Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Part Ways"

"Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left."  Genesis 13:9
Abram and Lot were dwelling together.  They both had riches.  They both had flocks and herds.  They both had servants who watched over those herds.  One day there was a conflict and strife arose between the herdsmen of Lot and the herdsmen of Abraham.  The solution to the strife was for them to part company.  Lot went in one direction and Abram went in another.  
Let me move away from what is happening here in this story in the natural and give you a spiritual lesson.  The name Lot means to wrap closely, envelope. The root meaning of Abram's name means to be strong or protect.  So, the spiritual lesson for us is this: 
1)  When we are surrendered to the will of the Lord and His purposes for our lives, there will come conflict.  Often conflict comes from "within" as much as it is from "without".  The conflict between Abram and Lot happened from within, not from without from some enemy of theirs.  Our conflicts are often within our own selves.  Our flesh still wants to rebel against the spirit and our hearts will try to destroy us because at the core they are deceitfully wicked. 
2)  The conflict is against flesh and spirit.  Lot's name meant to wrap closely or to envelope.  Any besetting sins that are in us will try to envelope us and close us in in order to hold us in bondage.  They will try to take over and destroy the spiritual.  These besetting sins may be anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, adultery, hurt, and so on. 
3) Abrams name means to be strong or protect.  When these "conflicts" in our souls are happening, (the flesh and the spirit warring against each other) we will have to "part ways" with them.  We will have to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might and protect our spirit.  We have to lay aside every weight of sin that would so easily beset us and not allow them to stay.  We do that through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.
Do you feel an inward struggle going on?  Is there a conflict between your flesh and the Spirit?  Are you feeling "closed in" by a besetting sin?  Then it is time to part ways.  It is time to take authority and stop trying to co-habitat with it.  There is not room enough in your life for both to rule.  Send it away in the name and authority of Jesus.
Have a great day.  There will always be a conflict between flesh and spirit.  But it is time to send the lusts of your flesh on its way.  Part company with it.   


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