live on earth. And in this world Jesus Himself told us that we would have tribulations. We were told we would have many afflictions. We were told there would be weapons that would form against us. We were told that we would pass through the waters, through the rivers, and through the fire.
No, we don't live in on a "cloud", but we do live in a "grace bubble". We like to think that this "cloud" keeps us from going through anything-- it doesn't. The "grace bubble" doesn't keep us from going through difficulties, it protects, consoles, gives peace and strengthens us when we do go through these times. 
What is this "grace bubble"? It is the protective place that is under the shadow of the Almighty. When we go through the waters, He will be with us (that is the grace bubble-- His presence) surrounding and shielding us. When we go through the rivers, they shall not overflow us-- that's the grace bubble. When we walk through the fire, it will not burn us, and the flame will not kindle upon us-- that's the grace bubble. In the many afflictions, His deliverance is the grace bubble. In tribulation, His victory is our grace bubble. When weapons are formed against us, they will not prosper-- that's the grace bubble. We are kept by God's grace that surrounds us when we go through trying times-- that's what the grace bubble is. 
When you go through difficulties, remember the grace of God is with you walking with you through it. That grace will keep you, deliver you, strengthen you, undergird you, protect you, and keep you from being utterly destroyed. This is why the Apostle Paul could say, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:8,9) He lived life in the "grace bubble."
Have a great day. We don't live on a cloud above troubles, but we live in a grace bubble protected during those troubles. 
For further reading:
Psalm 34:19; 91:1
John 16:33
Isaiah 54:17

Thursday, December 14, 2023

"God's Train"

"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." Isaiah 6:1

After Israel's king, Uzziah, whom they had served under for over fifty years died, Isaiah saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. This was not only a glorious revelation of God, but a vision of hope. How so? 
Israel had lost their king, but they had not lost their God. The king was dead, but God wasn't- He was still there. King Uzziah's throne was temporary, but God's throne is eternal. Rulers come and go, but God will always be there. 
The Lord was sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. God's throne doesn't just transcend man's throne- like one king that is greater than another king. His throne rules over all other thrones. His throne has dominion over every throne that is established on earth. 
"His train filled the temple." His train/garment of majesty, honor, authority and glory filled the entirety of the temple. I read something interesting about kings and their trains. When a king would go to battle, if he defeated the opposing king, he would cut off the hem of the king's train/garment and attach it to his own. The more victories the larger his train became. It showed he was a great, mighty and powerful king. Isaiah saw the Lord's train filling up the entire temple. The Lord is mighty, great, victorious and powerful all by Himself. His train would naturally fill the place. But I also submit to you that His train filling the temple represents His victory over all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. (Ephesians 1:21)
At the cross Jesus defeated the "principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places." He destroyed the works of the devil and spoiled principalities and powers, making a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 
In the wilderness satan tried to tempt Jesus to worship him by promising to give Him all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus didn't give in to the temptation. Jesus knew that one day they would be His anyway. "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Revelation 11:15) He knew that He would gain possession of the keys of death and hell, and all power in heaven and earth will be given unto Him. He knew He would receive them by defeating the devil, not by submitting to him. 
His train fills the temple because He is the victorious, conquering King of kings. He has "added" His victories over death, hell and the grave to the hem of His train. He has "added" His victory over sin, sickness, temptation and the flesh to the hem of His train. He has defeated the lust of the flesh, pride of life and the lust of the eyes and "added" them as well to His hem. He has defeated every "king" that would try to set up its throne in our lives. He has defeated them all and added them to His train showing His great power, majesty and authority. 
Have a great day. Jesus is the mighty King whose train fills the temple. 
For further reading:
Ephesians 6:12
Matthew 28:18
1 John 3:8
Revelation 1:18
Colossians 2:15

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"Whose Plans?"

