Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"A Chaotic Life"

"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."  Genesis 1:2

One of the meanings for the words "without form" is chaos.  There was darkness, emptiness, confusion and chaos upon the earth at this time.  But then the Spirit of God begin to move over the earth.  This description of Him moving upon the earth reveals that He did it in a tender loving manner. 

I wanted to set this scene for you because often our lives are like this.  They feel chaotic.  They feel empty.  There is confusion.  We go through dark places that look utterly hopeless.  But the good news is this... the same sweet Holy Spirit of God who was there when the earth was in a chaotic state is there with you in your chaos (trouble).  He is moving in love and compassion to come to your aid.  He knows how to speak light into the situation. (Let there be light) He knows how to turn chaos into peace.  The Lord saw the state of the earth.  It never cried out to Him.  Yet He came to its rescue with His tender mercies and love.  How much more will He help those of us who have a promise that when we call out to Him, He will hear us and save us.   

If your life is in a state of utter darkness and chaos, then call out to Him and let Him bring order to your situation.

Have a great day.  The Lord knows how to bring light, hope and peace out of the chaos of our lives.

For further reading:
Jeremiah 33:3
Genesis 1:3

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