Wednesday, May 17, 2023


"(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)" 2 Corinthians 10:4 

What soldier would go to battle without a weapon? Would he stand in combat before the enemy unequipped? Of course not, yet daily many Christians are standing before the enemy totally unequipped with the weapons that have been provided for them. 
Daily we face battles with the enemy of our soul-- it's called spiritual warfare. You may not recognize that what you are going through is an attack of the enemy, but more times than not it is. The attacks come in the form of temptation-- temptation to indulge in something that is immoral, unethical or unrighteous. You are under attack when you are tempted to hold a grudge, wallow in self-pity, seek revenge, lose your temper, hold on to bitterness, blame God for what is going on and so on. 
We don't always recognize the attacks because of the form in which they come. "Turn these stones to bread." When Jesus was in the wilderness and had fasted forty days the enemy came to tempt Him. He was hungry and the enemy tempted Him to turn the stones to bread so He could eat. Most wouldn't see that as an attack. They would see it as fulfilling a need. But it was a temptation to get Him to use His power to gratify His own flesh and prove something to the enemy. 
We also don't recognize the attacks because we tend to think it is the person who is coming against us that is the enemy-- "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"-- but it is not. 
The point is, we are in a spiritual battle even if we don't recognize it as such and we can't go out before the enemy without a weapon. The weapon we have been issued is God's Word. Jesus used this weapon against the enemy in the wilderness. We have to also. 
If you aren't reading the Bible; if you aren't applying it to memory; if you aren't hiding it in your heart; if you aren't putting it in your spirit, then you are like a soldier who is going to battle without a weapon. The result will be that you will be wounded by his weapons. 
Have a great day. You are involved in spiritual warfare. Are you going before your enemy without a weapon?
For further reading:
Matthew 4:1-11
Ephesians 6:10-18

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