"For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that." James 4:15

Well, I learned firsthand why the Bible tells us not to take thought for tomorrow and to say if the Lord wills we will do this or that. I had big plans yesterday. It was one of those rare days when I had the whole day home by myself. BUT, during the middle of the night, a light pole decided to fall and knocked out my electricity and everyone else's in the surrounding area -including my dad's. (The light company was wonderful and worked all night and through the next day until they got the pole replaced, the transformers changed out and power restored.) My dad is my neighbor, so I had been keeping him updated with the progress. My power came back on fairly early and so did my neighbors, but not his. I had a "vision" earlier about the pole falling and pulling the wires off his meter base because the pole was near his house. Guess what? You guessed it. That is exactly what happened!

I spent the entire day helping him get his power restored. I called the light company, his insurance company and the electrician. I also talked with all the dozens of people who were working around his yard getting things back in order.  His power was finally restored late in the afternoon. 

I tell you all this because that though we make plans, it doesn't mean that they might not get changed. We need to be "flexible" and trust God with our plans, our days and our time. Evidently, my plan was my plan. God's plan for me was to help my dad. God knew this pole was going to fall. He knew the outcome. So, He cleared everything off my calendar ahead of time so I could be where He wanted me to be. 

The thing is, we don't need to be so attached to our plans that we can't be available when God wants us somewhere else or doing something else. Also, we should never let the fact that our plans got changed to make us get frustrated, angry, upset and complaining. How do you handle a change of plans? What type of attitude do you have when things don't go according to your plans? Do you plan but yet say, "If the Lord wills I will do this"? God has plans, we have plans. We need to be able to let God interrupt our plans if He wants to.

Have a great day. I have plans, but God may have other plans.    

For further reading: Matthew 6:34


Monday, December 11, 2023

"He's God, Not Man"

"For he is not a man, as I am.." Job 9:32

 We are guilty at times of looking at God the same way we look at people. We bring Him down to our level in power, ability, strength, and understanding. Well, He is NOT like us. He is not a man. He is God. He is not limited in power. His strength is perfect. He is well able to do anything. His thoughts are higher than ours. He is a Great, Big God with Whom nothing is impossible. That can't be said about any person.
Even when Jesus, the Incarnate One, wrapped Himself in flesh and took on the likeness of sinful man, He went about showing us what Father God was like--- that He was not like us. He showed us the depths of God's love-- unselfish, enduring, patient, longsuffering-- which is unlike our love which is conditional and demanding. He showed us the great grace of God-- willing to reach out and grant forgiveness and pardon to those who were undeserving. We have no grace toward others unless we think there is something we can gain from it. He showed us the mercy of God-- withholding the punishment that we so rightfully deserved-- if we would be put our faith and trust in Him. We can be merciless when we have been done wrong. He showed us the healing, delivering and restoring power of God. None of us can heal, deliver or restore-- no matter how educated, how smart, how much money we have, we can't do it. 
So, how big is your God? Is He as small as man? Or is He the One who does what we can't-- rides on the wings of the wind, uses the earth as His footstool, calls the stars by name, tells the sun when to rise, opens blind eyes, raises the dead, sees each sparrow when it falls, clothes the lilies of the field, speaks and the winds obey and created the universe by only His spoken word? Stop bringing Him down to our level. See Him as Who He is-- I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.
Have a great day. How do you see God? As great and big as He is, or as small as a man. 
For further reading:
Job 42:2
Isaiah 6:1; 55:8,9
John 1:12

Friday, December 8, 2023

"Addition And Subtraction"

