Friday, March 22, 2024

"Hope In The Word"

"I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope." Psalm 130:5 

Did you ever place your hope in what someone else said? As a child your parent may have told you they would take you somewhere, but they didn't. A spouse made a vow to love you always but filed for divorce later. The government makes promises of providing us with wonderful benefits, but it is false. A boss promised you job security but then the business failed, and you were without a job. A lot of people make lots of promises but don't always keep them. They say one thing but do another. We have all done that ourselves. I have made promises that later I was unable to keep. I have said something but circumstances beyond my control prevented me from fulfilling my word.
I am here to remind you this morning that God is not like that. We can put our hope in His words. He doesn't make promises He can't keep. He doesn't go back on His word. He doesn't let circumstances control the validity of what He says. He doesn't say one thing then act in another manner. His words are not only true, but they are truth. His words are eternal. They will never pass away. They are powerful. They were what God used to create the universe. His words are what continues to hold it all together. And while we may not always be able to put our hope in the words of another, we can always put our hope in what God says.
Have a great day. You can't always place your hope in the words of another, but you can always put your hope in God's word.
For further reading:
Psalm 119:81,114
Matthew 24:35
Hebrews 11:3
John 17:17

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