Wednesday, December 6, 2017

"Waiting For The Lord's Time"

"But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law."  Galatians 4:4
"When the fullness of time was come, God sent."  God has a timing for everything.  We have a timing as well and more times than not our timing and God's timing conflicts.  We want everything now.  We don't want to wait.  We think the perfect time for anything and everything is now. 
Probably one of the hardest things for us to do is wait.  Especially when the matter appears to be urgent.  We can't wait.  We can't wait on God to move.  It has to be done now.  So we take matters into our own hands and "make it happen" when we want it to or when we think it should.  This is one of the main reasons why we get in trouble. 
Look at some Biblical examples of those who did not wait on God to bring the answer, meet the need, fulfill the promise or provide.  King Saul didn't wait for the prophet Samuel to return with the Lord's message.  As a result, he was rejected from being king by God.  Abraham and Sarah didn't wait for God to fulfill the promise of giving them a child.  They took matters into their own hands and produced an Ishmael.
Waiting may be hard.  Waiting may go against our nature.  Waiting may seem like a waste.  But it will always be in our best interest to wait on the Lord.  God's timing may seem late.  It may seem like it will never happen.  But His timing is perfect.  And when the fullness of God's time comes to your situation, you will be glad you waited.  Because His answer and the way He presents His answer will be perfect and marvelous.
Have a great day.  Wait for God's timing.   

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