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 

The verse above is an addition and subtraction principle. As we seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first all the things we need are added to us. 
What is the kingdom of God? It is the King of the Kingdom Himself. He is the Kingdom. What is His righteousness? He is the righteousness as well. Seeking the kingdom is not just a formula for getting what we need. The Bible says that when we seek we find. What do we find when we seek the kingdom? We find God Himself. As we find Him something happens in our lives-- addition and subtraction. 
As we find Him, we find all that He is- love, joy, peace, kindness- and it is added to our lives. As it is added to our lives, a subtraction takes place. Subtraction of those things that are not like Him-- hate, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc. "You can't serve two masters". (Matthew 6:24) As one is added the other is subtracted. Seeking first the kingdom of God adds the very presence of God to our lives and the more He is added the things that are unlike Him are subtracted-- they can't both stay.
Are you struggling with the desires of the flesh? Whatever you are seeking is what will be added to you. If you are seeking the things of the flesh that is what will be added and spiritual things will be subtracted. If you are seeking spiritual things that is what will be added and the fleshly things will be subtracted. There isn't room for both. So the one you seek will be added and the other one will be subtracted. The more you seek the Lord, the more you look like Him and the less you look like the world. 
Have a great day. Seeking God is a principle of addition and subtraction. As we seek Him, we find Him and there is an addition of His character added to our lives. When it is added, the fleshly desires are being subtracted. 
For further reading:
2 Chronicles 26:5
Matthew 6

Thursday, December 7, 2023


"I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope." Psalm 130:5 

Waiting, waiting, waiting. It seems like with the Lord there is always a "waiting period". The world waited for the Promised Redeemer for two thousand years. Abraham waited for the promised son. Joseph waited in Egyptian bondage before the fulfillment of his destiny. David waited to come to the throne after he was anointed for it. The earth is still waiting for the manifestation of the children of God, and the return of Christ. 
"I wait for the Lord." "My soul waits for the Lord". "In His word do I hope". Even the word hope here can be translated "wait". There are times when we have to wait for the answer to manifest. There are times when our faith is tried, and perfected, through waiting. Will you trust Him even if He waits? If He does wait, will you give up and doubt? 
Lazarus waited in the grave for four days before Jesus raised him back to life. His sisters gave up hope because Jesus didn't come right away. "Lord, if You had been here". In others words, "If You hadn't waited to get here he would still be alive." God's time is not our time. Delay (waiting) doesn't change the plan of God, it often is "The" plan of God. 
We tend to think that if God doesn't "do it now" it means He is not going to do it. We should learn from life around us that this is not always the case. Pregnancy is nine months of waiting. Harvesting of crops is a process of waiting. Seasons wait to change. Etc. 
We need to learn that waiting for the manifestation of the promises of God doesn't mean that He will not do what He says He will do. Neither is it an indication that He has said, "No". "In patience you posses your soul". (Luke 21:19) Waiting helps produce patience, and patience produces experience, and experience produces hope, and hope will not make us ashamed because our hope is in the Lord and His word and His word is Truth and He is faithful as promised. 
Have a great day. Waiting is not only a part of our physical lives, but it is a part of our spiritual lives as well. Don't get discouraged in the "wait", but put your hope in the Lord's word. 
For further reading:
Romans 5:3-5
Psalm 37:7
John 11

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

"I Am Here"

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me." Isaiah 6:8

Several weeks ago, our Youth Pastor was preaching in the evening service. He has a precious 5-year-old daughter. During the service he was making a point and wanted to use his little daughter to illustrate the point. He didn't see her in pews because she was on the floor, so he asked, "Where is (and called her by name)?" Before he could even finish his question enquiring where she was-- she immediately raised her hand and said, "I am here". 

Although, he was enquiring of her whereabouts to make another point, what happened in her response spoke volumes to me. She didn't hesitate to answer and respond when her father called her name. How quick are we to respond when our Heavenly Father calls our name? Do we ignore Him? Do we continue doing what we were doing? Are we so busy with other things that we don't acknowledge Him? Or do we respond like she did? How much quicker should our response be to our Heavenly Father when He calls our name? Should we ignore Him like we didn't hear? Should we continue doing what we wanted to do? 

How attentive are you to the voice of the Heavenly Father? Are you listening for His call? Are you paying attention to other things more than you are to Him? Are you distracted by the things that you are involved in and miss hearing His voice when He calls your name? The Bible says that a child shall lead them. The reaction of this child is speaking to us. We could all learn a lesson from the way she responded to her earthly father without reservation and hesitation. Lord, make us people who hear and respond quickly to Your voice. Amen.

