Thursday, December 7, 2017

"Private Or Public Salvation"

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."  John 12:32
Jesus came into the world to seek and save those who were lost.  He came to give His life as a ransom for our sins.  He came to provide the way for forgiveness of sin, reconciliation with the Father and eternal life.  He would accomplish this by becoming "flesh and blood".  He became a man, a man who was born as a baby in a manger. 
When He was born, He was born in secrecy.  He was born in private.  He was born in seclusion.  He was born in a stable without an audience and without a crowd.  Only His parents, a few shepherds and some wise men saw Him.  Though He had a mission, His time had not yet come to fulfill it, so His birth was kept "secret".
But when His time came to fulfill His mission, it was no private matter.  He was crucified on top of a hill, lifted up on a cross, high above for all to see.  It was not done in secret.  Though salvation is a private thing that takes place in the heart, it is also a public thing that others should witness.  When we come to Christ for salvation, we should do so publically.  We should let someone know.  Sadly, we are allowing people to come to Christ "under the radar".  We ask them to do it in secret.  In our churches we ask everyone to close their eyes and if you want to accept Christ raise your hand.  Then we all say a "sinners prayer" together and that is the end of it.  Why?  We don't want to embarrass anyone.  
If a person is embarrassed for anyone else to see them come to Jesus, then they aren't really coming to Jesus.  He said that if we are ashamed of Him before men, He would be ashamed of us before the Father.  Jesus didn't die in private.  He did it for all to see.  He wasn't ashamed to hang on that cross for you.  Why are you ashamed to receive Him before others? (Let me say this-- I know there are parts of the world where your life is in danger if you publically acknowledge Christ.  I am not talking about that.  I am talking about those who aren't in that danger.  Yet, even in those conditions, many still openly and boldly accept Jesus not fearing for their lives, but willing to die for Him.) 
What message are we communicating to people?  We are telling them it is alright to be a "private" Christian.  We are telling them it is alright to serve in secret.  We are teaching them that faith in Christ does not require boldness. We present salvation as something "embarrassing" instead of the glorious new birth that it is. Jesus said that if we confess Him before men, He would confess us before the Father. 
Have a great day.  Jesus came in a manger in secret, but He died on the cross publically for all to see.  Is your salvation private or public? 

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