"I am with you always". What a wonderful promise! We never walk through this life alone. We have a constant traveling companion who will never leave us nor forsake us.
"I am with you always". We aren't attended in our journey through life by just anyone or some other person. "I Am (is) with you always". We are attended by the Great I Am. The God of the universe. The One who created all that is. I Am-- the One who quenches fire, shuts lion's mouths, delivers from the pit, calls forth light out of darkness. I Am-- who knows the number of hairs on your head, who feeds the sparrows, clothes the lilies, and calls the stars by name. I Am who is the beginning and end, first and the last, and sees and knows everything in between.
As you walk through this day, remember that you aren't alone. And as you remember that you aren't alone, remember who it is that is walking with you-- I Am. So no matter what you face or encounter I Am is there and He is big enough to handle it.
Have a great day. We are never alone, I Am is with us.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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