Broken bones are no fun. They hurt. There is pain attached to them. They have to go through a healing and mending process after they are broken. Sometimes in order to fix a broken bone it requires surgery. Broken bones are caused by trauma. Something has to happen to cause them to break-- that something may be from the outside (like a strong blow to them) or from the inside (a disease strikes).
The Psalmist may have been speaking about physical bones when he was writing. Or perhaps he was speaking more in a spiritual sense. Our bones are strong and support our body. Without them we would not be able to stand. We would be like a "jellyfish" basically. Spiritually our bones represent several things. They symbolize strength, vigor, good health and wholeness. Broken bones symbolize defeat or oppression.
There are times when our spiritual "bones" are broken. We don't feel very strong. We may have been through a tragedy that leaves us feeling broken. We are suffering pain from grief. We feel defeated because we gave into a sin and condemnation is hanging around and tormenting us. Because of a trial we have gone through we don't feel very "whole"-- things seem out of sort, we are confused, we feel fragmented in our emotions. There are times we feel helpless and hopeless because of various situations. What do we do? How to we get our "bones" healed and mended?
When our bones are broken physically, we go to the doctor and he either places us in a cast, boot or some other device to help support the broken bone. Or he may do surgery to repair it. When our spiritual bones are broken, we go to the doctor also-- Jesus, the Great Physician. He knows how to bind up what is broken. He will pour His healing oil in. He will give you a dose of joy, hope, peace and laughter (which does good like a medicine). He will turn your mourning into dancing, your sorrow into joy and cause what is broken to be healed. Make an appointment with Him now. You won't have to wait.
Have a great day. Are your spiritual bones broken? Go to Dr. Jesus. He is the Great Physician.
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
and is sent to you free of charge for the asking from
About the Master's Business Ministry, Inc.Please feel free to call (601) 833-5278 or
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