Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"The Thanksgiving Tie"

"Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence." Psalm 140:13

What is your thanksgiving tied to? What is the foundation upon which it is based? I am so thankful for the blessings that the Lord has sent, and sends, my way. I never want to take them for granted. I want to exhibit a thankful heart to Him for them. He has blessed me with so much- a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table, a loving family, dear friends, health and air to breath. I am thankful for these and more blessings. But my thanksgiving is not tied to my material/physical blessings.

If your thanksgiving is tied to your blessings only, what do you do if those blessings are gone? What if you didn't have those things any more? What if you found yourself destitute of earthly provisions, material things or close relationships? How thankful would you be if all these blessings disappeared from your life?

This is why, although we should be thankful for the blessings we see, they are not the foundation upon which our thanksgiving is based. I am thankful for something greater, something eternal-- my thanksgiving is tied to the cross, not material blessings.

I am thankful, truly thankful, that Jesus came to earth and became the sacrifice for my sins so that I could come into right relationship God. I am thankful that through His shed blood and the price He paid my sins are forgiven and I am now God's child, His friend, proclaimed as righteous and no longer His enemy. I am thankful for eternal life. I am thankful that when I stand before the Lord and the books are open, my name will be in the Book of Life and I will hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy and rest of your Lord". I am thankful that I have a home prepared for me in heaven. I am thankful that hell is no longer my destination. This is the foundation upon which my thanksgiving is based. Things change, loss happens. Look at Job, he suffered tremendous material and physical loss, yet he still worshipped- "My Redeemer lives". His foundation of thanksgiving was based on eternal riches, not earthly riches.

Treasures on earth may slip away, but treasures in heaven are eternal. And those treasures were provided through the shed blood of Jesus at the cross. So what is your thanksgiving tied to? Your material blessings or the cross which provided your eternal blessings?

Have a great day. My thanksgiving has its foundation in the cross. What about yours?

For further reading:
Matthew 6:19,20; 25:21,23
Luke 10:20
Job 19:25,26

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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