Wednesday, September 6, 2017


"Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother".  Mark 10:19

I saw a commercial last night and it was advertising birth control.  The women were panicky that they may have forgotten their pill.  It was obvious that those women weren't married but were concerned about getting pregnant while having intimacy with a partner.  I want to address this this morning because it doesn't seem like many, if any, are addressing this issue.

If you look around there seems to be a view that is of "epidemic" proportion concerning pre-marital sex.  People are engaging in it as if it were normal and there was nothing wrong with it-- even in the church.  The majority of people have thrown marriage out the window and just either live together or go from one relationship with one partner to another.  They think nothing of it.

I want to remind you that sex outside of marriage is sin.  I didn't say that but the Lord said that.  This is not His plan for mankind.  The Lord wants us to have a fulfilled life.  This does not fulfill it.  It only complicates it.  The woman at the well that Jesus encountered had had six husbands and was living with a man she was not married to.  Jesus spoke truth to her and offered her abundant and eternal life.  From the very beginning, back in the Garden of Eden, God revealed His plan for men and women to marry.  His plan has not changed.  His view has not changed.  His command has not changed.  His thoughts on the subject have not changed.  Pre-marital sex is still against His will, it is still sin and it will reap consequences.  Society changes, men change, opinions change, cultures change, a person's view may change, but He never changes. 

Doing things His way is always the best way.  Why?  Because He loves us and has our best interest at heart.  When He gives us commands, He is trying to "deprive" us of something.  He is trying to protect us from something and give us something better

Have a great day.  God's ways are always the best ways.  Living in adultery is not God's way. 

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