Thursday, October 17, 2024

"Freedom From Life's Dread"

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."  1 Peter 5:7

Did you wake up this morning feeling pressured and overwhelmed by what awaits you today?  Did you dread getting out of bed because you already feel the weight off all that lies before you?  If so, before you face the world, before you face any task, before you head off to work, or go to meet the responsibilities of the day, take time to get alone with the Lord.  Don't face "life" today without having first faced the Lord.

Go into that secret place-- your prayer closet, take some time to go before His presence and cast your cares upon Him.  Acknowledge Him in all your ways-- in all that you have before you--- and let Him direct your steps, thoughts, ideas, appointments, commitments and responsibilities.

It has been said that "he who knees before God can stand before anything and anyone".  When you humble yourself first thing in the day before the Lord and bring Him into the affairs of your life, you will find that you don't have as much facing you as it seemed.  You will find that that "mountain" of cares is actually nothing more than a "mole hill".  You will also gain a peace that passes understanding, the pressures will dissipate, the dread will be replaced with victory, the confusion will give way to a calm spirit and fear will take a back seat.

There is no denying that we all have responsibilities and things that we have to do each day, but the choice of how they affect us and affect our attitude is up to us.  We can face them with peace or with anxiety.  Anxiety comes naturally, but peace in the midst of overwhelming cares comes as we get into the Lord's presence and cast these cares upon Hm.  Which will you do today?

Have a great day.  Are you overwhelmed by what the day holds before you even begin the day?  Then get in the Lord's presence and leave those cares there.

For further reading:
Matthew 11:29, 30; 6:33

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