Wednesday, March 18, 2015


"He must increase, but I must decrease."  John 3:30

Is this your daily goal?  Is this the cry of your heart?  Do you desire that Jesus be seen in you to the fullest?  Is your life all about Him and not about you?  This sounds a little radical or fanatical I know but this is what true Christianity is about.  It is not about a Sunday morning church service or membership into some religious club.  It is about being sold out whole-heartedly to Jesus.  It is about being absolutely surrendered to His Lordship over your life.  It is about loving Him with all your heart, soul, strength and mind and being willing to die not only to self but physically if need be for Him. 

The Christian life is "radical".  When I say that word, I am not talking about in an evil way as some other religions portray.  The word radical means:  a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles.  Our convictions about our salvation should be so strong, we should be so serious about them that we don't waver in them no matter what comes our way.

We should be "radical" in our faith-- knowing that with God nothing is impossible.  We should be "radical" in love-- loving God, loving our neighbors and loving our enemies.  We should be "radical" in peace-- peace that passes understanding.  We should be "radical" in denying ourselves-- take up our cross and follow Him.  We should be "radical" in surrendering our lives fully to Christ-- it is not I but Christ that lives in me.  We should be "radical" in our obedience to the Lord-- nevertheless, not my will but Thine.  

You may say that this is a little too "radical", but not so.  Look at the people in the Bible.  Look at the early church.  Look at the Hall of Faith (Hebrews 11).  We see that it was their ordinary, everyday lives.  Jesus gave specific guidelines for His church.  He told us what was required of those who call Him Savior.  He told us to follow Him.  If we do, where will it lead us?  It will lead us to heaven and an eternal home in His Kingdom.  But it will also lead us to the cross-- take up your cross and follow.  

We can be "radical", "fanatical", "extreme", "gung-ho", "sold out", "pumped up", "committed to", "surrendered" to a lot of things.  So why is it considered "strange" if we are the same about the One who died for us and saved us from an eternal hell?

Have a great day.  Christianity is not a passive little Sunday social club, it is a radical lifestyle of surrender to Jesus.     

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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