Friday, December 23, 2011

"The Plan"

With CHRISTmas only a few days away, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours and very Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year. May your heart be the continued dwelling place for our wonderful Savior. May He bless you coming in and going out. May you have the knowledge of His will guiding your every step. May He prosper you throughout the coming year for His glory and make you fruitful in every good work as you endeavor to represent His kingdom here on earth.
Love and blessings, Lorraine Ezell

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"The Plan"

"...To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world..." John 18:37

We have all heard the saying: He who fails to plan, plans to fail. This is not always true. Even the best laid plans can do awry, they can fail, they can fall through and they can change. Planning is a good thing, we should plan, but just because we do there is no guarantee that our plan will succeed.

God has plans as well. His plans are unlike ours-- His plans never fail, they always succeed. This Omniscient God looked through time and before He ever laid the foundation of the earth or called anything into existence, He saw that the creation (man) He would eventually create turn in disobedience from His command and open the door to sin upon all mankind and broken relationship with Him.

Before the act of Adam's disobedience ever occurred, God already had a plan to redeem mankind. When we make a plan, it has to make sense to us and those who hear it. God's plans, on the other hand, often seem foolish and make no sense. God's plan to redeem us included a young virgin girl, a manger, swaddling clothes, a baby (not just any baby, but the Son of God clothed in flesh), a cross and an empty tomb.

When God began to put His plan into action, He entrusted the care of His plan into the hands of humans but not the fulfillment of it. God planted His plan (Jesus) into the womb of Mary. She gave birth to it, nurtured it/Him and raised it/Him; but Jesus Himself went to the cross to fulfill it. This is why His plans never fail. He planned it and presented it, but fulfilled it Himself.

Every plan should have a reason behind it. God's plan had a reason- it is so that no person would perish but that all may have eternal life. God succeeded in His plan. The way to eternal life has been provided through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. But in order for us to receive the benefit and promise provided by His plan, we must plan something. We must plan to receive Jesus as Savior, turn from our sins in repentance and follow Him. When we do this, then God's plan is fulfilled in our lives. When we don't accept His plan, we are planning to spend eternity separated from Him in torment.

God's plan, the gift of eternal life, came wrapped in swaddling clothes that first CHRISTmas. Will you receive that gift this CHRISTmas? Will you receive His plan for your life?

Have a great day. God's plans never fail, therefore, you and I have the opportunity to receive the wonderful gift of eternal life.

For further reading:
John 3:16,17
1 Corinthians 1:25
Romans 11:33
2 Peter 3:9
Jeremiah 29:11
Revelation 13:8

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
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