"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Romans 14:12
We've all heard the question asked, "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?".
If you were put on trial before men for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to bring a guilty verdict? What kind of evidence would you present? Perhaps it would be something like- I read my Bible, I go to church, I teach a Sunday School class, I pay tithes, I support missions, I feed the hungry and cloth the naked and visit the sick. If these were some of your answers, you probably would be convicted by man of being a Christian.
Let me ask you this question again, "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"; only this time you aren't standing before men but before God. When you present your evidence to Him would there be enough to convict you? Perhaps the evidence that you would present before God would be- I have prophesied in your name, I have cast out devils in your name, I have done many wonderful works in your name. If this is the evidence that you would present to Him, it wouldn't be enough. There is only one piece of evidence that we must present to the Lord in order for Him to say that we are guilty of being a Christian.
While we must be doing the works of God, this is not the proof that we are indeed Christians. There will be a group that comes to Him on that day professing all the things that they have done for Him and in His name, but He'll say "depart". Why? "Because I never knew you." (Matthew 7:22,23) The criteria for being a Christian is "knowing" the Christ of Christianity. If you don't know Him- if you aren't having a personal relationship with Him, based on what He did for you at the cross- then you won't be "convicted" of being one of His followers. (There won't be enough evidence.)
While man judges one way- by the things we do- God judges another way- by Who we know. Do you know Him? Are you desiring to know Him more? Or are you just doing "works" but don't know the One you are working for?
Have a great day. Can you produce the right kind of evidence for an indictment?
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