Have a great day. How do you respond to the Father when He calls your name?

For further reading: Matthew 11:9,15; Isaiah 11:6


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

"Thankful Lifestyle"

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 

The weather may be nasty outside, but there is always something to be thankful for. You may be facing a storm, but there is always something to be thankful for. You may be going through a time of tragedy, but there is always something to be thankful for. Life is full of ups and downs, you may be in a "down" time right now, but there is always something to be thankful for.
We don't have to look very far to find things to complain about. The devil will make sure of that- he is good at pointing out what is wrong. But neither do we have to look very far to find something to be thankful for-- all we have to do is just open our eyes. There is actually more to be thankful for than there is to complain about. There is an old hymn that says, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
Today why not start counting/naming some of your blessings, surely you can be thankful for them? Did you wake up with a roof over your head? Do you have food to eat? Do you have clothes on your back? Do you have eyesight? Can you hear with your ears? Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? Have your sins been wash away? Then you already have much to be thankful for. For the Christian thanksgiving (which we recently celebrated) is more than a date on a calendar, it is our lifestyle. Is it your lifestyle? Or is your lifestyle one of complaining about what you don't have or what is not going right in your life? 
Have a great day. Your lifestyle should be one of thanksgiving because there is always something to be thankful for. 
For further reading:
Psalm 100

Monday, December 4, 2023

"Not A Straight Shot"

"Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance: When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it. When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people." Psalm 105:11-13 

The Lord promised to give the Israelites the land of Canaan. When He brought them out of Egyptian bondage, He led them to that land. Before they were able to take possession of it they went from one nation to another and from one kingdom to another-- their journey to get to Canaan involved going from one place to another.
When the Lord tells us His plan for our lives, we think it is going to be a "straight shot" to get there. That is rarely the case. In the book Hinds Feet In High Places Much Afraid was on a journey to the High Place. Each time she thought she had arrived, there was another "turn in the road". There was another valley to cross, another hill to climb. We see this also in the life of Joseph. His destiny was the palace of Egypt. But before he arrived there he went from one place to another-- from his father's house, to the pit, to Potiphar's house, to the prison and then to the palace.
Perhaps you have been wondering if you will ever arrive at your promised destiny? Each time it seems like you are close, the road changes direction-- and that direction looks like it is taking you further from it instead of nearer to it. Rest assured that God is watching over His plan for your life. He is leading and He is guiding. He knows the path that you must take. He knows what places you must travel through to get there. He knows when to bring you into it. So enjoy the journey, learn from it, develop trust and faith through it, let it strengthen you, and rest in the Lord's faithfulness to bring you into the place that He said He would. 
Have a great day. The journey to the plan of God is not always a straight shot, sometimes it takes many turns into many places. 
For further reading:
Psalm 105

Friday, December 1, 2023

"Not Hid By Darkness"

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee." Psalm 139:12 

When we go through a time of difficulty and tribulation, we call it a "dark place". It is dark because we can't see any light in the situation. It seems to be void of all hope. It is just dark. Perhaps you are in such a place now. A bad report, the lack of finances, a broken relationship, all have taken you into a place that looks dark and hopeless. If so, I have good news for you. 
The good news is that the darkness cannot hide you or the problem from God. He sees you. He knows what you are going through. He is not searching trying to find you in the darkness. Nothing is hidden from Him. Even the darkness of night shines as brightly as the light of day to Him. He sees you. It may be so dark that you can't even see a smallest flicker of light, but it is not like that for God. Nothing escapes His vision. 
I feel like I am on the verge of repeating myself over and over again, but I want (the Lord wants) to reassure you this morning that He sees you. You feel like He doesn't. You feel like He has abandoned you in the time that you need Him the most. You feel like He will never find you in this dark situation because it is even too big and dark for Him. It is not. The things that are impossible for men are possible for the Lord. He doesn't have to wait for His eyes to "adjust" to the darkness before He can see you and do something about it. The situation has to adjust itself to His vision. You are not hidden from Him. He sees you perfectly well. The situation only looks dark to you, but it looks light to Him. He is in the darkness with you, you are not in it by yourself. 
Have a great day. The place of darkness you are in cannot hide you from God. Darkness is as bright as light to Him.
For further reading:
Psalm 139
Hebrews 4:13

