Monday, December 21, 2009


"They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them." Matthew 25:3

There has been much teaching as to why the five foolish virgins had no oil in their lamps. I want us to consider another reason this morning- that reason being that they had misplaced priorities. These virgins did not make sure that they had plenty of oil with them before they fell asleep.

Many today are so preoccupied with other things- careers, entertainment, relationships, pleasure, cares of this life, etc.- that they are neglecting the things that are most important. They have misplaced priorities. Our first priority as Christians comes from Matthew 6:33- "But seek ye first the kingdom of God."

I see two reasons why our priorities can be misplaced- 1) we either don't think it is that important or 2) we think we have enough to get by. Both reasons will get you into trouble. Both reasons can put you in the same position the five foolish virgins were in.

You have to make spiritual matters a priority. You have to make your relationship with the Lord Jesus a priority- your first priority. You have to change your priorities if they are misplaced. You have to change them if your priorities are centered around "earthly, worldly" things in order to be ready when He comes. We don't know when the bridegroom might come. We don't know if it will be today, tomorrow, months or years from now, if He might tarry, if He might come at midnight. But if being ready is our number one priority, it won't matter when He comes, we won't be caught off guard and out of oil.

Have a great day. Where are your priorities?

For further reading:
Matthew 25:1-13
Matthew 6:33
Exodus 20:3
Matthew 13:32-33

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