Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"Falling Away"

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."  2 Thessalonians 2:3
We believe that before the return of the Lord there will be a great end-time revival that will bring the long awaited harvest in.  The Bible refers to this as the "latter rain".  But the Bible also teaches that there will be a "falling away" at the end-time as well.  I can't help but wonder if we may not be in a "falling away" time.  
I see many falling away from sound doctrine-- even denominations are falling away from the Biblical truths they have held to since their beginnings.  I see folks who were once on "fire" for the Lord becoming lukewarm.  I see them having a disinterest in the things of God.  What was once a priority in their lives is being thrown by the wayside.  Some of these same people were actively involved in church, even holding positions of authority, but no longer even attend.  They seldom pray-- only in times of trouble or need.  They never read their Bibles-- much less live by it.  Their burning desire for the Lord has been replaced with a half-hearted desire for Him .  Their lifestyle is not a reflection of the Christ they claimed as Savior and Lord.  There is not much, to anything, in their lives that gives any indication that they are who they profess-- or professed-- to be.  
Could this be the "falling away" that is spoken of in the scriptures?  According to the signs of the time given to us in scriptures, we are living close to the return of the Lord.  This is not the time to cast away our confidence in the Lord.  This is not the time to quit in our relationship with Him.  This is not the time to turn from Him and return to the things that He delivered us out of.  This is not the time to get slack, grow weary or turn away.  His return is soon.  He is coming back for those who have remained faithful to the end.  He is coming back for a bride who has made herself ready-- one who is prepared.  He is coming back for a spotless bride.  He is coming back for those who are watching and waiting for His appearing.  He is coming back for those who love Him with all their hearts, soul, strength and mind.  He isn't coming for anything less.  He isn't coming for those who have forsaken Him and are living a life apart from Him. 
Are you in that group?  Is there a "falling away" taking place in your own life?  Have you felt yourself getting lukewarm?  Does your life reflect the Savior?  Do you resemble the world in action, speech, attitude and deeds?  If this is you, there is still hope.  Fall on your knees and repent!  Call out to the Lord.  He will hear you.  He will not turn a deaf ear to you.  He will not turn you away.  Do it while there is still time.  Do it before it is too late.  Stop falling away from Him and start running to Him instead.
Have a great day.  Is there a falling away taking place in your life?       

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