Thursday, September 26, 2024

"He's With You"

"And the Lord was with Joseph..."  Genesis 39:2a

It seems like we talk a lot about how the Lord is with us and never leaves us.  But this is so important that we get this truth deeply ingrained in our spirits.  There are times we walk through difficult places.  There are times we find ourselves in situations that look as though they will destroy us.  There are some places that we encounter that cause us to wonder if God knows where we are, or if He is still there.  We all face some "dark times" that scream at us, "Where is your God?" and try to make us doubt that He is with us. 

Joseph was in some of those places.  He was in a pit, left for dead.  He was in slavery in a foreign country.  He was thrown into prison.  Yet, more than once the scriptures tell us that the Lord was with Joseph-- He was with him in Potiphar's house and in the prison.

There is a fact that we often overlook at the cross.  Jesus was forsaken by the Heavenly Father while He was on the cross bearing our sins.  "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) The Father should forsake us because of our sins.  He should turn His back on us.  He should have nothing to do with us.  He has every right to leave us.  But He doesn't and it is because Jesus took it all for us--- even being forsaken by the Father.  He was forsaken, the Father left Him, Father God departed from Him.  Jesus took that as well so that we don't have to worry about the Father forsaking us.  He took our punishment.  He took our sins.  He took our abandonment by God. 

The absolutely worse thing that Jesus experienced on the cross-- was being forsaken by the Father.  Now you and I can have the confidence, assurance and peace of knowing that He will not leave us or forsake us in our worst times and hardest places... or any place for that matter.

Have a great day.  Even in the darkest place, the hardest place, the most difficult place you find yourself going through, you can rest assured that the Lord will not leave you.  Jesus took care of that at the cross.   

For further reading:
Genesis 39:21
Psalm 22:1
Mark 15:34

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