Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Prodigal Places"

"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods." Matthew 25:14

Well, I learned something this morning that I didn't know. I always thought that a prodigal was a person who went astray. I arrived at this conclusion from the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15). But according to the dictionary the definition of prodigal is: wastefully or recklessly extravagant; waster; spendthrift.

I decided to look up the word and get a clearer understanding because I felt that the Lord had laid on my heart to talk about "prodigal places" in our lives. I thought He was talking about the places in our lives where we "like the prodigal son" have pulled away from Him in. But I see that He is addressing the areas of "waste" in our lives.

God has given us all "gifts" and "talents". What we have been given may seem small and insignificant. It may not be as visible as what He has given to others, but we all have been given something and we have been given it to use for His glory. Just as the servants that Jesus talked about who had received talents from their master when he went away. He gave the talents to them to use to gain more for him at his return.

Are you being a "prodigal" with the talents, gifts, monies, etc. that God has given to you? Are you wasting them on yourself by using them for selfish pleasure and personal gain? Are you using them to bring attention and admiration, fame, fortune and popularity to yourself? Are you using them at your convenience- only when you "feel like it"? Are you wasting them by keeping them hid and out of view? Just what are you doing with what God has blessed you with. Everything we have been given comes from God and is given to us to help build His Kingdom. The education you have God intends you to use for His glory. The good job you have been given, you have been given so that you will be able to give into God's work. The ability you have to communicate was so that you could communicate the gospel to the lost. It is all about the Kingdom of God- not about self. The men who Jesus talked about were given the talents in order to increase their lord's assets, not their own. We have been blessed with all we have been given for the purpose of glorifying the Lord and seeing others brought into His Kingdom. Is that what you are doing with what you have been given? Or are you being a "prodigal"?

Have a great day. Are you a prodigal- a waster of your time, money and talents? Or are you an investor- investing them into the Kingdom- using them wisely to receive eternal rewards?

For further reading:
Matthew 25:14-30
Luke 15:12,13; 12:42,43

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