"For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Malachi 3:6
Anyone can praise God when things are going well. But can you praise Him in the storm? Can you praise Him in the darkest night of your life? Can you praise Him in trouble? Can you praise Him in the valley? Can you praise Him in the fire? When the children of Israel left Egypt, they soon found themselves hemmed in between Pharaoh's army and the Red Sea. God delivered them by parting the sea, making a path through it and drowning Pharaoh's army. When they came across on the other side, they sang a song of triumph, deliverance and victory. What a wonderful, glorious time! It was a time of rejoicing, celebration and giving praise to God. They sang the right song-- praise and glory to God-- they just sang it on the wrong side. They should have sung it on both sides of the sea.
You may ask, "How can you sing praise when you are in the middle of a trial, tribulation or problem?". That is the wrong question to ask. The right question is, "Why can't I?". After all, God is no different on this side of the sea then He was on the other side. He is the same on both sides of the trial. He is the same in the storm as He is after He calms it. He is still God. He is the Deliverer while you are facing the enemy as much as He is when the conflict has passed. He is as much the Healer when the bad report comes that you have an illness as He is at the end of it and the reports come back negative. He doesn't change after the problem has passed and then become the Victor. He already is the Victor-- before the battle, during the battle and after the battle.
Job praised God when he got the bad reports that he had lost everything including his children. Paul and Silas praised God while sitting in chains in the prison. They didn't wait to praise Him after He delivered them. They praised Him before. They could do this because they knew who He was. They knew that He was just as powerful, just as mighty, just as able to deliver, and was with them while the storm was raging as He was after He had calmed it. Don't wait to give Him praise until after the problem has passed. Give Him praise and worship when it first comes, during the middle of it and after it is over because He is the same before, during and after the trial.
Have a great day. Praise God on both sides of your trial-- when it first starts and when it ends. Because He doesn't become your deliverer only when it ends. He is the deliverer even before it begins.
For further reading:
Acts 16:25
Exodus 15:1-3
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