Monday, September 16, 2024

"Your First Fruits"

"The first of the first fruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the Lord thy God."  Exodus 34:26a

God commanded ancient Israel to offer the first fruits of their harvest to him in gratitude of the blessings they received.  They were to bring Him the first fruit that was harvested from their crops.  They were to bring Him the first, not the last, not the over ripe, not the leftovers.

Are you bringing the Lord the "first fruits" of your day?  Are you giving Him the first part, the first few hours as the day begins?  Are they set aside for Him only?  Are you giving it to Him as an offering of gratitude for allowing you to wake up and see another day?  Are you giving Him that time in appreciation for His keeping power that watched over you through the night?

Does the Lord get the first fruits or leftovers in your life?  Does He get your fellowship and communion-- time with Him in prayer-- after the day is done, when you are feeling tired and weary, after you have been spent it on everything else, when you are too sleepy to hold your eyes open?

Everything about the Lord requires "first".  Seek Him first.  Love Him first above everyone and everything else.  The first part of your offerings.  The first born.  First place.  Is He first?  Does He get the first?  Or is the last of your life and what you have reserved for Him? 

Have a great day.  Bring God the first fruits of your day... and everything else.

For further reading:
Matthew 6:33
Revelation 1:11; 2:4

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