"Spiritual Activity"
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:13,14
At the first coming of the Lord Jesus to earth as a babe in the manger, there was a lot of activity taking place in the spirit realm. Angels were being dispatched, the Holy Spirit was moving, demonic forces were at work. Before Jesus' second coming there will be a lot of activity taking place in the spirit realm as well. We are at that time in history. The stage is being set for the return of Christ. Therefore, there is a lot of activity happening now in the spirit realm.
If you think what is happening now is about the Democrats and the Republicans, you are mistaken. If you think it is only about the election, you are mistaken. If you think it is about a virus and a vaccine, you are mistaken there as well. There is a spiritual battle that is taking place behind what we see happening in the natural realm. It is not about flesh and blood, or personalities. It is about good verses evil, wickedness verses righteousness. It is about a devil who knows his time is short and is at work trying to deceive and destroy all he can. It is about prophecy being fulfilled. It is about a bride that is being prepared for the return of her King/Groom. It is about separating the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares.
Church, if you stay focused on the things you see and hear-- through the news media, through the medical profession, through politicians, through misguided leaders, through evil men and women-- you are going to miss the truth of what is actually going on. You are not going to be prepared for what lies ahead. You are not going to engage in the battle that is raging in the heavenlies. The Bible says the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. The body of Christ is an army. An army that is suppose to be fighting battles. Battles are being waged in the spirit realm. Hell has unleashed an army that is going about deceiving, manipulating, destroying, lying, spewing out threats, intimidating, cheating, promoting fear, bringing division, killing and inciting rebellion. Are we, church, going to sit idly by and do nothing? Are we going to continue to focus on the natural realm? We need to fall on our faces and repent for judging everything by appearance. We need to repent for not doing what we are called to do. We need to repent for not understanding the times in which we are living. We need to pick up our weapon of prayer and begin to intercede like never before. We need to pray that the scales would fall from our eyes so that we can see the truth. We need to pray for discernment and wisdom. We need to pray to have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Ask the Lord to allow you to see into the spirit realm. You will see that it is a very busy place. Therefore, we need to get busy and seek the Lord and be led by Him in engaging in the battle.
Have a great day. Stop staying focused on what you see and hear in the natural, and pray to have eyes and ears that will see and hear into the spirit realm.
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