"Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?" Romans 2:22
This verse reminds me of the saying, "Do as I say, not as I do." Jesus put it this way, "Get the log out of your own eye before you try to get the splinter out of someone else's eye."
We have all been guilty of doing such. We can easily see what someone else is doing wrong, but overlook or not recognize, what we are doing. We see examples of this all around us. There are those who make accusations against others of being racists, yet they themselves are prejudice. There are those who point at individuals as being "bullies", yet they use intimidation to push their agenda. There are those who accuse their spouses of being unfaithful, yet they are living with someone who is not their spouse. There are those who talk against someone who is trying to live a righteous life, yet they are involved in all kinds of evil acts. This can all be summed up in one word-- hypocrisy.
We need to take daily introspection and examine our own lives and see if there are "logs" or even "specks" in them that need to be removed. Before we start accusing others, before we start belittling others for their actions, before we be condemning of another person, we need to take a good look in the mirror of the Holy Spirit and see if there is anything in our own eye first. If there is, ask the Holy Spirit to remove it and heal it. Then, after it is removed, we can see clearly what is in someone else's and be able to help lovingly remove it.
Have a great day. Are you excusing what you do, but condemning the same thing in someone else?
For further reading:
Matthew 7:4,5
Luke 6:41,42
We have all been guilty of doing such. We can easily see what someone else is doing wrong, but overlook or not recognize, what we are doing. We see examples of this all around us. There are those who make accusations against others of being racists, yet they themselves are prejudice. There are those who point at individuals as being "bullies", yet they use intimidation to push their agenda. There are those who accuse their spouses of being unfaithful, yet they are living with someone who is not their spouse. There are those who talk against someone who is trying to live a righteous life, yet they are involved in all kinds of evil acts. This can all be summed up in one word-- hypocrisy.
We need to take daily introspection and examine our own lives and see if there are "logs" or even "specks" in them that need to be removed. Before we start accusing others, before we start belittling others for their actions, before we be condemning of another person, we need to take a good look in the mirror of the Holy Spirit and see if there is anything in our own eye first. If there is, ask the Holy Spirit to remove it and heal it. Then, after it is removed, we can see clearly what is in someone else's and be able to help lovingly remove it.
Have a great day. Are you excusing what you do, but condemning the same thing in someone else?
For further reading:
Matthew 7:4,5
Luke 6:41,42
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