Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"The Tower"

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe."  Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower to the righteous.  What does that mean?  It means several things.  It means that He is a place of safety for us when we are under attack by the enemy.  It means that if He is the place of safety, it is a well-fortified place-- one that the enemy can't break down, break through or destroy.  It means that in order for the enemy to get to us, he has to go through God first-- we are out of his reach because we are in the Lord.

The Lord is like a well-fortified place of safety to us.  We don't have to fear the enemy, the storm, or the devourer as long as we are in Him.  But it means something else as well.  A tower is an elevated place.  It is a raised place.  It is a place that is high above other places and ground level.  When we are in the Lord, our strong tower, we are elevated above the enemy.  We are able to look down on him.  We can see the battle from a different elevation causing us to see it from a different perspective-- God's perspective. 

This is one reason why we must run into the Lord when we are under attack or facing a battle.  Seeing things from God's perspective sheds a whole different light on the subject.  We see the situation from the eyes of faith, not with our natural eyes that would cause us to fear and become discouraged.  We see that we are over the enemy, not under him or equal with him-- he is under us, under our feet.  We also see that though the enemy rages, though he plots, though he sends out his fiery darts, he can't get up to where we are-- making us well out of his reach.  It also means that we are seeing from an advantage point.  We are able to look out over the whole battlefield, not just one small spot. 

Are you in a battle?  Is the enemy "breathing down your neck"?  Are you feeling like you are losing the battle?  Well, get up to higher ground.  Run into the Lord who is your strong tower of defense and advantage point. 

Have a great day.  The name of the Lord is a strong tower... get in the tower. 

For further reading:
Hebrews 2:8
1 Samuel 17:47

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