Tuesday, April 3, 2018


"And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen." Genesis 22:14

One of the names that God reveals Himself to us through is Jehovahjireh- God is our provider. It also means that God is the One who sees ahead and makes provision for. But I also heard it means "God will see to it". As I pondered this meaning this morning, I thought about how that it is God who "sees to it" that the righteous aren't forsaken. It's God who "sees to" meeting and supplying all my need. It's God who "sees to it" that I have rain in due season. It's God who "sees to it" that when I cast my bread upon the waters it will return to me. When I give, it's God who "sees to it" that it's given back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

God will "see to it" that you receive the promise when you have met the condition. God will "see to it" that you are taken care of when you commit yourself into His keeping. When you place your faith and trust in Him, He will "see to it" that you won't be ashamed. God will "see to it" that you reap the blessing after you have been obedient. You are God's business. He loves you and cares about you. Therefore, whatever you need, He will "see to it" that you have it. So put your trust in Him as your Jehovahjireh-your provider- because He will "see to it".

Have a great day. Isn't it wonderful to know that God is "seeing to it" that all your need- spirit, soul and body- is met!

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