"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." Luke 6:45
In Sunday School we have been studying about sharing our faith with others. We discussed the when's, the how's, the what's, the right way, the wrong way, how not to miss the opportunity, how not to be offensive, etc. Too often we struggle in sharing the gospel with others- for various reasons. The question is "Why?", why are we struggling?
The answer is because we are "empty"! Whatever you are "full" of will come out. For example, when my daughter was born I told every body all about her- whether they wanted to hear it or not- the same way when I became a grandmother. My heart was so full of the joy of having these precious little blessings in my life I could not contain it or keep it to myself. Are you getting the picture? I remember when I first got saved, all I could do was talk about Jesus- how wonderful, how precious, how great He was, how He saved me from my sins and gave me hope, peace and joy.
Let me say it again, "Whatever we are full of will come out". If my heart is full of the love of God, it will come out. If my heart is full of praise, gratitude and adoration to the Savior, it will come out. I don't even have to try. I don't have to struggle to find something to say about Him, it's automatic- when I open my mouth, it will come out. When something is "full" it's hard to contain what's inside- what it's full of. A balloon that is full of air will pop if it gets too full. If a river is too full it will overflow it's banks. If a glass gets too full it will spill over the sides. If we are so full of our wonderful Lord's presence it will flow out of us as well. If you are struggling finding something to say to others about Jesus, if you aren't "spilling" out automatically wherever you go-- then it's because you are empty!
Have a great day. If you are empty you need to get full.
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