"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Hebrews 13:8
“For I am the LORD, I do not change;" Malachi 3:6a
At the beginning of each new year everybody has a "word/prophesy" from the Lord for the new year. Some have heard from God; some are prophesying from their own spirits and thoughts. I also was praying for a word for the new year of 2025. What did the Lord want to say? What is He saying for the year that is ahead of us. I am going to share the word that I believe I heard from Him for this year.
Before I tell you what it is, let me ask you a question. Have you ever had any changes in your life? The answer of course is yes. Life is made up of changes. We all go through changes almost daily. Some are good, some are bad, some we breeze through, and other changes rock our world. The word He spoke to me was-- that although we go through changes, and there will be changes ahead of all of us this year-- either individually, personally, as communities, as churches or as nations, the word is this: The Lord will remain the same!!! He will not change, no matter what else does!!
The Lord will be as He has always been-- faithful, loving, gracious, kind, good to all, merciful, and compassionate. He will still be in control, whether it looks like He is or not. He will remain Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omni-present. He will still welcome prodigals back home with outstretched arms. He will still shut the mouths of lions, open prison doors to those who are bound, make a way where there seems to be no way, stop raging storms, be the fourth man in the fire, set captives free, heal the sick, raise the dead, demons will still flee at His name. He will still desire that all people be saved. He will still call sin, sin (even if the culture and popular opinion call it acceptable) and He will still punish sin. He will continue to be the King of kings, Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace, the soon coming King.
This is the best news we could receive for the year we have just stepped into. It should bring us hope and peace, it should encourage us, and we can have assurance because He does not change. What He did for me in the past, I can count on Him doing the same again for me now and in the days to come. Who He is does not change, so I can count on Him to be as He always has been. What a comforting word for this year. We don't know what may take place, what changes we might go through, but knowing that the Lord isn't going to change will give us faith to walk through any and every change.
Have a great day. Your word for 2025 is: When other things change, the Lord will remain the same!!