Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Trust God Or Man?"

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8

I had a little computer issue last night so I called technical support. The technician and I agree that she could set up remote support and have control of my computer. The first time I was asked to allow them to do this I felt very uneasy about it, after all your computer is "personal and private". But I have agreed to it each time.

I trusted that technician even though I don't know her, who she is, what she even looks like- only her name. Last year my husband was having some problems with his heart so we took him to see a cardiologist. We had never met that doctor before and at that first meeting he said he wanted to do a heart catherization on my husband. We agreed to it. Who was this man? We didn't know him. Yet we were willing to trust him in this life and death matter.

My point that I am getting to is this-- isn't it odd that we will give control of certain areas in our lives and put our trust in people that we don't even know, yet we won't give the same control and trust to God. We will believe strangers. We will do what they tell us to do. We will follow their advice. We will even put our lives in their hands. But we draw back, question and resist giving up control of our lives to the Lord. Can't He be trusted? Do we think He is going to lie to us? Do we think He has something besides our best interest at heart? Do we think He is going to do something to hurt us?

If anyone deserves our trust, it is Him. After all, He created us, He loves us, He demonstrated His great love for us by giving up His One and Only Son to die for our sins so that we can have eternal life. How much more then should we trust Him. We should trust Him more than we trust anyone else because no one else loves us like He does.

While living in this world we do have to trust others that we don't know, but if we are willing to trust them how much more should we be willing to trust the Lord.

Have a great day. If we will trust people we don't know with our lives, how much more should we trust the Lord who we do know with them.

For further reading:
Psalm 115:11; 118:8,9
Jeremiah 17:7
Proverbs 16:20

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Coffee Break is a morning devotional written by Lorraine Ezell
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