Thursday, April 13, 2023

"Praise In Faith And Reality"

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."  Psalm 113:3

When the sun rises at the dawn of a new day... we should praise the Lord.  When the sun sets in the evening... we should praise the Lord.  When we praise the Lord at sunrise- at the beginning of the new day that He has blessed us with- we praise Him in faith.  Faith that today He will meet and supply my every need.  Faith that He will give me this day my daily bread.  We praise Him at the start of the day for all His goodness and benefits that He is going to load us with today.  We praise Him in faith knowing that He won't leave us nor forsake but that He will be with us this day.

At the end of the day- the going down of the sun- we praise Him in reality, not in faith.  We praise Him because He did meet and supply our every need.  We praise Him because He did give us our daily bread.  We praise Him because today He did load us with benefits, and He was with us just like He promised. 

At the rising of the sun- a new day- we praise Him in faith for what He is going to do for us today, but at the end of the day we praise Him because of what He did do for us today.  In the evening we praise Him for bringing to pass that which we praised Him for this morning by faith.  

Have a great day.  We should give God praise by faith before He brings it to pass, and we should give Him praise after He brings it to pass.  

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