Thursday, November 30, 2023


"I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)" 1 Corinthians 16:15

 We have all heard the words alcoholic, workaholic and shopaholic. "Aholic" is a suffix added to a word that denotes a person that is addicted to something. Have you ever heard of a "fleshaholic"? Are you one?
We were all born "flesaholics"-- catering to our flesh, living by it, being ruled by it, under submission to it, addicted to its lusts. A person who is an "aholic" of any kind, is drawn to whatever it is they are addicted to; they crave it; they give themselves to it completely. Alcoholics are drawn to alcohol; workaholics are drawn to work; shopaholics are drawn to shopping. Fleshaholics are drawn to the works of the flesh-- jealousy, sexual immorality, lustful pleasures, drunkenness, wild parties, envy, anger, selfish ambition, etc. (Galatians 5:19-21) 
When we come to Jesus Christ for salvation, He breaks addictions. He is the Great Deliverer. He delivers from the power of sin- breaking its hold over us. He delivers from the power of addiction- destroying its power. He delivers from the power of our flesh over us- setting us free from walking after its desires. He changes our nature and our desire and makes us a new person. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Once we come to Jesus and give our lives to follow Him, He delivers us from following after the lust of our flesh and changes our lives. We begin to walk in a different direction. We are no longer addicted to our fleshly desires, but to following and walking after the Spirit. Our desire changes from fulfilling the lust of the flesh, to fulfilling the desires of the Spirit. We no longer crave the lust of the flesh, but pursue after the things of God-- love, joy, peace, etc. (Galatians 5:21,22) You might could say we are now- "Christ-aholics"-- consumed with, being drawn to, following after Him and in short "addicted" (giving ourselves completely consecrated) to Him. 
Have a great day. Are you a "fleshaholic"?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"Life Is A Hard Taskmaster"

"For what hath man of all his labour, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath laboured under the sun? For all his days are sorrows, and his travail grief; yea, his heart taketh not rest in the night. This is also vanity." Ecclesiastes 2:22,23 

Life is a hard taskmaster. It is not easy, it is hard. It brings sorrow, pain, troubles, distress, hurt, difficulties and vexation of heart. Life wasn't intended to be like this, and it wasn't before the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. But because of sin, life can be a struggle. Sickness, suffering, hate, broken relationships, violence all came as a result. We now have to labor to make a living. We now have to wrestle with disease and sickness. We now have pain in childbirth. We have prison systems, courts of law, medical facilities, psychiatric wards to help make life at least bearable. 
Life itself may be a hard taskmaster-- hard and always keeping you "down"-- but God is not. Even in the midst of a "cursed world" of pain and misery, He is the Giver of life-- abundant life. This is why life doesn't destroy us as Christians. Life may happen, but God's love and grace sees us through it. He counteracts life. Pain may come in life, but God gives comfort. Weakness may hit us, but He gives us His strength. We may find ourselves in ashes, but He gives beauty. Life hits us with sorrow and mourning, but He gives us the oil of joy. Heaviness of heart comes to weight us down, but He provides us with the garment of praise. 
Don't think it strange when fiery trials try you, that is just life. Don't be shaken when affliction hits, afflictions are part of life. Don't get discouraged when tribulations come, in this world we will have them. But through it all, remember the words of Jesus, the Giver of abundant life. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He is not a hard taskmaster, and He will give you rest, peace, joy, hope, strength and victory to live in a burden laden world that tries to beat you up. "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." This is why we can live in this world and overcome it instead of it overcoming us.
Have a great day. Life is a hard taskmaster, but Jesus gives us abundant life to overcome it and walk in peace and victory. 
For further reading:
Matthew 11:28
John 10:10; 16:33
1 Peter 4:12
Isaiah 61:3

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

"Who Is God?"

