Jesus was in the temple watching those who were giving their offerings. He noted that the rich men were giving a little in proportion to the size of their abundant riches. He also noted that a certain widow woman gave little as well, but her little was all she had. Jesus said that she had given more than all the others because she gave all.
This story is about more than giving God our money and offerings. There is a spiritual parallel here. It represents what He is looking for. He is looking for those who will give Him all—all of themselves.
These men were like most people. They give to God, they are willing to even give themselves to God, but they are only willing to give Him a little. They give Him what they want Him to have. They only give Him part of themselves. They will not surrender it all to Him.
This widow gave her all, even though in the eyes of man it wasn’t much. These men gave some of what they had and in the eyes of man it looked like much. But in the eyes of God, she gave the most. Jesus was more pleased with what she gave than what they gave. He isn’t looking for “quantity”. He is looking for those who will give their entire selves to Him. She gave from her heart. The others gave out of duty or pride.
Which one of these two would describe you? Are you one who is giving God some but not all? Are you holding back part of yourself? Are you giving Him only what you want Him to have of you? Or are you like the widow and giving all of you to Him?
Have a great day. God is looking to see if you will give Him all of yourself, or if you will give Him only what you want Him to have reserving the rest for yourself.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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