Thursday, June 28, 2018

"He'll Do It Again"

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."  Hebrews 13:8

I woke up during the middle of the night and begin to hear in my mind the chorus of a song.  I fell back to sleep and when I woke up this morning, the words began to repeat again. 

These are the words:
And He'll do it again
He'll do it again
If you'll just take a look
At where you are now
And where you've been
Well hasn't He always come through for you
He's the same now as then
You may not know how
You may not know when
But He'll do it again

I know that this is a specific word, in season, for someone because I can't "get away" from this chorus. 

I don't know where you are.  I don't know what you are going through.  I don't know what you may be facing.  I don't know the trial that is plaguing your life.  I don't know what valley of decision you may be in, what mountain is looming over you, what river needs to be crossed, what storm is raging and what fire needs to be quenched, but the Lord does.

If He has ever come through for you before, He is still the same today.  If He ever healed your body, He has not changed, He'll do it again.  If He ever made a way, even when there seemed to be no way, He has not changed, He'll do it again.  If He ever met a need, brought deliverance, did the impossible for you, He has not changed, He'll do it again. 

Your point of faith in this situation is Jesus' faithfulness.  Remember what He has already done, remember He hasn't changed, then stand upon His faithfulness to do it again.

Have a great day.  Jesus has always come through for you.  He'll do it again.

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