"And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14 

When God showed Himself to Moses and told him to go to Egypt to bring deliverance to the children of Israel, Moses asked the Lord, "What should I tell them your name is when they ask?" (verse 13) God said to tell them it is "I Am That I Am". In that "name" was wrapped up the fullness of who God is-- His nature, His character and what He does. He alone bears this name. 
I like to think about who God is and sometimes I use the alphabet to remind me. God is everything from A to Z and all that is in between.
Eternal One
Father In Heaven
King of kings
Lord of lords
Never ending
X Extraordinary
Perhaps you may want to do this yourself. This list barely scrapes the surface of who this Amazingly Wonderful God is. 
Have a great day. God is everything from A to Z.
For further reading:
Exodus 3:13-15

Monday, November 27, 2023

"Vain Repetition

"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." Matthew 6:7

When you go to God in prayer, do you find yourself repeating the same thing over and over to Him again? I have thought about this when I lift up my praise to Him in prayer. I find myself repeating the same thing again and again. But just because we repeat the same thing over and over doesn't necessarily mean it is "vain" repetition. It can be repetitive but not vain. 
Vain repetition is when we just babble using a bunch of idle words-- we are saying a lot but saying nothing. Vain repetition is when we aren't even giving thought to what we are saying. We are saying it just to hear ourselves talk. 
When you start praising the Lord, you can't help but be repetitious because there are only so many words in our vocabulary that we can use to describe Him. He is so great and we are so limited in our ability to articulate who He is. He is the indescribable God-- therefore, we "run out of words" and have to start repeating ourselves. Even the host of heaven is at a loss and are repetitious as well. They sit around His throne crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy" over and over and over again. 
When you pray to the Lord or when you praise Him, it is all right to be repetitious, but it is not all right to do it in a vain manner just to hear yourself talk or think that He is going to hear you because you are speaking so much. If you have to keep repeating yourself because you are at a loss for words, then repeat yourself and don't let the enemy stop you because you think it is vain repetition.
Have a great day. It is all right to be repetitious in your praise to God because there are only so many words that we have to describe Him. Just don't use vain repetition. 
For further reading:
Revelation 4:8

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"The Altar Of Prayer"

"I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word." Psalm 119:58 

I wonder what we in the modern-day church know about entreating God and praying with our whole heart? We tend to pray what I call "microwave prayers". Prayers that are "thrown up" to God to get our immediate need met. We don't know much about "tarrying" and "waiting" upon the Lord. We also tend to pray "brownie point" prayers. Prayers that are half-hearted and "just enough" so that we can say we have "done our duty" of prayer.
The Psalmist entreated God's favor with his whole heart. Jesus often prayed all night. Jacob wrestled with the angel until he blessed him. David fasted and prayed until he got word that the child he was praying for was dead. Jeremiah prayed for a word from the Lord for ten days before God answered him. We think we have really done something if we pray for ten minutes. And once we have prayed for ten minutes we expect God to have already answered and if He delays we get discouraged, frustrated and angry with Him. 
We need to learn how to go back to the altar and PRAY! I know we are to pray without ceasing (wherever we are) and there are times when we cry out to God and He answers immediately. But it wouldn't hurt us to have some calloused knees for a change because we have been on them praying to the Lord. When was the last time you knelt before the "altar" (presence) of God and prayed until you knew you had heard from heaven? Many times we walk in assumption instead of faith because we haven't prayed until we have truly heard God's answer. 
There is no set "form" or set "length" of time that we should pray. But the half-hearted, ten minute, on the go prayer we have been doing is not working. (That is evident by what we see happening in our world around us and in the state of the church.) As I already said we need to learn how to go to the altar and pray and stay there until we have heard from God. 
Have a great day. Revive and restore the altar of prayer in your life. 
For further reading:
2 Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"No Invitation"

