Thursday, March 6, 2025

"Living For Today"

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."  Matthew 6:35

We hear lots of preaching about not living in the past and how we should let what was in the past go so that it will not hinder our future.  But we don't hear much about not taking thought about tomorrow.  Just as many people live in the future as they do in the past.  We are always looking to some event that is months off, or something that we anticipate in the future.  We are busy making plans for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and we are focused on it.

Let me say there is nothing wrong with "planning" and making sure that when you get to that place-- when it finally comes-- that you are prepared.  The Bible says for us to occupy while we are here.  You can't wait to take care of some things until they arrive.  Weddings have to be planned in advance.  A baby's arrival has to be taken care of before it gets here.  There are years of educational training that have to be done before you can start your career.  A store has to be set up before it can open for business.  These are not the things I am talking about.

What I am talking about is being so consumed with the future that you miss out on today.  God doesn't want us living in the past.  But He doesn't want us living so far in the future that we miss the wonderful things He wants to do for us today.  He doesn't want us to miss His plan for today.  He doesn't want us to lack in what He wants to use us to do today.  Yesterday is gone, you can't do anything about it now.  Tomorrow isn't promised to us-- it may or may not come.  So let yesterday go.  And in all your planning and preparation for tomorrow, don't forget about today.  Enjoy it fully.  Love those who you can while you can today.  Don't stress over tomorrow.  Trust and believe God for your provision today.  Live today with Jesus to the fullest.  Remember, today will be yesterday when tomorrow comes.  Will it be one of those days that you will look back at with regret?

Have a great day.  Yesterday's gone.  Tomorrow isn't promised.  Live today to the fullest in God's plan.     

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