"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22
When the rich young ruler asked Jesus what he needed to do to have eternal life. Jesus answered him. The young man responded by telling Jesus he had done all that He said. Then he asked another question--- what do I still lack?
Many of you are wondering-- what do I lack? What do I still need in my life? What is missing? Where's my peace, my joy, my victory? The thing that you lack is the Word of God active in your life. When I say this, I am not talking about just reading the Word in a devotion each day, or following along with the verses in the sermon on Sunday. I mean having it "active" in your life. I mean you have it in your hand like a sword, in your mind renewing it and in your mouth speaking it. I mean it governs, and dictates, your thoughts, actions and deeds. I mean that it transforms your character and changes your attitude.
The Word of God is life. It is health-- health to our spirit, soul and body. It is truth -- truth sets us free. It is deliverance. It is wisdom. It is grace. It is powerful-- more powerful than a two-edged sword. It is hope. It is faith. It is enlightenment. It is strength. It is victory. It is joy and peace. We overcome every, any and all obstacles, plans, schemes and devices of the devil that he tries to use to steal, kill and destroy us.
If you know without a doubt that you are a Christian but you feel like you are lacking something in your life, check your relationship with the Word. Is it active in your life?
Have a great day. What you feel like you are lacking in your life is most likely is the Word of God.
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