"Let him that stole steal no more..." Ephesians 4:28a 

The enemy comes against us in our thought life more than in any other way. He makes "suggestions" and poses questions to make us "think" and "reason". He did this at the beginning in the garden when he asked Eve, "Did God say?" He did it with Jesus in the wilderness temptation. We can't stop him from "speaking" to us but we can "shut him up" and not give him an "invitation" to come on in.
When he came to Eve, she had a choice to either "shut him up" or "invite him in". We know that she invited him in. How do we give him an invitation to get into our lives? We do it by "entertaining" those thoughts, suggestions and questions he poses to us. She entertained them-- therefore, inviting him in-- and we know the end result. 
When he comes with his suggestions, accusations, words of fear, and condemnation you too have to make the decision to either invite him in or shut him up. We invite him in when we entertain what he says. When you dwell on the thoughts that he is planting, when you give heed to the words he is speaking, when you receive what he says then you have invited him in. Once he is in, he will try to "run the house". He will try to set up homestead. He will not want to leave either. 
We don't have to invite him in, we can keep him out, we can slam the door in his face. We do this by following Jesus' example. Jesus did not give place to his words, accusations and lies. He used the scriptures to "shut him up". The enemy could find nothing in Jesus-- no place to set up residence-- because Jesus did not invite him in.
Shut the door on the enemy by not listening to his lies, but by listening to the truth of God's word. Cast down those thoughts when they come to you, don't entertain them. Station the sword of the Spirit (God's word) beside the door to your heart and mind and use it. You have to make the decision to listen or not, to heed or not, to give place and invite him in or shut the door on him. Which will you do?
Have a great day. When the enemy comes, don't invite him in, but slam the door in his face by not entertaining the thoughts he is throwing at you.
For further reading:
John 14:30
James 4:7
Ephesians 6:17
2 Corinthians 10:5
Genesis 3:1
Matthew 4:4,7,10 

Monday, November 20, 2023

"Love Is Not A License"

"If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15 

We have heard it taught that grace does not give us a license to sin. But love doesn't give us a license either. Just because God loves us unconditionally, and nothing separates us from His love, it doesn't mean that we can do anything we want to do, and it will still be all right because He won't stop loving us. That attitude speaks volumes concerning just where your heart is in regard to God.
The fact that God loves us always is not in question. It is whether you love Him or not that is the question. We can say we love God but that doesn't make it so, or mean we really do. Jesus said that the true evidence that you love Him is that you keep His commandments. In other words, if you do those things that He says to do and refrain from doing those things He says not to do-- this is the sign of your love for Him. How can you love Him if you are living "against" Him. You may say, "I am not against God. I believe in Him. I know He is real. I love Him". You are against Him when you go against His commandments. You are against Him when you live the way you want to live instead of the way He desires for you to live. You are against Him when you are living after your own fleshly, selfish, self-centered desires. You are against Him when you are living by your own standards instead of His standards. 
You can't live in adultery and fornication, you can't get drunk, cheat, lie, steal, abuse drugs, be immoral, use profanity, covet, etc. and say you love God. The Bible says that the truth is not in you. Truly loving Him means that you have turned your life over to Him. And when you turn your life over to Him, you become a new person. You start acting like and living like Him. You start walking in love-- love toward others and love toward Him. And love toward both is expressed in action. Love toward others means you are forgiving, kind, caring, compassionate. Love toward Him means you do what He says to do-- you keep His commandments.
Have a great day. Because God loves you unconditionally doesn't mean that you have a license to live anyway you want to live and it will be all right.
For further reading:
John 15:10
2 Corinthians 5:17
1 John 2:4; 4:20; 5:2